Rhink #22

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{Teenage Rhink}

The two boys silently walked side by side through the path that led them to the civilization. Johnny, a friend from class had invited them to a party he organized for the "last day of school" – literally last since most of them were going to college from that moment – and they gladly accepted the proposal. The party was located at Johnny's parents farm, a bit away from "the civilization", but it was the best place to do something good, and with his parents out of town, the young boy took the chance to put his plan in use.
The people invited spent there the entire night. Most of them brought drinks and food, mostly junk food, and the teenagers tried to make a party like they saw in the movies. Now, it didn't go exactly like that, but it was still pretty fun. They played stupid games and drank from the glass bottles, feeling that foreign yet good burn going down their throat.
Neither Rhett nor Link drank that much. Together with a couple more people they enjoyed the loud music, most of it being their favorites, and got a good laugh just from watching their intoxicated friends doing stupid stuff. They joined them in games and tried to do all the dares at the "spin the bottle" game.
It was quite sad to think that most of them would go in different way now, who knows if they would even stay in contact. Everyone had different plans to continue their life, and after so many years, I'd be a sad departure. Though those two particular young men knew that they would stay together. At least through college. Which technically lead them to be together even after that. They promised that to each other. Staying together for as long as it's humanly possible. Through no matter what.

- Want to go to mine? – Rhett asked looking at his friend, referring to his house.
- Yeah, it's closer. – the smaller replied rubbing one of his eyes. They were tired. Really tired.
- Alright.
They reached the main road and slowly walked side by side. There weren't many cars passing at this point. Actually, there weren't many cars passing at any point, even it being the main road. But it was specially deserted at 5am.
The two of them had the chance to watch the sun slowly rise, washing the sky in pink and orange colors, a really bright blue extending on the rest of the sky. And as they walked and observed the sky, their hands lightly brushed on each other's, yet none of them removed it, letting it happen, until Rhett held on Link's pinky finger. Still, they didn't acknowledge it and just walked to the town, a little voice in the back of their head wishing that no one was outside at that moment.
When they arrived home, both tried to make as less noise as they could and as soon as they took off their shoes at the entrance, Rhett hurried to run upstairs on his tiptoes, Link following right after him.
The taller closed the door and fell on the bed beside his friend. The comfort of the pillow made him immediately relax and he knew that falling asleep wouldn't be a problem.
- Did you have fun? – Link asked with a low voice.
- Uh-hum. – Rhett nodded and turned sideways, facing his friend. – You?
Link just nodded and gave him a smile. They giggled at each other's sleepy looks and talked about the scene where Derek stood up on one of the tables and almost took off his clothes. Everyone got a kick out of that but decided to not let it go too much further.
- This will be a great summer. – Rhett smiled as Link turned sideways, not completely facing him.
- We have to make the most of it since everybody says college is hell.
The taller giggled together with his friend and they continued the conversation about what should they do during the big break.
The sun slowly started to pick through the window blinds of Rhett's room, washing the space in soft yellowish tones. The birds outside started singing short melodies, making the whole thing really seem like summer had arrived.
- Are you sleepy? – the taller asked.
Link shrugged. – A bit.
- Lets play a game.
- Okay. Which game?
- Lets play... gay chicken. – the hesitation in his voice was obvious and Rhett wished that his face wasn't as red as he felt it, though Link's face covered in light pink as well.
- What?
- C'mon. They played it at the party and we got a great laugh out of it. – Rhett lightly punched Link's shoulder and nervously laughed, praying that he wasn't making his friend way too uncomfortable.
- Okay... - Link answered shyly, his belly starting to feel funny.
The older boy smiled in a bit of relief. – Cool.
With some hesitation he got closer to his best friend and laid his head on his pillow. He heard Link gulping and suddenly felt his breathing on his lips, making him have goosebumps all over his body. The dark haired boy was looking down, his eyes focused on Rhett's hands, but Rhett kept looking at him until his eyes met with those beautiful blue ones.
- We can stay like this forever, you know? – Link spoke with a low voice.
Rhett smirked. – I already made the first move.
That funny feeling in Link's stomach intensified as got even closer to Rhett, his eyes being the only thing that he could see.
- Brave.
- Your breath stinks. – Link tried to secure the chuckle, but it was impossible, making Rhett chuckle too.
- You're not throwing me off.
- I'm just sayin'.
As they finished giggling, Rhett smiled with the sigh of Link's eyes. He always enjoyed looking at them and thought they were one of the most beautiful features on Link, totally understanding why the girls would go crazy for him.
The taller raised his hand and carefully started to brush Link's hair, which was starting to grow bigger.
- You're making me get sleepier... - the smaller spoke as he lazily blinked his eyes, but Rhett didn't really hear that, completely oblivious of what was actually going on. He embraced his courage and locked the space between him and his friend, placing his lips on Link's.
The dark haired boy immediately backed up, his head traveling to the end of the pillow. Rhett felt cold sweat forming on his body and just hoped he did screw up the whole friendship.
- Oh gosh... Oh gosh I'm so sorry! Link I didn't... I'm sorry! – he started panicking a bit, seeing Link's shocked expression.
- Rhett I...
- Please don't run away.
- What?
- I'm sorry... Let's just... Let's just forget this ever happened, okay? Let's just go sleep and never mention this again. – Rhett hardly swallowed and turned to the other side, trying not to let his breathing get too heavy and completely rejecting his tears.
For a couple of seconds there was dead silence present in the room. Obviously both of them completely lost the desire to sleep. Rhett held tightly on his pillow, blaming himself for what he had done, feared that Link would never look at him again.
- It was... kinda... nice... - Link finally gained courage to speak again, his eyes focused on the ceiling. He heard Rhett moving on the bed, possibly turning to him again, but he kept the same position.
- What?
- What you did... The kiss. It was nice...
- Really?
- Uh-hum. – the smaller finally looked at him, nodding with his head.
The awkwardness of the moment was almost unbearable and Rhett wished that the words flew out of his mouth easier, or someone spoke for him, but that was impossible. He inhaled deeply and looked at his friend again. – Do you... want to do it again?
Link bit his lip and after a quick second contemplating, nodded with his head. Rhett felt huge weight dropping off his shoulders and the butterflies in his stomach were making him nauseous. But no, no puking, just kissing.
The taller slowly got closer, lying on Link's pillow once again. He took a second before kissing Link and observed his face from that close angle, quickly glancing at his lips, and then in a hesitant move, locked his lips with Link's once again.
It was the first time he had kissed a boy. A boy he wished he could kiss for quite a while. Link's lips were even better than he had imagined and Rhett drank every bit of their sweetness that he could, as they moved in synchronization.
- It really is nice... - Rhett backed away for a second and smiled, pulling Link's hair away from his forehead.
- It is. – the dark haired responded and gave him a quick peck on the lips, making Rhett smile even wider.
- Do you want to continue?
Link nodded and pulled Rhett in once again, his hand caressing his partner's neck.

A/N: Hello dear readers! Here's some fluffy teenage Rhink for yall, I hope you ejoy it! I had started to write this weeks ago, but just now had enough "strenght" to finish it. Let me know what you think :) 

P.S.: Did you guys enjoyed the last part of As The Stars Fall? It didn't have much feedback and I panicked a bit idk. But I hope you guys did!


Rhink One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora