2 am.

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Rhett checked on his phone again. 2:12am showed up on the screen. He sighed in frustration of not being even a tiny bit tired or sleepy, and changed the TV channel once again.

It was the fourth night that he spent awake until later than he wished. The sleep just wouldn't come he wasn't able to obligate himself into it. He'd lie in bed for hours, just staring at the darkness of the room and asking his mind why it wouldn't take a rest.

He skipped through more channels, lazily looking at the TV, the only light present in his living room. The volume was almost on mute so he wouldn't wake up Jessie or the kids, making the whole atmosphere even more boring than it already was.

He could make some work ahead for the Good Mythical Morning future projects, yet that implied thinking and making his brain hardly work, and Rhett wasn't about that at the moment. They could work at the project during the day anyway, so it wasn't that important.

He finally stopped pressing the tiny button underneath his thumb, stopping at some random channel. He couldn't hear the sound so what was happening at the TV was really making no sense to him. But, as the advertisement changed, it grabbed his attention for a couple of seconds. It was some McDonalds thing, showing the blond man a happy family walking into the restaurant and asking for some "new menu" they had. The images made Rhett's belly make a noise. He felt hungry all of the sudden.

"They are opened 24 hours..." he thought to himself, finding that a very stupid thought after a second. It's 2 in the morning for God's sake. Who eats burgers at 2 in the morning? Who leaves house just to eat a burger at 2 in the morning?!


He got up from the sofa in one quick move and made his way to the corner of the room, where he left his sweatpants hanging on a chair. After a second, they were already on, just like his hoodie. Rhett turned off the TV and grabbed his wallet, phone and keys, before as quietly as possible, leaving the house.

The streetlights were on, giving his familiar street an unfamiliar look. He looked around for a moment, getting used to the quietness and the gloom at the space, and then calmly walked to his car.

After entering, he unlocked his phone and rang the person who had first come into his head when he actually decided to do this.

Rhett softly pressed his phone to his ear, the sound of the "beeps" being almost too loud.

- Yes? — Link's raspy sleepy voice appeared on the other end of the line, after almost one minute ringing.

- Hey. — Rhett just simply answered.

- What time is it? — he answered after a pause. — Are you okay? Is everything okay? Do you need something? — Link's voice was so lazy and sleepy that it almost made Rhett feel guilty for calling him.

- Everything's fine. Are you up for a burger?

Another pause happened before answering. — I'm sorry?

- I'm just leaving the house to go pick up something to eat, thought you could make me company. — Rhett shrugged to himself.

- Rhett, are you feeling okay? Is this a prank or something? Are you drunk?

- Just really up for a burger...

Another pause. — I'm just trying to process here... - Link answered, his voice now a bit clearer yet he was still whispering. — You woke me up at the middle of the night, to go and get a burger? Are you actually kidding me? I'm actually gonna get up now and meet you, just to punch you.

Rhett chuckled. — So is that a yes?

Link sighed. — Are you having your insomnia nights again?

Rhink One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora