Death Doesn't Discriminate

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Death, Tommy learns, can never be permanent.

Over and over and over again. The cycle repeats. No matter where or when he dies, he always comes back. Not because he wants to, or because the Goddess of death keeps rejecting him. No, it's all because of him.

It's different, you could say. Each time.

He's either stuck with Insane Wilbur and Dictator Schlatt, or their mature, thought out, ghostly selves. He only gets to see Mexican Dream and Girl Dream when he's with the second version though. It's good but bad.

Tommy has died before. In world like Among Us, where he had friends from, dying was part of the world mechanics. In their worlds, their servers, death was never fully permanent. You respawned no matter how you died.

Unless the server had a life limit. Then, you stayed dead, in a void like place, until someone got your body out of the server. Because when you lose your last life on limited lives servers, your body stayed instead of despawning.

Tommy wasn't allowed to die. Not permanently. He was stuck in a place inbetween death and life. Always alive, yet always dead. His heart wasn't in it anymore, neither was your brain.

Tommy learns, as time moves on, and Dream keeps toying with him, that your memories get lost more and more as you die and get revived.

After a while, he can't remember anything. Well-, he remembers his name. And he sees flashes of colors and faces that mean significant things.

Purple and green. Orange and yellow. Blue and black. Dark green and black. Red and yellow and brown. Light blue and white. Pink and purple and blue. Purpled and grey.

The memory he treasured the most though was the one that connected him to the person who had a matching bandanna tied around their knee. His was purple, while the other person's was red. He didn't know who the person was, but he was significant.

They hold significant meaning. But he can't remember for the life of him on why.

It's the fiances who find him first.

They all had their own problems to deal with before they could check on Tommy. They all knew Tommy needed them, but they had to get their own shit together. Tommy doesn't need to be carrying the weight of anyone else.

They are heading to his dirt shack, when they find him. He's just wandering, a blank look in his dull, blue eyes.

"Tommy!" Quackity exclaims as soon as he sees him.

Tommy flinches, turning to look at them. There's a spark of something in his eyes, before it's gone. His eyes go back to looking dead and lifeless once again.

"Uh, hello! Do I know you?"

The 3 of them stop in their tracks at his words.

"Tommy?" Sapnap asks, voice soft.

"That's my name! I think... But, uh, can I know your names? I can't seem to remember anything. Sorry."

The 3 of them take a moment. They knew things were bad, and that Dream did something beyond terrible. They just- they didn't know how it had caused this.

"Well, I'm Alexis, but everyone calls me Quackity or Big Q. We're friends, though I consider you more like a son or a younger brother. These are my fiances, Karl and Sapnap. They are your friends as well."

"Wait- Your blue and black!" Tommy exclaims excitedly at Quackity. "And you're orange and yellow" he turns to Sapnap, "and you're purple and green!" He directs the last part at Karl.

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