Hobbit Hole

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A/N Thus was written back when it was Season 7 still and I just finished it months later.

“Tommy, are you sure you don’t want somewhere better than this dirt shack?”
“Absolutely fucking positive Wil! It’s the embassy, and my home, bitch boy! Besides, I like it like this.” 
“Okay, whatever you say Toms.”


“Tommy! Ma man!!!! Since we're rebuilding, don’t you want a better home than this old shack?”
“Nah, this hole and I go waaayyy back. Never getting rid of her.” 
“Whatever you say man. Let's get to work now.” 


“Tommy, we have to start preparing for when Philza, Dream and Techno-”
“I am, big man! All of my best stuff is here!”
“... Okay. Let’s get going soon though, I always feel as if this place is gonna fall apart around us.” 


“Why don’t you just live in the hotel now? There’s enough progress done that you can. Especially since Sam Nook can’t ever do anything that will hurt you.”
“Now listen here, bitch boy. Just because you are a great builder doesn’t mean you can diss my perfect home.” 
“Okay, okay, I won’t.” 
“Swear on Fran?”
“Swear on Fran.” 


“Tommy, please consider moving into Snowchester with us! I don’t think you’ll be safe in your dirt shack.”
“I’ll be fine Tubs, Ran, I swear. Nothing can get to me.” 
“Stay safe for us, at least. Especially since Purp isn’t here to watch you.”
“Anything for you guys, Ran. Anything.” 


Tommy halts in his walk with his platonic husbands, eyes going wide when he sees who stands in front of his hobbit hole. The other 3 around him still. Dream holds explosives in one hand, his mask long gone so you can see the smirk on his face. He’s drawn a crowd as well, but no one has moved to apprehend him yet. 
Dream and Revivedbur smirk simultaneously when they see Tommy standing so close. Tommy automatically takes a step back, into the safe chest of Ranboo. Ranboo wraps himself around the younger boy protectively, but that doesn’t waver the 2 men. 
Tommy then notices the line of TNT that leads into his hobbit hole, and pales considerably. 
“What are you doing to my home!?” He exclaims, holding back his urge to surge forward. 
“Attachments get you nowhere Tommy.” Dream says simply, before he lights the TNT.
And Tommy’s home for years goes up in smoke. The TNT wastes no time in exploding his home, and there is a tiny crater which leads into the sewers that once ran below a lot of the SMP. 
Tommy stares, eyes widened in horror. Tears start leaking from his eyes, a sob ripping itself from his throat. Ranboo turns Tommy around in his arms, instantly comforting the boy.
“What the hell! You both knew how much that hobbit hole meant to Tommy!” Tubbo exclaims.
 “That’s the point, Tubbo.” Wilbur drawls, and Purpled scowls. 
“Don’t talk to him like that.” Purpled snarls back, moving to stand protectively in front of Tubbo. 
"I don't get why Tommy was so attached to that place. It was falling apart around him." Dream muses, kicking a rock down into the tiny crater and listening for when it hits bottom. 
Tommy turns, eyes blown wide. "Of course you don't! Your only goal is to take everything we love and use it to control us! You don't want friends or family, you want power and control! You want us to obey every command you make and listen to you at every moment!" Tommy takes in huge gulps of air, his body tense and tears still leaking from his eyes. 
"Now now Tommy, that's no way to talk to a hero." Wilbur smirks at Dream, the man who revived him, his hero. 
Tommy feels ill. "You blew up the most important thing to me here besides these 3 and you think he's a hero?" Tommy hisses, his back pressed against Ranboo’s chest again. 
“It’s a dirt shack. It can be rebuilt Tommy. You can now even have a better house! Or move in with your so-called husbands! Why are you so attached to a hole in a mountain?” Wilbur replies. 
“Because it reminds me of my brother, Wilbur! Okay!? He loved to make hobbit holes and I can’t fucking see him cause I’m in this godforsaken server! So I made a hobbit hole just like his and now it's gone and so is everything I had inside that was his!” Tommy exclaims, the floodgates burst open as he starts to sob again. 
Once again, Ranboo instantly moves to comfort, even if the tears hurt him. He’s shocked by the information given by Tommy, he never knew Tommy had a brother. It saddens him to know that Tommy lost everything of his brother’s due to this terrible server. 
Wilbur starts to laugh. “You don’t have any family! We are your family Tommy, don’t you understand? No one else but us wants you because you are a useless child.” 
Tommy’s sobs only grow worse, so Ranboo hands him over to Tubbo and Purpled to comfort. His eyes start to glow faintly purple as he stalks forward, grabbing Wilbur by the collar and lifting him up off the ground. 
“If you ever hurt Tommy again, wether by harming him, his things, or his family/friends, I will murder you. And that goes for everyone here.” Ranboo does a show of power, unhinging his jaw, and vwhooping angrily. 
He unceremoniously drops Wilbur, teleporting over to his husbands and then teleporting them away. When they arrive at the mansion, they all cuddle on the couch. 
“We’ll help you make a new hobbit hole, okay? And it’ll be the best damn hobbit hole there ever is.” Tubbo reassures. 
Tommy smiles. “Thanks guys. My brother would love you.” 
“And, one day, you’ll see your brother again. We promise.” 
“I can wait a bit if it's with you.” Tommy replies. 

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