Marriage and Family

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"Are you sure about this?" Tommy asks Clara as they adjust his suit jacket. 
"Are you getting cold feet?" They reply, not even looking up as they adjust. 
"No!" Tommy exclaims quickly, dispelling that thought. "Fuck no! There's just… a lot of people. A lot of family. What if I fuck it all up?" Tommy twiddles his fingers in nervousness. 
Clara sighs, grabbing Tommy's hands and looking up at him. 
"Tommy, look at me," the boy listens, looking at Clara. "You are an amazing person. You've gone through tons of shit to just simply be standing. You've found your platonic soulmates. That is all that matters." 
Tommy nods, heart calming down. 
"You're right. Thanks ren." He murmurs. 
They grin. "Anything for you, Toms. Now, let's go get you married." 
Tommy nods, grinning. "Let's go get me married."

Ranboo fiddles nervously, looking at Tubbo across from them. 
Technically, Tubbo and them are already married. But as soon as they could, they proposed to Tommy as well. As soon as the 2 knew he was the one. And well, they have every right to be nervous. 
Ranboo remembers when they were the bride in this situation. If it weren't for their dad, Phil, they would have ended up running away at first. Purely because of the anxiety. The constant am I good enough for him? 
They hope Tommy doesn't have the same anxiety. It sucks. 
They look up when Tubbo gives their hand a reassuring squeeze. 
"He'll come." He reassure the taller. 
Ranboo nods. Because Tubbo has never been wrong before. And never will be again. For he's right. 
Tommy comes. 
The door opens, and he steps out. Clara has linked arms with him, and their smile is easy to see on their face. 
Tommy looks stunning. He wears white suit jacket with lighter white designs over a deep red button up shirt. His bow tie is white as well, and his pants are black slacks. 
Tommy looks at the 2 of them, all bright and smiling. And then he looks around and everything changes. 
He freezes, eyes going wide. Panic and anxiety and fear flit across his face. Ranboo feels a panicked cry bubble in their throat as Tommy starts to hyperventilate, pure fear easily seen on his face. 
He sinks to the ground, Clara sinking with him. They try to calm him down, but it doesn't work. 
Tubbo and Ranboo don't hesitate to rush over, falling to their knees and starting to help Tommy through the panic attack. It takes about 10 minutes for him to calm down enough that they can move him back to his changing room. Once he is there, he seems to calm down even more. 
Clara leaves to give them some space. 
"What happened, Allium? Is something wrong?" Ranboo asks, holding Tommy in their lap. 
"I'm scared." He admits, trying to hold back tears. Clara worked hard on his makeup. 
"Why? Did someone here hurt you? Are you getting cold feet?" Tubbo akss urgently. If someone is hurting his sunshine, he is going to throw hands. 
Tommy shakes his head, taking in a deep breath. 
"I've never had a family before, and I'm scared I'm gonna fuck up this whole family thing." Tommy explains, sniffling. 
Tubbo and Ranboo both frown. 
"Toms, you are an amazing mom though! And you get along so well with our families when they visit?" 
"I know, I know. But there are so many people. I barely know some of them! I am terrible at remembering names and birthdays. I'm shit at gift giving. The best gift I ever gave Clara was a hug, and that is saying something, cause I've actually given her things before. I don't get family and it's so fucking scary." Tommy sniffles, still holding back his tears. 
Ranboo chuckles. "Allium, that's  perfectly okay. No one is perfect at everything. You can't remember a name or a birthday? We will! Or we can write it down! And if you can't get good gifts? We can help! Tubbo and I are amazing at giving gifts. Families are big and complicated, I'll give you that, but that's why you have us to help you. And,  you'll eventually learn how to navigate it all your own way. Plus, you'll get a family along the way." Ranboo explains softly, running a hand through Tommy's hair. 
Tommy sniffles again. 
"You mean it? You're absolutely serious?" He asks quietly. 
"As serious as we are about marrying ya." Tubbo replies confidently. 
Tommy grins. 
"Then let's get married bitch!"

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