What Happens in the Hotel, Stays in the Hotel | (Part 1)

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Rhett dropped his bag on one of the beds while Link put his beside the other bed he chose. The hotel was good but the room was extremely cold, since it was the middle of winter.

Rhett grabbed the remote control of the AC and tried to set it at a temperature that would warm the room quickly.

It was pretty late and the two men were pretty tired from the travel they had from LA to New York. The huge amount of hours in planes and cars just let them exhausted. In fact, they were so tired that didn't even bother to put on their pajamas. They just dropped their clothes on a chair near to the door and slid inside the cold sheets of their beds in their underwear.

Link thought it would be easy to fall asleep since he barely could maintain his eyes open, but it wasn't quite like that. He couldn't stop shaking and somehow, felt weird about sleeping in a bed just by himself. Having Christy by his side at home and being quite used to sleep with Rhett when they travel, Link felt, alone.

He stretched his arm out of the sheets and pressed the button of his iPhone. 2:10 am appeared on the screen. He sighed and rolled to another side, closing his eyes and forcing himself to sleep. But nothing really happened.

He knew he would be exhausted tomorrow if he didn't fell asleep as soon as possible and he hated to see that he had bags under his eyes in their videos. Especially when he put on his lenses and the glasses wouldn't be there to cover his tiredness.

Link carefully got up and tried to as silent as he possibly could to not wake up Rhett, and made his way to the bathroom. He turned on the light and just stood there, in the middle of the bright room, wondering what he could possibly do here to help himself sleep. The answer was: nothing. He just stood there for a couple of minutes, with his feet getting cold on the shiny white floor, and then headed back to the room.

- Are you okay? - he heard the sleepy voice of his friend, as he walked into the room.

- Yeah yeah, I... I just couldn't fall asleep... Just that...

- But, are you feeling okay? Do you need something? - Rhett changed into the sitting positing and looked at Link in the dark.

- No. It's probably just jetlag... and cold... Don't worry. - Link answered.

Rhett hesitated before saying the next sentence, but the words were able to leave his mouth. - Do you... want to lay down... here? - he said, not sure if he should had.

- With you? - Link was surprised.

- Yeah.

- Erm... I think I'd feel a bit weird man - Link slightly laughed.

- Look, penguins use the heat of their bodies to keep each other warm. It's something scientifically proved. We can be scientific... And it benefits both of us! My feet are cold as heck okay.

- Whatever - Links sighed and walked beside Rhett's bed. - Move fat ass - he said, making his friend smile and move a bit, opening the sheets and inviting Link to lay down.

The dark haired boy made himself comfortable against Rhett's body and enjoyed the warmth underneath the sheets.

- Don't get cuddly on me - Rhett said behind Link.

- Can't promise - Link smiled and turned a bit to the right, laying on his back now.

- Keep your mouth closed at least.

- Don't you want to smell the wonderful meal I had in the plane? - Link joked and opened his mouth in front of Rhett's nose, making him smell his breath.

- Oh gosh, gross - Rhett laughed and pulled Link's face away.

- Dude, it wasn't me who mixed all the food, making it look and taste even grosser - Link answered.

- Not true. It was more bearable that way.

- Sure - Link said sarcastically.

- I'm telling you - Rhett insisted.

- Look, let's try to sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a long day. - Link sighed and still with a smile on his face.

- Yeah, let's do that. Are you warm yet?

- Hm, your cold feet are not really helpful - Link joked.

Rhett laughed and pressed his feet against Links leg.

- Dude, gross - Link giggled and tried to pull away. They both had a small fight underneath the sheets until Link was completely facing Rhett and sighed in tiredness.

- Imagine someone walked in the room right now. This would look so wrong - Link noticed.

- It will look even more wrong in the morning when you're spooning me - Rhett joked.

- Shut up - Link gave a slight slap on Rhett's shoulder.

- Are you still cold? - Rhett asked again.

- A bit. But it's okay. Do you want me to leave?

- No, of course not! Just making sure that there's good science going on here. Generating heat and stuff.

- Yeah. I'm definitely warmer, I mean. Penguins are smart.

- They sure are - Rhett agreed. He got slightly closer to Link, putting his hand on the smallest man shoulder. He wasn't sure about Link's reaction, but something about this moment was telling him to get closer.

Rhett could see Link's surprised look through the dark, but still, he didn't move an inch. This wasn't the first time they were this close, neither the first time they were in a situation like this. Rhett remembered when they were young and how he loved when Link just got lost in his eyes. He still does, to be honest. He loves to know that Link is looking at him (because he always knows). And he loves when they just look at each other. And he loves when Link calls him at any time of the day to tell him the most random things... Rhett couldn't imagine a life without Link anymore and neither did Link. The amount of years they spent together was crazy to think about. But they were proud of it. Proud of their friendship and how everyone would get amazed by their story.

- Rhett? This is not helping... - Link made Rhett wake up from his "thinking land". Honestly, the blonde guy was almost falling asleep with all the thinking he did in his head, but if Link was still awake, then he would stay awake.

- I know a little thing that will warm you up - Rhett said with a low voice.

- What? - Link questioned.

Then Rhett slowly leaned in Links direction and he felt that Link figured out was he was going to do because he couldn't hear Link's breath anymore, yet he didn't move away. Rhett took that as a green light and slowly killed the distance between their lips. The kiss was so soft and light that Rhett almost had to move forward to make sure his partner's lips were still there. But he didn't because the feeling was so warm and peaceful. He moved away after some seconds and Link let out a sigh as they tear apart.

- Better? - Rhett asked, amused with himself. Link felt his cheeks being set on fire and goose-bumps all over his body. He felt so many emotions at the same time, biggest of them being the urge to do that again. But he didn't dare... This was wrong. He had Christy! This was wrong. He basically cheated! This was wrong. This... felt so nice.

Link rubbed his lips against the pillow and sighed.

- Was it... bad? - Rhett started to feel worried and guilty. - I'm sorry, I...

- Shut up - Link interrupted. - Shut up before I do something... Let's try to sleep.

Rhett bit his lip and sighed. Was it really bad, what he did? Was that wrong?

Then Rhett felt Link's warm hand on his chest. The smaller guy didn't move. He faced Rhett and placed his hand on Rhett's chest and Rhett understood that this was his way of saying everything was okay. He closed his eyes and fell asleep to the sound of Link's calm breathing.

Rhink One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora