What is Love? What Does it Mean?

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A/n: Here! Have some of this! It's Team ZIT, Rancher Duo and Flower Husbands with polyam. 5.1k words of my brain.
Some things are meant to be crossed out but idk how on Wattpad, so look out for random italics in sentences that make no sense.


Tango remembers when it used to just be magma and Impulse against the world. 2 fellows in love, willing to fight the word for each other but who just wanted to build, create, and have fun with their friends. 
Tango had joined late into Season 2 of Hermitcraft (which had started picking up more, calling new worlds with the same people seasons, like they were a TV show). Impulse joined not long thereafter, joining them when they started their new world, Season 3. They hadn’t known it then, but they were about to change each other’s lives. 
All Hermits were friends, basically family. That was a fact. But nobody knew Impulse the way that mag did and didn’t. And nobody knew Tango the way that he did and didn’t. That was just the way it was. 
So days of building alone turned into chatting with Impulse over a redstone contraption, literally. Munching on carrots every few hours or so in lieu of eating turned into rushing to make it to Impulse’s base for lunch. Working magmaself to death on a build or an idea turned into Impulse ushering magma to bed, something in its eyes set that sent shivers down magmas spine. 
Spending nights alone grinding, trying to chase away the lonely ache in magmas chest turned into falling asleep with someone, listening to his breath and falling asleep to how soft and simple it was. 
Time came and went, season 3 and 4 passing in a blur of fond memories, kissing, building, and games. Plus pranks, who doesn't love some good pranks? 
And then season 5 hit. With that came Stressmonster, a lovely nature fairy with shimmering wings, and her brother Zed, who was almost the definition of an enigma. Stress' accent was thick, and it loved to grow anything and everything. Zed, on the other hand, was more of a contraption guy it seemed. Its eyes were always sparked with mystery and ideas. They had ram horns that curled out of their head, akin to Doc's goat ones and hair the color of the sun, almost as bright as Tango's, even if magmas was more of a dirty blond.
The duo became a trio. Impulse and Tango, Tango and Impulse turned into Impulse, Tango and Zed, Zed, Tango and Impulse, Tango, Zed and Impulse. They were Team ZIT. Zed also seemingly didn't mind that Tango and Impulse were dating, sticking around unless asked to leave. Red never seemed put off by their love, never seemed to feel left out. It jokingly complained when they would kiss or would make kissy faces at one of them behind the others back, trying to elicit a stuck out tongue or maybe even a chase. 
Zed just seemed… comfortable with them. Enough so that eventually, it was normal for them to just be there. Cuddles? Include Zed always. Falling asleep? Red would worm reds way between the pair, flashing a grin and then promptly falling asleep. Mornings? It would be particularly weird and concerning if there was no note or hurried text on the comm explaining why Zed wasn't with them when they awoke and started their days. 
Eventually, Zed became like breathing. Tango could tell it was the same for magma and Impulse. 
Worrying about dinner for magma and Impulse because worrying about dinner for the 3 of them. Remembering blocks Impulse needed became remembering blocks Impulse and Zed needed. It was second nature at this point for Tango to think of Impulse and Zed as nearly the same.
Mag still loved Impulse. That was a given, he was magmas partner, magmas moon. But if Impulse was magmas moon, then Zedaph was the sun. Not to say that one was gloomy and the other bright, it was just… 
Mag couldn't explain it. But somewhere along the way, thinking about it turned into thinking about them.
Of course, as soon as Tango realized that, mag had to talk to Impulse. So, they talked. And they decided to try and court Zed. Kind of. 
Of course, that just meant Zed just had to beat them to it. Even if they didn't know that's what they did, they did it. 
Red had pulled them to reds base one day, a determined look in reds eyes. And then it asked if it could join their relationship. Of course, then came the ramblings of ZedTM. It was hard to understand all of it, but the gist of it was that they were getting mixed signals from the pair and their friends and their sister was no help so they had to ask because somewhere along the way, they had fallen in love with the pair.
The pair had already been thinking about polyamory. Tango had known mag was polyamorous since mag was young and Impulse was still questioning that itself. But it was Zed. At this point, they basically were in a relationship honestly. Everything Tango and Impulse did together, they did with Zed. Besides kissing. 
But mag had thought about it before. And Impulse had confessed he did too. 
So, of course they agreed. 
And even with how close they were, there was still a learning curve. Relationships were easy and hard all at once, especially polyamory ones. All 3 of them had their moments. Nothing could be perfect and that wasn't really what they were striving for. They loved each other and they just wanted to be happy together. 
Which, they were.
So more seasons went by. Grian came in season 6, and so did Civil war. All just fun and games, and Tango knew Zed would pull them out if it went too far. Season 7 came next and with that, the Mycelium Resistance and mother spore and Decked Out, one of magmas biggest projects yet. And most fun, in magmas opinion. Season 8 brought Gem and Pearl, and Big Eyes Crew n Boatem and moon big. Moon crash. Fleeing. 'Lore'. Glitching. And then season 9. The current season. No new Hermits, but mag had plans. Decked Out 2, building a biome, farms, and much more. 
Some other things happened in between, of course. Hardcore Hermits and other Hermit assorted world ideas, the Life Series kicked up (which, Tango never had expected to keep going, but Grian was having fun and honestly, mag kinda was too), and some other stuff. Watching MCC was always fun, cheering along a Hermit or a friend, watching the challenges with watchful eyes. 
And then came Double Life. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2022 ⏰

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