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(Time when they are 30 years old)

Warnings: use of alcohol and drugs.

Being nearly 1am, Link felt like this was way too late to go to a party, yet it was Jimmy's birthday and since Link was the only one who stuck with him after the bar, he just swallowed his tiredness and not appreciation of big parties, and followed his friend.
Some folks organized a party at one of the local hotels. The bigger part of people hosted there were teenagers and young adults, so it was comprehensive for the owners to accept the event. And after all, it was the beginning of summer, the temperatures raised and everyone wanted to make the most of it. But even with that, the dark haired man couldn't help but feel like he was maybe too old for this stuff, like everyone around him could clearly see he recently turned 30 and didn't belong in scenarios like this.
Link felt Jimmy grabbing his hand pulling him through the crowd and stop next to the colorful bar, which was right beside the pool, it being filled up with half naked people. He felt a cold sensation in his hand, noticing that Jimmy was pressing a glass with orange liquid in it, against his hand. Link carefully took the cold object and looked at his friend.
- To my birthday! - the brunette said loudly, raising his glass. Link just forced a smile and raised his glass too, taking a small gulp of it, while Jimmy devoured the whole drink in one go. Vodka with a bit of orange juice, not Link's favorite but he could bear with it. - What's wrong Linkster? - his friend asked as he grabbed another drink.
- Nothing. - Link smiled and took another sip.
- I know you man. Tell me what's bothering you. - Jimmy wrapped one hand around Link's shoulder, pulling him closer.
- I feel a bit weird, you know... Like, a bit too old to be here. I almost feel people staring. I'm being paranoid...
Jimmy sighed and placed his drink on the counter beside him. He then held Link by his shoulders, making the other man look directly at him. - I'm not gonna repeat this twice, so pay special attention, okay? Literally no one is judging you. They don't give a crap about how old you are. You just turned 30, so what Link? You still look fresh, you still are fresh! You are a handsome man, grown up, smart, age has no role in here! And now you're gonna finish your drink and we're going to rock that dance floor, yeah?!
Link felt his heart warm up as he offered a genuine smile to his friend. He was glad having friends like Jimmy, giving his life more positive meanings. The dark haired man agreed with his head and finished his drink quickly. He then followed his friend through the crowd until they were almost in the middle of the dance floor.
A sensual slow song was playing and Link soon realized his confidence only lasted while Jimmy motivated him. Yet he couldn't ask for it now again since his partner didn't lose time and was already next to a blonde girl, slowly moving to the beat of the song.
He inhaled deeply and tried to fit in, starting to move his body slowly. Soon, without Link realizing, his hips moved exactly with the rhythm, his legs and torso obeying as well. He closed his eyes and let his body go with the flow, until he felt two hands being placed on his hips.
The dark haired man immediately turned around and made one step back. His eyes met a tall body. A blond guy with a interesting facial hair and nice eyes. The tall one looked down at him, a bit unsure with what to do next, just like Link. And suddenly, the tall stranger smiled and raised one hand to Link. The dark haired man understood that was an invitation to keep dancing. He looked up again, focusing on that surprisingly beautiful smile. His hesitation held him back for a couple more seconds, but he ended up inhaling deeply and placing his hand on top of the other man's.
As their warm skin came in contact, Link felt his arm being lift up and with a quick move, they went back to the previous position. Link's back was now pressed against the stranger's torso and his hands on Link's waist. The dark haired man decided to just enjoy the moment. His hips went back to action and stranger behind him moved in perfect synchronization with him. After that, the smaller man felt a warm breathing on his neck, making him shiver. Then, the taller man's face came in touch with Link's sensitive skin, making the other have goosebumps at every part of his body. Yet Link didn't back up and gave in to the nice sensation, imagining that pretty smile right next to his neck. The stranger was attractive, Link couldn't deny.
As the song finished and a new, more energetic one started, the dance floor started to fill up with even more people, to a point when everyone was bumping into everyone and there was almost no place to breathe. Link started to feel more anxious and when he was about to turn to the stranger and give him an excuse to leave, he felt someone grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the huge mess of people. They only stopped when reached the bar and Link finally could take a deep breath of fresh air.
- You're okay there? – the tall man asked, putting one of his hands on Link's shoulder.
- Yeah... Yeah, I'm okay, thanks. – the smaller answered and then looked at the place where they were before, realizing he had lost Jimmy, possibly for the rest of the night. – My friend, he...
- Was he with someone? – the other man asked and sat at one of the big chairs next to the bar's counter.
Link joined him. – He was dancing with a girl, I think...
- You'll only find him in the morning. – he gave Link a quick smile and pulled a glass with transparent liquid and ice in it towards him.
- What is that?
- Water. – the taller smiled.
Link didn't believe him until the substance was in his mouth and he realized it was indeed water. The dark haired guy drank half of the glass in one go, feeling the coldness expanding through his body, mentally thanking the stranger before him.
- Rhett. – the tall guy extended one of his hands towards Link.
- Charles, but you can call me Link. – the smaller answered and shook his hand.
- So, what are you doing here, Link?
- It's my friend's birthday... Jimmy, the one I lost. – he explained. – He wanted to have a little bit more fun and... I guess I'll have to walk home alone. – he smiled at his hands, playing with his fingers.
They stayed in silence, just observing the people around them and their crazy behavior, until Link finished his drink. They weren't crazy in a bad way, obviously. Everyone was just having fun. But this wasn't really Link's thing – not big parties at least.
- Do you want to go upstairs? – Rhett asked after the pause. Link looked at him a bit confused. – My room, this is.
- Give me a reason to trust you in this? How do I know you won't knock me out and do weird things to me?
Rhett smiled and got up from the chair. – There's only one way to find out.
Link took a deep breath and accepted the proposal. He followed Rhett through the people and then slowly and silently walked behind him, asking himself if what he was doing was right. Jimmy wouldn't appear that soon though, so he would just be really bored down there. At least he had someone with who to spend time...
- Sorry for the mess. – Rhett excused himself as they walked into the small hotel room. – People here like to party a lot, and hard.
Link just smiled and slowly walked to the bed, sitting at the end of it. He understood that the windows of the room were faced to the pool, the music being still pretty loud. But it was good enough inside the room. He didn't really paid attention to his surrounding, ignoring some clothes on the floor and a couple of bottles of bear next to the door. His flat wasn't at the best shape either.
- Thank you for helping me survive through this... - Link said maybe with a too low voice. But Rhett heard him.
He grabbed a bottle of vodka that was on the table and sat beside the smaller man. – No problem. Now let's make our own party here.
Link looked at him, observing his features now more visible with the light present in the room. His hair looked blonder and his chin strap really complimented his long face. Though Link couldn't determinate his eyes color, being stuck somewhere between light blue and green.
The taller man pulled himself up and leaned on the headboard of the bed, and Link followed him. As Rhett opened the bottle and took a big sip of the alcohol, Link hesitated when he gave him the bottle.
- Look, I know you have no reason to trust me, but I promise you nothing bad will happen. The door to the room is locked so no one can enter.
- You're inside... - Link answered and fixed his hair a bit, remembering that he still haven't fulfilled the promise of cutting it a bit.
- Relax, okay? I won't do anything that you don't want to do.
- Why are you being so nice? – the dark haired asked, turning more forward to Rhett.
The other shrugged. – I'm nice. I wouldn't want someone to do something to me that I didn't want to do.
Link sighed and took the bottle. Fuck it. It's a party after all. He took a long sip and felt his throat burning, yet it was a good burning.
- Tell me about yourself, Rhett. – Link asked looking at the blond.
- Well, my name's Rhett McLaughlin and I'm here on vacations and I enjoy parties.
- Hi Rhett. – Link answered with a giggle, taking another sip of the alcohol. – I'm Link Neal and I live here nearby and I'm the best person Jimmy could have. My friend Jimmy, the one I talked about before? Yeah, I always stick with him and I'm awesome.
- Hi awesome Link.
They both laughed and drank a bit more of the vodka, the bottle becoming half empty. They talked a bit more, getting to know each other a little more, until Rhett took a small plastic box from one of the drawers of the bedside table. Link thought that he would take out some kind of candy from there, being confused for a second, but as Rhett opened it he revealed a couple of small white pills. X pills.
Without looking at Link, the taller one grabbed one of them and closed the box, placing it back on the bedside table. – The effects of this are basically lighter head and pure relaxation. You'll feel good, happy, energetic but at the same time completely relaxed, you know? It sounds weird but feels good. – he finally looked at Link after finishing.
- Will I completely lose my head?
- You'll be just fine.
- Don't let me jump out of the window... - Link swallowed, looking at the little white pill.
Rhett got up from the bed and made his way to one of the windows present in the room, locking it and making the same with the other one. Link followed him with his eyes until the other walked to the door, checking if it was locked, and then turned down the lights. Yet the lights outside still gave the room some luminosity.
- What is that for?
- Your eyes will become more sensitive to brightness. – Rhett answered and sat in front of Link, crossing his legs on the bed. – It would make you uncomfortable and even hurt a little.
- How does it come I'm taking drugs with a stranger? – Link chuckled and sat in the same position Rhett, facing him.
- If it helps, I think you're really... pretty. – the taller said more shyly and Link felt his cheeks warm up with the compliment. – Like really petty. And there's something... about your lips... - Rhett's words came out in a slower and lower tone, making the other man shiver as Rhett's eyes focused on Link's lips.
He swallowed loudly. – You're really attractive too. – Link admitted, making Rhett smile.
The blond put the pill on his tongue and left it there, the smaller focused his eyes on it. Then, Rhett gently put his hand on Link's chin, pulling it slightly down, giving him to understand that he wanted him to open his mouth, to which Link silently obeyed, sticking out his tongue right after. As Rhett got closer, Link held his breath. The taller softly pressed his tongue against his partners and Link felt the white object in the middle dissolving into his flesh. Eventually he let go his breath and slowly looked Rhett in the eyes, which were way darker now because of the gloom in the room.
- It will start working within 20 minutes. – Rhett spoked as he backed away. He got up from the bed, leaving Link a bit esthetic on his place, and walked to the mini fridge that was in the corner of the room. He took out two bottles of water and returned to his previous position. – Remember to stay hydrated.
Link adjusted his glasses and took one of the bottles, putting it on the bedside table of his side.
- Do you do this often?
- Not that often, but often. – Rhett chuckled, not taking his eyes away from the smaller one. – Are you okay?
Link nodded. – It was... good.
- Oh yeah?
- Yeah. – he smiled while looking down, punching himself mentally for suddenly being so shy and hesitant about everything. Rhett intimidate him for some reason. Yet, he took a leap of faith and got closer to his new friend, stopping right when their noses touched. Rhett smirked with the action, waiting for what Link would do next, yet the smaller continued like that for some moments.
- C'mon now. – he encouraged him and with that, Link slowly brought their mouths together. They started slowly, tasting each other's lips calmly and patiently, enjoying the flavors, until Link pulled himself a up, kneeling before Rhett and invaded his mouth with his tongue, moaning with the feeling. The kiss intensified and soon enough both of them were shirtless, their hands everywhere.
Rhett laid Link underneath him and as the other pulled him down by his hips, Rhett kissed Link's face, gently pressing his lips on his cheeks, eyes and forehead.
- You got me completely hooked up to you tonight, you know? – the blond calmly asked between kisses.
- Why is that?
- I don't know. Maybe your dance moves.
Link chuckled. – Totally.
Rhett kissed his mouth one more time and then moved more down, paying attention to Link's neck. He gently sucked on one spot, kissing him at the rest of it. He inhaled Link's smell, enjoying the good scent and slowly moved to his collar bones, also marking him there.
As they continued, the pill started to do its work and Link was now moaning loudly as Rhett sucked on the skin of his v lines. His body was so more sensitive to everything around him, especially Rhett's mouth, giving him complete ecstasy from every little touch. The music outside became louder and Link's will to dance stronger.
The dark haired man pulled Rhett up and kissed him before standing up from the bed. He got dizzy and was thankful that his friend was there to hold him.
- Let's dance. – he almost whispered and let go of Rhett, making a few steps to the middle of the room. He started moving with the rhythm of the song that was playing outside, sensually passing his hands through his body. Rhett swallowed drily, wondering if his thirst was happening because of the effect of the pill or the view in front of him.
- C'mon! – Link called and pulled Rhett by his arm, making him giggle.
And so they danced for a few minutes, or a lot of minutes, completely oblivious about everything around them. Their bodies felt sticky and hot, making them remove their pants, ending up dancing in the dark with only underwear.
When both of them were quite breathless, Rhett picked Link up, pressing him against the wall, his hands gently cupping Link's ass. Their tongues worked in coordination and sometimes low moans could be heard.
- You're a very good kisser. – Link smiled.
- Oh yeah? – Rhett enjoyed the compliment.
- Aham. – Link's mouth moved to the other man's jaw. He gently spread kisses all over it, feeling his facial hair stinging on his lips, yet he enjoyed that sensation and Rhett enjoyed it even more.
- Hydration time. – the taller spoke and took Link next to the bed, sitting him on it. The smaller quietly obeyed and crossed his legs under him, looking up at Rhett and the other felt his heart melting slowly with the lovely figure of his friend. He wondered how someone could be so simple but so beautiful.
He opened the bottle and handed it to Link, yet the dark haired boy just opened his mouth in response. Rhett giggled and slowly poured the water inside his friend's mouth, almost finishing with all the liquid.
Link lay back, allowing Rhett to lie on top of him, and kissed his partner once again, enjoying the quite familiar taste now. He lost track in time and space, the only thing that kept him in the present world being Rhett's lips, until he completely blacked out.

- Link Neal, wake up. – he heard someone's voice calling. His head felt like being pierced by needles so it took Link a couple of seconds to finally open his eyes. – C'mon, wake up. – he saw Rhett in front of him, but not for long since the other walked out of the room right after Link looked at him.
His first try to raise his head was a failure, since it gave him more piercing needles. His stomach joined, making a noise and giving him a nauseous sensation.
The second try was more successful as he was able to kneel on the bed. Link slowly looked around at the messy room and then noticed his glasses on the bedside table. He thanked his drunk drugged self for not screwing them up.
As the dark haired man put them on, he noticed the fact of being only in his underwear. A cold sweat passed through his body as he thought about the possibilities of what happened earlier that day. He slowly got up and walked to the balcony, meeting Rhett sat on the floor. He silently sat beside him and observed the space around.
There were only a couple of people downstairs, all of them asleep on the chairs beside the pool. Everything was so silent and calm, about which Link didn't even dare to complain since his head was having trouble finding peace.
He looked forward and for a couple of seconds stood silent, observing the sun rise. – Did we... - he started, hesitantly looking at Rhett.
- No. – the other smiled and looked back. – Told you I'd keep you safe and no one would do anything to you.
- Thank you. – he sighed.
- No need to thank me.
- Do you have water? – Link asked, suddenly feeling his mouth extremely dry. Rhett handed him a small bottle of water.
They stayed in silence for a couple more minutes, enjoying the calm environment, until Link remembered that he didn't come here alone. – Crap. I gotta find Jimmy. Do you think he's still here?
- You won't find him anywhere now, honey. It's 6am. Everyone's asleep.
- Why are we awake?
- Because this is the only peace moment you'll find in here. And the sunrise is especially beautiful.
- It is. – Link agreed not taking his eyes off from his partner.
- You're a great dancer. – Rhett finally cracked, letting out a giggle.
- Oh gosh. – the smaller covered his face with his hands, feeling it warming up. – Shut up. This conversation is over.
- I'm serious! That was amazing!
- No! – Link protested as they both laughed. He didn't remember much, but definitely knew that his arms and feet hurt because of his stupid impulse to let his inner embarrassing dancer out.
- That was nice. Seriously, Link. In general, it was nice. – Rhett spoke with now softer voice, looking the smaller one in the eyes, getting stuck on them.
- Yeah. I liked it too to be honest. – Link admitted and got closer to Rhett giving him a small kiss on the cheek. But Rhett didn't lose time. He turned Link's face more towards him and planted a soft long kiss on Link's lips. The smaller now realized how sore they were, bringing him back more memories. – I have to get dressed. – he interrupted the kiss and slowly got up. Rhett followed him and they slowly started to pick up the clothes from the floor.
As he entered into the bathroom and saw himself in the mirror, Link froze in place for a couple of seconds. A low "What the..." left his lips while he observed his marked body in several places. Red hickeys covered his body, on the neck, collar bones and the area above the stripe of his underwear. Some of them darker than the others. His lips were a bit swollen, a strong shade of pink covering them.
He took a couple of seconds to think about what he would say to the next person who'd see him like this, but his thoughts were interrupted by Rhett walking into the room.
- You look pretty. – he smirked.
- How will I explain?
Rhett shrugged and wrapped his arms around Link's slim torso, placing kisses on his neck.
- No more! – Link giggled, trying to fight the taller's arms.
- Yes more!

A/N: Well hello beautiful readers! Okay so, this is a bit different from... everything, I guess. But I hope you still enjoyed it. (The fact that summer is here and stuff just hit me and I thought about writing something in the lines of it). Let me know what you think! :)

P.S.: +11k reads W H A T? HOW? You guys blow my mind, seriously! Thank you so so much!!!

P.P.S.: Todays. Episode. I feel like I need to break something. HOW WAS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?! MY POOR LITTLE HEART I WASN'T READY! But seriously though, I'm so happy that they didn't say anything mean or negative about the fact that people shipped them. They are comfortable enough to joke about it positively and that honestly makes me so happy and this whole 'experience' even more enjoyable! Just when I thought I couldn't love them more!

Rhink One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora