Dream's a Bitch

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It had started with a rumor and ended with a bang. Literally. 
See, Junior year for Fundy at the Essempi High School, a rumor had started. One that had to do with his boyfriend at the time, Dream, and Dream's best friend, George. The rumor was that Dream was seeing George behind Fundy's back. The rumor had been started by their own 'best friend' Sapnap (who had ditched them awhile ago because fire had known what Dream and George had been doing behind Fundy's back and couldn't stand it anymore). 
Fundy didn't believe it at first. I mean, would you want to believe the rumor that your abusive loving, manipulative caring, and toxic kind boyfriend was seeing someone behind your back? Of course not! I mean, Fundy loathed loved Dream. They had been dating for 2 years, and Fundy had even trusted him enough to lose his virginity to him. He didn't, couldn't, believe the rumors, cause it would mean the last 2 years of his life were a lie and Fundy had already gone through so much. His mother walked away, his father went insane and died, he had to raise his younger brother Tommy, etc. Dream had been one of the constants in his life, his abuser lover, he had broken him more saved him. 
When Fundy confronted him about it, though, Dream had denied it. And then backed on him like a victim. Dream accused Fundy of cheating on him with Eret, Niki, Jack, even Tommy, his own fucking brother! Dream spent almost 10 minutes blaming Fundy. Dream had even hit him (not that he hasn't before)! Words had been thrown, tears had been shed, and Fundy ended it with a shout, a sprint, and a door slam. 
It took awhile for Fundy to come back from it, but he had help. He had his friends, Eret, Niki, Jack, etc. He had his brother, Tommy, who was only 13 but had 3 platonic husbands who would follow him to fight the world for Fundy. He rekindled with Sapnap, (who wouldn't stop apologizing, but Fundy reassured fire it was okay) and in turn made friends with fires lover, Karl and Quackity. He made some more friends, he got himself and his brother pseudo adopted to stay safe. 
And, well, he fell in love, again. He found someone who actually loved him back. He learned how to be in a healthy relationship thanks to his lovers help. He felt safe and protected. He learned more about Dream's abuse, because that's what it was and he could see it now. Dream had been abusing him, physically, verbally, and emotionally, for a very long time. He learned to feel safe again, and he learned how to love again. Truly love. 
All thanks to his partner, 5up (and the help of all their friends too). 
He was happy, 5up was happy, his friends and family were finally happy, and they were all safe.
On the other hand... Dream? Yeah, he wasn't so happy. 
He had lost his pet, his toy. Fundy had been his. He had been Dream's plaything, something to make him feel in control. He had never loved Fundy, because, seriously, who could? Fundy was annoying. Fundy was insolent. Fundy was disrespectful. And Fundy was smart. So, Dream broke him and toyed with him, hiding it from everybody besides his best friends, George and Sapnap. Well, George was his actual lover, to be honest. 
But then Sapnap had went and ruined it, spreading that damn rumor. It infuriated Dream. He tried to confront Sapnap, but he could never get fire alone. Fire was either always with friends or fires lovers and it drove Dream crazy! He needed to teach Sapnap a lesson on fucking loyalty but he hadn't gotten the chance at all the past year. 
When Dream learned Fundy had moved on? He was fucking heated. Especially when he learned Fundy's new lover was plant loving, they/fern, nonbinary ass bitch named 5up. 5up and him had been fighting since the beginning of middle school. The plant lover had been pining for Fundy for that long, and so had Dream. At the time, he didn't realize why, he just knew he needed to have Fundy under his control. Now though? He understands. 
He's going to break them, no matter the cost. Because Fundy is his plaything, his toy, and he doesn't like sharing. 
5up giggles at a joke Jimmy made, before continuing their conversation with the blond, superman sweater wearing man. Scott and Fundy sigh fondly simultaneously at their respective lovers, and then glance at each other. 
Jimmy and Scott were originally 5up's friends. They were Juniors in college, a year above Hafu who had befriended Scott when she was a Freshmen in college and he had been a Sophomore. Hafu had taken a liken to Scott, and the he had clicked easily with her friends. He brought Jimmy sometimes, and they all liked him, but they all didn't know him as well as they did Scott.
Ergo why Fundy and 5up were having a double date with them.
The 4 were at McDonald's, waiting for their name to get called to get their food. They were gonna go to a fancy restaurant, but none of them felt like dressing up and being formal. They had wanted to do something chill and laid back, ergo, McDonald's, then a walk to the park. 
"They get along well." Scott murmurs softly, gazing fondly at Jimmy while his husband says something excitedly to 5up. 
Fundy nods with a grin. "They do, I'm glad."
Before anyone else can say anything, Scott and Fundy's names get called for the food. They walk up together, grabbing it, and turning to head back to their booth when Fundy freezes. There, standing deliberately in their path, is Dream. He can feel cold panic start to slowly seep into his veins. Scott slightly recognizes Dream, but doesn't say anything. He slightly moves in front of Fundy though when he realizes just how uncomfortable the boy is. 
"Can we help you?" Scott asks, his and Jimmy's tray of food gripped tightly in his hands. 
"I need to speak with Fundy." Dream says firmly, crossing his arms. His foot taps impatiently. He just wants to grab Fundy and leave, but this man he didn't know was in the way and he didn't like it. 
Fundy slightly moves behind Scott when he hears Dream say his name. He doesn't want to talk to Dream, he can't. It'll ruin everything, ruin all the hardwork he and his lover and his friends had put in the last year to help him heal. He doesn't want that, he doesn't want Dream, either. Not after what he did. They abuse, the rape, the blaming, the guilt tripping, all of it! He doesn't want to hurt anymore. 
Scott glances back at Fundy, who looks scared, pale and shaking like a leaf. Yeah, fuck that, he thinks. He puts in a fake pleasant smile. "If you have something you need to say to him, you can say it with me here or you can leave." Scott replies, voice hard and firm. He glares up at Dream, the man is slightly taller than him. He waits for Dream to reply. 
"It's a private matter." Dream grits out, knuckles turning white as they grip tightly onto his arms where they are crossed over his chest.
"Say it-" Fundy falters slightly, giving the 2 enough time to glance at him before he continues, "Say it with Scott here or don't say it at all." He says, trying to sound firm, but his voice slightly wavers. By the stars, he's scared, but he needs to stay strong. For healing. For his friends. For 5up, the love of his life. 
Dream hisses quietly. "Fine. Why are you dating 5up? You still love me, right? You said we were going to get married after high school, and get through college together, start a family. I still want that, don't you?"
Fundy stiffens. He did not just try and guilt trip me, did he? He asks his own mind, staring at Dream like he's the stupidest person in the world. 
Scott growls. "You don't get to ask questions like that, Dream." Hearing what Dream had said, the pieces had clicked. This is Dream, Fundy's ex. And fuck the stars, fuck the gods, fuck the world, he is never letting Dream get his hands on Fundy again, nor is he letting Dream break up Fundy and 5up because by the lord and heavens above, Fundy deserves someone as lovely as Fundy and 5up deserves someone as amazing at Fundy. 
"Why not? He was my boyfriend. I want him back, I missed him so much. It's been so hard without him, I was debating killing myself without him." Dream fake whines, fake tears welling up in his eyes. 
Fundy's eyes widen, and he wraps his arms around his waist. He closes his eyes tight, trying to regain himself. "Why, Dream?" He asks quietly, opening his hazel brown eyes, and moving to stare into Dream's. 
Dream stares right back at Fundy, genuinely confused. "Why, what?" He asks. 
"Why do you always have to do this? We aren't boyfriends, we aren't even friends. You can't just walk into my life again when I've moved on, that's not how this works. I'm not like a train station, you can't stop here and then come back after you've been kicked out. I'm happy now, why can't you accept that? I'm not yours, I don't belong to you. You have George, go fuck with him. He wants to be with you, I don't." Fundy explains, voice firm, but quiet enough to not disturb others. 
Dream stares, astonished. Did Fundy just... stand up to him? Disobey him? In a public area, in front of others? His anger grows one again, festering until it overflows. 
"Now you listen to me here you fucking brat-!" He starts to march over, eyes narrows, mouth pulled back into a snarl, but he gets shoved back, cutting himself off. 
"Go away." Scott growls, voice low and threatening. 
"I can do whatever I want to him! He's mine!" Dream exclaims, rushing back over to the 2 so he can grab Fundy and take him away, trapping him away from the outside word and keeping his toy. 
"Fuck off!" Scott exclaims instead, punching Dream in the face he gets close enough. Dream falls, and passes out.
5up, who had noticed the commotion, rushes over to see if Fundy is okay. They gently lead Fundy back to their table, helping him set down the tray, before wrapping their arms around their lover. 
"How you feeling love?" 5up murmurs softly, staring up into their lovers eyes. 
"Can we go home? I don't want to be here with him anymore." Fundy asks quietly, burying his face into 5up's hair. 
"Yeah, of course," 5up turns their head to look at Scott, "Thank you for helping Scott, but we're going to go." 
Scott nods, moving to stand beside Jimmy who had stood up from the booth.
"Take care and stay safe. I'm sorry Dream showed up and ruined today." Scott replies. 
"Its not your fault. Thank you for protecting Fundy." 5up says before the 2 leave, Fundy wrapped around 5up. 
"You have a nice punch babe." Jimmy says, tugging Scott to sit down with their food. 
"Thanks Jimmy." Scott says sincerely, gazing fondly at his husband who gazes just as fondly back.

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