Ghostinnit 3shot

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Saint Bernard

The world stilled when those 7 words lit up the chat.

Tommyinnit was beaten to death by Dream

Nobody dared to move. Everyone was shocked. Most of them didn't even know Tommy had gotten locked in Pandora's vault with Dream. The only ones who really knew were Quackity, Karl, Sapnap (his adoptive parents after Doomsday), Sam (he was Quackity's father and he was the Warden, who watched over Dream), Jack Manifold (who had been on during the wrong time), and Bad and Antfrost (who were the new guards).

Sam hadn't been there. Ponk had pulled him away to get some rest and cuddles, they were married. The only reason he even listened is because he knew his grandson would want him to take care of himself, plus, Tommy wasn't due out for at least 7 hours more til he could leave. So, he listened to his husband. He had been cuddling Ponk in bed when they saw the message. His heart had stopped, and Ponk's mouth was wide, surprised.

Quackity had been pacing in his room, his husbands doing their own technique to help them calm down a little. Karl was fiddling with one of his many watches, and kept looking at the clock. Sapnap was messing with a lighter, even though he didn't need it to cause fire, he still had one. Tommy had 5 hours left, and they were growing impatient. Their house felt empty without him there, prattling on about Sam Nook and the hotel, or Ranboo and Tubbo, or just, anything.

When they saw the words, Sapnap dropped his lighter, and it broke against the ground. Quackity stopped moving, stopped breathing, his wings flaring out in anger and sadness. Karl's mouth was open, gaping, his watches slipping through his fingers and landing on the table he was sitting at.

Jack was joking around with Tubbo and Ranboo. Jack might've wanted to kill Tommy at one point, same with Niki. But, they talked it out together, and with Puffy, who was this server's only therapist since Bad went mad, and they realized Tommy wasn't a problem. It was Dream. Tommy was just a child who got caught in the crossfire of everybody else's problems, which led to him accidentally or kinda purposefully making his own problems. He had reconciled with Tommy, got off his wrongen list, and was watching over the hotel. Waiting. When he saw the words, he blinked at it. Tears were streaming down his face before he could think, and he frantically tried to wipe them away.

Bad and Ant were scheming, their true selves trying so hard to escape while they were being under the influence of the egg. They saw the message, and suddenly, they were free. They couldn't explain it. All they knew was with the grief came the relief of not being under control. Bad turned back to being red, and Antfrost's eyes turned back to blue. They ran, finding Skeppy free as well, back to being his cyan-y teal, eyes brimming with tears for a boy they had all hurt. They grabbed him, and rejoiced being free, before going to find the others.

Everyone around the server had different, yet all too similar reactions. The worst ones were Tubbo, Technoblade, newly resurrected Wilbur, Philza, and George (besides the ones I just mentioned). Even if it had only happened merely 2 minutes ago, a blanket of sadness settles over everyone, besides Ranboo, who is just curious (though the others don't pick up on it). They gathered together, on the glass that was over the crater, making it easy to see, but still usable space. They were all grieving, Karl, Sapnap, Quackity, George, Sam, and Tubbo were taking it the hardest. SBI was next, side by side with Jack and Niki (who both despised themselves, while they were hating Tommy they hurt him, and they thought maybe if they had gotten help earlier, that Tommy wouldn't be dead), and everybody else followed close behind.

That's when their communicators pinged. Dream was showing a video, and everybody was forced to watch it. Together, they open it up, before Tubbo does some hacking,a dn gets it to play on a fake screen, in front of all of them.

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