Rhink #29

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Link Neal was pretty sure that all his luck was drained out. He found himself lying in the dark in the middle of the nigh, thinking about everything a human mind could think of. Some of those thoughts would awake his anxiety, making Link question his own existence.
His wife asked him for some time after they finally arrived to the limit. Loud fights could be heard in the house every damn day, and Link quickly agreed that they should take some time to themselves and think. That time was now lasting more than a month and the dark haired man found himself feeling alone in the middle of the night. Though what worried him even more was the fact that he didn't wish for his wife to be there, but yes for his best friend Rhett. Link spent more time than ever with the bearded guy, reminding him of the old days in high school and college. The other showed him some sweet moments of being single in the age of 37 and Link would always have a great time, but by the end of the month he started to look at his friend with different eyes, and that quite scared the smaller man. The fact that it wasn't right wouldn't leave his mind.
Link's life at work wasn't the best either. Times were hard and he seemed to get annoyed with people more easily, arriving to the end of the day with a lack of patience. Thought receiving a message from Rhett, even the quicker "hey", would immediately made the dark haired one smile.
Everything was bad yet Rhett always seemed to make Link forget about those moments, even for the tiniest bit, and Link appreciated that a lot. Rhett always had that effect on him to be honest, but as the adult life hit him, Link seemed to not appreciate those moments enough, something that he deeply regret.

On the next day and with Link yawning from 5 to 5 minutes because of the lack of sleep, he decided to call Rhett by the lunch time. A thought crossed his mind and he prayed that Rhett would be into it.
- Hey there buddy! - Rhett's cheerful voice appeared on the other side of the line, making Link's stomach warm up.
- Hi. Are you busy?
- Not really. I'm having lunch. Do you need something?
- No. I mean, at least not now... At this moment... - Link stumbled on his own words, slapping his head with his free hand. - I was thinking... Are you up to spend a night at a motel or something?
Rhett made a pause before answering. - What?
- I mean... Like... Just spend a night somewhere different, you know? - the dark haired started to carefully choose his words, since it seemed like he meant something different. Though he wouldn't mind that either... - Change the routine. Imagine it like camping, but instead of a tent it's a bed in a random building.
- Oh. - Rhett answered. - Okay, I guess!
- Really? - Link got somehow surprised at his friend's quick answer.
- Sure, why not. When?
- Tonight? - he asked nervously.
- Okay. Send me a message whenever you're ready and then pick me up!
- Okay.
- See ya later!
Link turned off the call and exhaled in relief, felling amazing with the fact that Rhett had accepted his invitation without asking many questions. Though he'd probably have to face them later.
The day passed surprisingly fast and it was around 7:30pm when the dark haired man left the house with a backpack in his hands. He felt excited for this, being happy for finally not spending the night alone in his boring bedroom, staring at the same four walls.
By the time he arrived to Rhett's house, the sun started to very slowly settle down, washing the sky in orange tones. The tall man greeted him with a smile as he walked into the car, and threw his own backpack to the back of the vehicle. They started moving.
- Why this so suddenly? - Rhett asked an expected question.
- I need to spend some time somewhere different. Somewhere that's not my bedroom and somewhere not alone.
- Oh so we're sharing a bed? - Rhett smirked at the smaller man, making the other feel his cheeks warm up.
- I didn't mean it that way...
- It's fine, I don't mind. We haven't slept in the same bed for a big while. I kinda miss your cuddly arms. - the blond giggled with his teasing as he observed Link fighting through his laughter.
- Shut up.
- I'm serious!
- Enough. - Link chuckled and gave Rhett a light slap on his knee.
They drew for some more time until a neon light appeared by the side of the road, announcing a Motel. The road was empty, it wasn't much known since everyone preferred the highway.
Link parked beside the building and both men walked out of the car and grabbed their backpacks. The woman at the entrance was nice and quick at giving them a room on the second floor. It wasn't the best obviously, but Link also didn't want anything fancy.
They opened the window and let in some air. The room was pretty warm and the air from outside wouldn't cool it much since they were in the middle of the summer and the temperature insisted in being warm 24/7.
While Rhett went to the toilet, Link decided to take off his shirt and pants. The clothing made him sweat even more here than outside, so it wasn't much good keeping them on.
He fell on the bed and looked at the ceiling. The dim started to take over the room since the sun completely disappeared and the lights outside weren't strong enough to give much light to the space inside. But the atmosphere was pretty perfect. No noise could be heard and Link felt no need at moving. The fact that he was somewhere else than the usual place felt soothing. I guess sometimes a person has this type of need; go somewhere different, somewhere unknown, and feel realized.
The silence was interrupted by Rhett walking into the room. Link didn't bother to move or even look at his friend, but waited for some words.
- Can I join you?
- The question is, why you still haven't? - Link smiled at himself. He heard Rhett taking off his clothes and then a warm arm brushing against his as his friend lay on the bed right beside him.
- What are you thinkin' about?
- Nothing special. - Link shrugged.
Rhett took a quick second to turn on the TV that stood on the drawer in front of the bed. He put it on mute and then turned to Link, being able to see his face a bit better now.
- Do you miss her?
Link sighed, still not taking his eyes from the ceiling and just shrugged. He wasn't quite sure at this point. - I prefer not think about that now. - he excused himself.
- What do you want to think about? Or do? - Rhett questioned. This time Link looked at him. He carefully observed Rhett's features in the weak light of the room. Still beautiful.
He shrugged again. - What do you wanna do? - his eyes glanced quickly at Rhett's lips as the other man passed his tongue through them.
- We came here to run away from the routine, right? - Rhett asked as he observed Link's serene expression.
- Sort of, yeah.
- Then let's do that to the fullest. - the taller answered and placed his lips on his partners. Link immediately opened his eyes and put his hands on Rhett's shoulders, caught by complete surprise and for a second he felt completely lost with what to do. But Rhett's warm lips made him give in pretty quickly. He realized that he wanted to do this for quite a while and the butterflies inside him exploded with the realization that it was actually Rhett who was kissing him.
- Should I stop? - Rhett backed away a little, feeling a bit insecure because of his partner not kissing him back.
- No, gosh no. Never. - Link wrapped his hands around Rhett's neck and pulled him into another kiss, this one more passionate and wanted.
The smaller man felt like he could explode with happiness. This was beyond what he was expecting from this night and gosh if that felt good. It felt like a completely different world, and Link didn't want to walk away from it so quickly.
He intertwined his tongue with Rhett's and a moan came out from his throat as the sweet taste of Rhett appeared in his mouth. He had way softer lips than Link had imagined, and his beard brushing against his skin made the experience even better.
The tall man interrupted the kiss once again. Without taking his eyes off from his partner, he took the white sheet from underneath them and then lay on top of Link, his knees on each side of the smaller man's hips. He then threw the sheet on top of them, smiling together with Link as the thin white fabric covered their entire bodies, slowly falling on them.
The blond man kissed him again, thinking that it was impossible to get enough from the other man's lips, asking himself how they could be so kissable. Then his mouth moved lower, taking the skin of Link's neck between his lips. He sucked on it, right under Link's sharp jaw, and enjoyed the pleasure noises coming from his partner's mouth. He sounded amazingly. After finishing the hickey, Rhett moved lower once again. His tongue passed from the border of Link's shoulder till the base of his neck, slowing down when the tip of his incredible collar bones touched his tongue. He spread a trail of wet kissed along those two bones and caressed his chest hair with one of his fingers, leaving his hand on that zone as his lips touched Link's once again.
- Would it be pushing the limits if we stayed here forever? - Link whispered when Rhett laid beside him.
- Maybe yes. - the other answered and planted a kiss on Link's lips. He intertwined his legs with the dark haired ones, pulling him closer. - Maybe no.
Link smiled and pulled Rhett into another passionate kiss as their legs got trapped in the white sheet and the only sound in the room was the noise of the thin fabric material and their mouths touching. It's a nice sound Link thought to himself and smiled as the strong arm of his partner pulled him closer to his body. Link felt Rhett's chest on his and took the opportunity to put one of his hands on the other man's hip, squeezing it as their tongues touched again.

A/N: Hi lovely readers! Meh, I don't know, I saw this vine of Link and the scenario was something like this so I felt quite tempted to write it and here ya go! I hope you guys enjoy it! Let me know what you think, yeah?
P.S.: have you guys been doing something special while theres no GMM? I'm watching the episodes from other seasons (currently at season 5) and I found myself in need for them to change their haircuts! I don't know, I think they should experiment something different. Not like extreme, but different! And I've always been the person who protested when someone talked about them to get different haircuts! That's my characters improvement right there! What do yall think about this topic?

Rhink One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora