It's My Birthday Part 2

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It's been 4 years. Tommy is now, officially, legally allowed to drink in the states, as he is 21. He's happy with the family he built from online. And he still, to this day, keeps in contact with the others still in London.

It's the 28th of May. It was 2 years ago, on that day, that he learned his best friend and his ex best friend got platonically married. And adopted a child. He couldn't be happier for Ranboo, but couldn't care less about Tubbo.

It's on that very day, in the present, Tommy learns some shocking news.

He doesn't hesitate to buy 4 plane tickets. All of them to London. He grabs his other best friends, Drista, Lani, and Purpled, and he forces them to London. He doesn't tell them why, not yet. But the other 3 can tell its serious so they give in.

Tommy also tells the 5 that he'd coming to visit. He doesn't even have to explain to them why. They know already.

When they arrive, they do 2 things before going to find Tubbo, and his son, Michael. The first thing is they get food. The second thing is that they drop their bags off at their hotel.

Tommy and the others find Tubbo, and Michael at a barbeque. The rest of Tommy's old family is there, along with the 5 and people he doesn't know. He doesn't care, he just marches towards Tubbo before tapping him on the shoulder lightly.

As the ram boy turns around, Purpled flips out his phone to Discord call Dream and them, and show them what's happening.

"Tommy?" Tubbo asks quietly as soon as they are face to face.

"Tubbo," Tommy lets a painful fake smile befall his face as he starts, "congratulations."

Tubbo blinks, surprised. And by then, everyone else has started staring.

"You have invented a new kind of stupid, a damage you can never undo kind of stupid, an open all the cages in a zoo, kind of stupid. Truly, you didn't think this through kind of stupid." Tommy is angry beyond relief, and everyone else besides the 5 are confused.

"Tommy-" Wilbur starts, but one sharp glare from the blond shuts him up.

"Let's review, you took your platonic husband, and invalidated his feelings and his thoughts, plus taking away his 'Michael privileges' as if Michael is a toy. Fundy and them begged you to back off, you refused to."

"Tommyinnit-" "Shut up Philza Minecraft."

Tommy turns back to Tubbo. "So scared of what the world might do to you, but you always seem to conform to the world! You know why I have actual friends?"

"Why?" Tubbo asks back, his tone cold.

"I don't be a crappy friend and invalidate them. So, congratulations!"


"You've redefined your legacy! Congratulations!"

"It was an act of sacrifice for my family!"

Tommy stills. "Sacrifice...?"

"He was doing it for us Tommy. He sacrificed Ranboo for us." Technoblade tries to explain.

"I lived in a house full of love never for me, I lived here only to receive flowers from him. I look at you guys and think, 'Where did my family go, and why was I never enough'? But that doesn't take the years or the tears away, I'm back in the city and I'm here to stay for a bit. I know what I'm here to do."

"Tommy-" Tubbo starts, voice laced with fake sympathy and care.

Years ago, he would've fell for it. Now? He knows it's a lie.

"I'm not here for you."

"Tommy, Ranboo isn't-" Philza tries to interrupt, but Tommy doesn't let him.

"I know my best friend like I know my own mind! You will never find anyone as trusting or as kind! And a million years ago she told me, 'We'll be fine', so I stood by, do you know why!?"

"Why, Tommy, why!?" Tubbo exclaims right back, anger flashing in his eyes.

But no emotion in the world could ever compare to Tommy's anger right then.

"I love Ranboo more than anything in this life! I will choose his happiness over mine, every single time! Ranboo, is the best thing in our lives! So never lose sight that you've just betrayed the best husband and friend ever."

"Congratulations! For the rest of your life, you will never see Ranboo or Michael again, have the best life. Congratulations."

Michael wiggles out of his ex father's grasp, rushing over to Tommy.

Tommy hugs Michael close, before picking him up, and leaving. His other 3 best friends follow, off to find Ranboo. The 5 follow as well, so Tommy knows they are all set.

They find Ranboo at their hotel. The instant Michael sees him, he rushes into his father's arms.

"Papa!" Michael exclaims, and Ranboo sheds a few tears, hugging his son close.

"Tommy," Ranboo holds an allium, offering it to the shorter male.

Tommy takes it, and cherishes it, holding it close to his chest. His hair pin is in his hair as well, he got used to it after Drista insisted on moving his bangs to the side of his face.

"Love you too, Boo. Let's go home, yeah?"

"Yeah, let's go home." 

MCYT Oneshots (Mostly Tommyinnit Centric, Maybe Other Fandoms)Where stories live. Discover now