Rhink #47

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Warning: sexual content (just smut. entirely smut).
No wives.

Both men entered into their hotel room while small giggles left their mouth, still being tickled by the stupid joke the guy at the check-in area had told. The few glasses of champagne the two took back at the casino obviously helped to raise the guy's ego and laugh more than they wanted to. Or maybe it was just out of courtesy. Whatever. They still genuinely laughed when they walked into the lift and remembered his words, looking at each other while hiding the involuntary smiles under their hands.
Rhett closed the door behind him, leaning on it as he observed Link turning on the lights of their fancy suite. They truly spoiled themselves this time, but there was a promise to come to Vegas with some members of the crew. Just to spend some fun days together after going back to their families for the Christmas vacations. Their work was fun sure, but everyone deserved a break from the office.
The guys decided to stay out for a bit longer but the two bosses said their goodbyes as they felt slightly too tired. By the smirk Link was giving the taller guy, he also had other stuff planned for them back in the room. So Rhett just went with it, drinking the rest of his champagne and waving goodbye to the guys around the table. They didn't protest, simply giving the two men a nice smile and a wave back.
- I'm going to take a shower. – the dark haired announced, waking up Rhett from his thoughts, making him realize he was still leaning against the door. The blond just nodded and watched his partner disappear into another room.
Finally, he pushed himself forward and walked to their king sized bed. He took off his phone and wallet from the pockets of his jeans, putting them on the bedside table of his side of the bed. At least, he figured he'd sleep there as Link usually preferred the other side. He didn't really care about that type of stuff, so the blond just always agreed on which side he'd sleep after Link announced he wanted to sleep on the right side of it. Something about windows and AC. Rhett didn't really care about that. As long as Link was comfortable, it was okay.
He heard the shower being turned on, indicating Link had walked in it. The blond sat down on the bed and looked around the room, wondering what to do while the other guy was in the bathroom. There wasn't much, to be honest. The clock showed then past one, making Rhett actually surprised it was this late. The city surely had a particular way to make everyone forget what time even was. It was also understandable why he was more tired than usual.
Suddenly, the room space was filled with a voice. Rhett turned his head towards the bathroom, coming to the realization Link started singing in the shower. A smile appeared on his face as he pictured the dark haired shampooing his hair, eyes closed, almost unconsciously chanting a melody with a purposely high pitched voice. He did that a lot of times. Rhett had fun listening to it. But they were at a hotel room at the moment, and it was late...
So the blond got up from the bed and slowly made his way to the bathroom, entering into an already steamy room. Link's voice was now obviously louder. The shower was mostly made of glass – big and fancy – though now the glass was pretty blurry, only showing to the outside a silhouette of Link. Rhett leaned on the frame of the door, slightly disappointed with the fact he couldn't properly see the other man.
- Hey, Michael Jackson, might wanna turn the volume down a bit. – the taller spoke with a soft tone.
Link immediately stopped, slightly jumping with Rhett's intervention. The blond saw him stopping what he was doing and by his body language, Rhett could tell the other was now looking in his direction, even though he could see just as much as the blond.
- I'll try to keep it down. – the other stated, making Rhett raise his eyebrows. He was expecting just a nod, an apology maybe, but the dark haired just continued singing, also breaking his promise of "keeping it down". The taller took that as a challenge. Rhett knew Link was playing, so he decided to play along.
He took off his clothes quickly but as silently as he could, that task being easier with Link chanting some other song to which Rhett didn't really pay attention. When he was completely naked, the taller walked closer to the shower cabin and slowly opened the door. Link was turned backwards to the door, spreading shower gel on his shoulders. The blond smirked and took the opportunity to get the other by surprise.
It worked perfectly since Link jumped with the foreign touch of the other man. His mouth shut immediately as he turned his head, looking at his partner over his shoulder.
- Thought you needed some help with "keeping it down" part. – the bearded man said in a sassy tone. Link's cheeks gained a more pinkish color, the brunette not sure if it was with the sudden intervention or the increasing steam inside the room.
- I was almost finishing. – Link purred under the feeling of Rhett's fingers running down his back, spreading the bath gel on his skin in such light touch. He threw his head back, leaning it on Rhett's shoulder. His lips formed a small 'o'.
- Oh but I just got in. – Rhett smiled, his lips then traveling to Link's neck. The other moaned, making Rhett smile even wider.
Link turned around, now facing his partner. He wrapped his hands around Rhett's neck and kissed his lover. Either the water was getting hotter or the space around started to heat by its own, Link could feel his entire body also heating up, his breathing intensifying when Rhett's tongue passed through his. The taller man put one of his hands on Link's waist, the other leaning on the wall as he trapped Link between his body and the solid structure behind him. His desire was growing, fast.
- Finish... Showering... - he managed to whisper between the wet kisses.
Rhett moved to his jawline. – What?
- I'll go. You finish showering. – the dark haired said now more clearly. He put his hands on Rhett's chest and lightly pulled him back. The blond looked at him, confused; scared he had done something wrong. But the smirk on Link's face gave out the complete opposite. Okay, he was planning something.
Quickly, he got out of the shower, giggling when at the last second Rhett gave him a slap on the butt. He closed the glass door and disappeared out of the room. Rhett decided to give him some time, though his body was impatiently telling him to get out of the shower now. He was curious and at the same time excited. Link could be a really big tease sometimes.
After probably three minutes, or less, Rhett decided that was enough. He turned off the water and quickly got off the shower, trying not to slip while he dried his body with one of the white towels. There was no need to need to get dressed, so the taller just wrapped the towel around his waist. There was also no way to hide the bulge below his belt.
Then, forcing himself to walk slowly, Rhett walked to the door and opened it. The lamp on his bedside table was turned on, giving the room warm orang-y colors, leaving a bigger half of it in a dim lighting.
His eyes traveled to the bed. Link was lying at the end of it, his head resting on his right hand as he observed Rhett with a playful smile spread on his face. That's when Rhett noticed. He wasn't completely naked, the only thing covering his private parts being a white and pink piece of cloth.
The blond rose one of his eyebrows, trying hard not to smile at the image before him. – You brought the panties? – he asked in a soft voice.
- I know how much you like them. – Link answered back in the same tone. He changed positions, now kneeling on the bed as he sat back on his heels. – I do think they suit me pretty well. – the dark haired looked down. The underwear didn't cover much, especially now as he enjoyed teasing Rhett in such ways, that exciting him even more than he already was after the shower. His member pressed hard against the cloth and Link hoped the strings at its sides didn't unlace or break during this little act he was putting on.
Rhett observed him hungrily, passing his tongue through his lips as one of his hands grabbed onto the frame of the door. He wasn't sure if he wanted to keep watching, knowing the dark haired would drive him to the edge, or if he wanted to put that man on all fours and take him just like Rhett wanted. He knew it wasn't that hard of a thing to do.
Link put his hands on his slim waist, still looking down at himself. With his thumbs, the dark haired lightly lifted the pink elastic of the underwear, just adjusting them in place. His eyes went up, glancing at his partner whose breathing was now heavier. Link smiled.
- Do they look good? – he asked provocatively, now lifting his head and throwing it slightly back as he separated his knees. Rhett coughed, clearing his throat. Fuck. Link's new hairstyle made everything even harder for the blond. Not that he thought Link looked less sexy with his wings. At the time, there was nothing that could beat that. But now, with this new image, Rhett just questioned how could one be so damn attractive.
- Uh-hum... - was the only thing Rhett could murmur, lightly agreeing with his head. His eyes never leaving Link's body.
- That's not all... - the dark haired looked directly at Rhett with a smirk on his face. The other swallowed loudly, wondering what else he could've added to this. And how was Rhett supposed to control himself after whatever Link would do next.
The dark haired went back on all fours, some wet hairs falling on his forehead as he went down. Then, slowly, he turned around, now flashing his ass at Rhett. A black tail hung from underneath his underwear.
They had bought it quite a while ago. A drunken decision after a party. Rhett mentioned how Link's lower teeth made him look like a kitty when his lips were slightly apart. Link smiled at the statement. When they left the said party, Link somehow managed to drag both of them into a sex shop not far away from where they were moments before. The slightly intoxicated minds gave both of them the courage to walk in and ask for what they wanted. A tail plug. The lady presented them many options but the two men made their decision quickly, now having a bigger urge to arrive home as fast as possible. Safe to say that the night was pretty wild.
Though after that, they didn't use it too many times. Just when feeling a bit too playful. And right now, Rhett was all about it.
He licked his lips once again as Link looked behind him, carefully observing Rhett. The other man's tense expression made him smile. So, just for fun, Link wiggled his butt, making the black tail wiggle too, gently brushing on top of his pink underwear.
- You little... - Rhett cursed under his breath at the behavior of his partner. He walked to the bed with confident long steps, until he stopped right in front of Link.
- Ah-ah. – the dark haired immediately reacted, quickly turning around and biting his lip as that quick move made him be more aware of the object inside him. – The kitten is the one who rules here. – he continued. Rhett's expression was tense, but he didn't move, carefully listening and looking down at Link.
The smaller crawled the end of the bed and put his hands on Rhett's shoulders, pulling him slightly down just to give him a quick but tasteful kiss on the lips. Only to after that pull Rhett down with more force, making him sit on the bed. The taller obeyed without protesting.
Link climbed on his lap, making Rhett lay down as the dark haired pinned his arms against the bed, just above his head. He kissed again, this time more urgently, making Rhett moan with pleasure of such nice lips touching his.
The dark haired gave his partner one last kiss before letting go of his arms. He sat down just below Rhett's waist, making the other moan again as his ass came in contact with Rhett's now even more visible bulge. The dark haired couldn't help but let out a small noise too since he made the object inside him move again.
Then, Link climbed down to the side, just to after that climb back on top of Rhett, though this time turned backwards to the blond man, now sitting down a bit above Rhett's belly. He didn't sit down completely, not wanting to cause discomfort to his partner.
- Now the kitten will play. – he announced as his eyes observed the white towel around Rhett's waist. Slowly, he grabbed the end that held the towel around Rhett and put it to the side, then putting away the other part too, revealing Rhett's hard member. Link smiled at the vision before him.
He put one of his hands on one of Rhett's thighs, leaning on it, while the other slowly traced from the bottom of Rhett's manhood until the top of it only with one of his fingers. The dark haired heard the other gasp with the touch.
- You're merciless. – the blond said as he breathed out, his eyes closed, his hands still thrown above his head.
Link glanced back at him. – No I'm not. – he answered, quickly grabbing Rhett's member with his free hand, causing the other to moan a bit louder this time.
Link looked forward again, his eyes dropping where his hands were. He leaned down and passed his tongue on the tip of Rhett's manhood. For his surprise, one of the blond man's hands slapped on one of his butt cheeks, staying there, clenching around the now warm area and at the same time pulling on the pink piece of cloth that covered Link's ass. He decided to not pay attention to that, going back to Rhett and his pleasuring.
This time he wrapped his lips around the tip, his tongue twirling around for a couple of seconds before he took more of Rhett inside his mouth. The hand on Link's ass tightened even more around his skin, giving the dark haired a light sting. Though obviously, he didn't stop. The up and down movement of his head going pretty slowly at first, trying to take more and more of his partner at each time he went down, but after getting used to it, Link decided to accelerate.
If before it was Rhett warning Link to lower the tone of his voice as he sang, this time it could perfectly be the dark haired man's turn, as Rhett didn't hold back on his vocals. But obviously, he wouldn't complain; on the contrary, he decided to give himself a help as his hand massaged Rhett on the place he couldn't reach with his mouth.
- Fuck... - the blond breathed out. – Fuck Link, I... - he didn't have time to finish the sentence since the dark haired quickly stopped touching him. – Wh... Why... Please... - Rhett basically begged breathlessly. But Link didn't pity.
The smaller straightened his back, sitting down more while his other hand was placed on the other thigh of his partner, pinning his body against the bed now completely. The room was filled with complete silence for at least a minute, during which Link just didn't move and listened to Rhett's heavy breathing as the other man calmed down and the wave of pleasure that was about to hit him, simmered down.
The blond man's hands dropped from Link's waist, where both of them held strongly moments ago, and the other weakly brought them up, putting them again above his head just like Link had done in the beginning.
- Cruel... - he said, a shaky sigh leaving his mouth.
- Shh... - Link whispered as he turned around again, finally being forward to Rhett. He looked down at his partner's defeated expression. Strings of wet hair rested on his forehead. Link pulled them back with one of his hands, then passing it through Rhett's cheek and beard.
He lightly moved his hips, making the black furry tail – that was now more exposed since Rhett had pulled more on the underwear – pass through the other man's belly. The blond bit his lip with the relaxing sensation, giving him almost the same pleasure as some moments before.
- Lean back on the headboard. – the dark haired spoke, making the other open his eyes. Slowly, Rhett pulled himself up. As he did, the tail lightly passed on his sensitive member, making the blond silently gasp and close his eyes. The urge to just touch himself and finish the torture was getting bigger and bigger. But where would be the fun it that?
Link watched him with a smirk on his face, the touch of the tail being perfectly intentional. He waited until Rhett completely settled himself, putting one of the pillows behind his back and as his shoulders relaxed, he put both of his hands on his lap.
- Don't you dare. – Link warned, looking down and then back at his partner. The other said nothing and dropped his hands on his sides.
The dark haired sat on his knees, once again turning backwards to his partner. Slowly, he looked down at his right side and with one hand carefully undid the lace made of the pink strings, making half of the panties fall down. Then, in the same calm procedure, he turned to the other side and undid the other lace, letting the underwear fall down completely.
He looked at Rhett over his shoulder, for a couple of seconds enjoying his partners eyes completely glued on him. Without stopping looking, he lightly moved his butt from one side to the other, making the black tail also slightly move and caress his bare ass.
The dark haired went down on all fours and slowly walked close to Rhett. His legs were now on each side of Rhett's waist. He kissed his lover sensually as he slowly sat down on Rhett's slightly opened legs. The other man passed his hands through Link's chest, partially moving to the lower part of his back and stopping at the bottom of his butt.
With one of his fingers, Rhett lightly pressed on the base of the plug, making the dark haired bite the blond man's lower lip as the object was moved once again. Rhett smiled, finally causing some type of reaction in his lover. He let go of it and then pressed on it again, this time making the dark haired let out a moan against Rhett's mouth.
- Such sensitive kitty... - the taller whispered, moving his lips to the base of Link's neck were he lightly started to suck on the skin.
Link leaned his head on Rhett's, getting completely lost in the feeling. – Pull it out. I need you. – he spoke, the need being really present in his tone of voice.
- Oh, but it's mine turn to play now. – Rhett answered as with his other hand he grabbed Link's hair and pulled his head back, winning from the other a whine. It was a bit harder to grab Link's hair now that the wings were gone, but nothing that Rhett couldn't manage.
His lips move even lower, giving now some of his attention to one of Link's nipples. His other hand worked on getting grip of the base of the plug. When the blond finally did, he pulled the object until at least half of it was out. And as his teeth lightly bit around Link's nipple, he quickly pulled the plug back in, gaining from Link an even louder moan than before while his back arched more and his head tried to pull back up, but the attempt was failed.
- Rhett! – he gasped as his hands squeezed on his partner's shoulders.
The other said nothing and moved back to his exposed neck where his tongue caressed Link's skin as he gave the plug another and another thrust and Link let out more moans.
- That's what you get. – Rhett said with a raspy voice, giving Link a little bite before pulling the plug out entirely and releasing Link's hair. The other leaned with his head on Rhett's, trying to quickly recover his breath. Meanwhile, the blond grabbed the condom that lay on top of the bedside table, putting it on with some difficulty since Link's head was blocking his view, but he managed it. After quickly applying some lube, he lifted Link's chin with one of his hands.
- C'mon now.
The dark haired said nothing and lifted himself up, only to after slowly slide down with his mouth open as Rhett's member entered inside him. He kissed the blond man as he sat down on his lap once again.
Slowly, Link started to move his hips, letting out gasps every time Rhett touched that one delicious spot. His breathing mixed with Rhett's while their foreheads touched and both closed their eyes with the amazing feeling.
Then, his body started to move up and down, still slowly and teasingly, moving up ever so slightly. A small smile appearing on his face when he felt Rhett's hands tighten around him and the other whine, also starting to move his hips up and down, in a try to coordinate them with Link's.
- Faster. – Rhett whispered on his ear, but the dark haired didn't change his movement, continuing the slow torture even though even he was getting impatient, already feeling another charge of pleasure building inside him.
That's when the dark haired grabbed his hips and with a quick and strong movement, changed positions, pinning Link down on the bed as he positioned himself between the other man's legs and entered him once again.
The dark haired let out a giggle with what just happened, knowing sooner or later Rhett would get tired of his teasing. He enjoyed doing that too much.
With the change of the position, Rhett leaned on his left arm, which was right next to Link's head, while the other held strongly on the headboard of bed. His hips started thrusting stronger, the speed also increasing by every second.
Link clinched his nails into Rhett's lower back as louder and louder moans left his mouth. Rhett joined him, not even thinking about stopping or the possibility of their "neighbors" hearing them. Which they surely did.
The pleasure increased fast and the blond didn't felt the tip of his fingers when the orgasm blasted through his body. He continued thrusting, those become obviously weaker as he climaxed and felt his thighs trembling with such strong feeling passing through his body.
- Fuck! – he screamed and bit on the upper part of his arms, completely losing control of his breathing.  But Link wasn't there yet, so he fought through the urge of backing up and collapsing the bed.
Thankfully, it didn't take the black haired too long to also reach his climax. The smaller arched his back as his eyes shut and a prolonged scream left his mouth. He grabbed the sheets of the bed, breathing heavily as Rhett backed away and fell on the pillow by his side. Though it still took him a couple of minutes to recompose from the feeling that rushed through his body and made him curl the fingers on his feet. A warm liquid spilled on his belly and chest while Link bit on his lip and held his breath.
There was another minute of complete silence, only their breathing giving out that there was someone awake in the room. They felt even more tired nod, though it was obvious that there would be no problem in falling asleep.
- And I thought you were singing loudly... - Rhett breathed out, glancing at the dark haired beside him.

A/N: I don't know. When was the last time I posted smut here? Long ago... Please don't judge me. (And while not judging me, please let me know what you think!)
P.S.: Sherlock fans please let's talk about the magic that happened on 1st January!

Rhink One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora