Private Practice

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Teacher/Student AU; Link is 19 y/o, Rhett is 35 y/o.

Lincoln focused his eyes on the board behind Mr. McLaughlin. Even though he was looking at the innumerous things written with the white chalk, his mind was at a completely different place. Failing the second year of university, to be exact.

Link wasn't doing so great. Last year he got away with average grades, yet this year it was harder than he thought it would be. The dark haired just had a lot in mind. His mother's second marriage, the discovery and acceptance of his sexuality and the innumerous limitations that came with it, the absolute obsession with feeling like he belongs... The list went on and Lincoln just wasn't able to cope with everything as it seemed it was just a huge heavy pile on top of his shoulders.

So, studying just felt impossible. Just physically and mentally impossible. Every time he sat behind his desk with a book in front of him, his mind wouldn't shut up about the rest of things that are going on his life, eventually making the teenage boy lay his head on top of the book and close his eyes until he was finally asleep.

His mom would wake him up in the morning with a cup of warm milk in her hand. Lincoln pretended he appreciated the gesture and forced a smile for her. She was making a huge effort in showing Link that he could trust her, just like in the old days when the boy would come back from the middle school and tell her about his day. But now, Link just couldn't. He knew all of the sweet smiles and gestures were just a try to get Link to talk with his stepdad and accept him. But the dark haired wasn't able to. Just no... He didn't even understand why she married again. They were perfectly fine by their own.

Then, the gay thing. To be honest, since early years Lincoln wondered why everyone was so obsessed with heterosexuality. The church, the people, everyone told him that boy with boy was a bad bad thing. Same thing to girls, of course. But Link just wondered, why? Not like he was gay. No way. Just why? What was so bad about it? This happened until in his eighth grade, Link had his first kiss with Lesley. He didn't feel a thing. It was a very exciting moment for him, Link couldn't lie. All of his friends telling him how wonderful their first kiss was: the butterflies in the stomach, the tickling below the belt. Well, the dark haired just felt betrayed as there were no butterflies or tickling for him. He went home with his head low.

Suddenly, the loud annoying sound of the bell rang, informing all of the students that the class was over. Lincoln slightly jumped on his chair as he got completely oblivious of the fact he was still in class. The board was now half clean, the white chalk smudged at some spots. With his heart beating loudly, the boy watched his classmates collect their books and slowly leave the room.

He wanted everyone to leave first since today he was determined to talk with Mr. McLaughlin and ask for a schedule of his extra classes. He knew there were other teachers that lectured some other classes, but Link always preferred McLaughlin. He was his favorite teacher, if being completely honest. Understanding and nice, no matter what. Link admired him from afar. McLaughlin was also the best looking teacher, in Lincoln's opinion. But that was another story...

- Mr. McLaughlin? – the boy approached the desk slowly, his bag hanging on his right shoulder. Link held onto it strongly, preventing the teacher from seeing his shaky hands. The dark haired was already pretty shy, but when it came to talk with McLaughlin, the boy turned into an even bigger mess... Link felt pathetic, yes.

- Lincoln! – the man greeted him, his cheeks popping out as he gave Link one of his nicest smiles. He put the pen aside and gave all of his attention to the teen.

Link swallowed loudly. – I... I was wondering when are your extra classes... I think they'd be... very useful before the exams. – he spoke out as loud as he could, but the lump in his throat held him back.

Rhink One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora