Punk Office | (Part 7)

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Warning: description of sexual content.

As Rhett walked into the bathroom, he observed half naked Link preparing the bathtub. Half of it was already full and filled with bubbles. A weak light was turned on above the mirror, giving the room quite a romantic atmosphere.
- Let's celebrate with some champagne. - Link proposed, scaring Rhett a bit since he wasn't expecting for Link to know he was there.
- Alright. - the taller answered and went back to the main room. He called the room service and asked for a bottle of good champagne. Not even five minutes into waiting, a knock in the door was heard. Rhett threw on a white robe and opened it, accepting the trolley with the champagne in a bucket filled with ice and two fancy glass cups. He thanked the guy and closed the door after him.
- Here you go. - the red haired said and walked with the bottle in one hand and the cups in the other. He stopped right next to the door and observed his lover already in the bathtub. The white foam covered almost his whole body, ending slightly underneath his collarbones.
- Such impatient person you are. - Rhett shook his head and placed the utensils in his hand on the counter beside the sink.
- My birthday. You have no reason to be mad with me. - Link smirked as he observed his partner take off the clothes he still had on.
Rhett handed him one of the cups and then slowly walked into the bathtub, sitting on the other side of it, facing Link from far away. - Yeah, take advantage of that excuse while you still can. - Rhett chuckled and with almost no noise opened the glass bottle. He poured the liquid into their cups and then placed the bottle beside the tub.
- To you, Link Neal. - Rhett toasted, raising the cup in the air. - The most amazing, loving and gorgeous person I have ever met.
Link felt his face warming up for some reason, as the words Rhett spoke were said in such a sweet and genuine tone and the moment they were in was pretty intimate. Both of them finished the drink in one go and out down the cups on the floor.
- You really think so? - Link asked, suddenly feeling extremely shy for some reason.
Rhett sighed looking at his lover. - Come here. - he gestured with one of his hands to Link. The dark haired slowly moved thought the foam until his knees were on each side of Rhett's body and he was sat on his lap. Rhett placed his hands on Link's waist and secured him there.
- Of course I think so, silly. - the taller's voice was low and kind. - You really shouldn't doubt of me when I say that.
- I don't... - Link shrugged as he looked down and played with Rhett's chest hair, mixing it with the foam, until one of Rhett's hands brought up his chin, making Link look at him. Their eyes locked for some seconds, the weak light made them change colors. And then Rhett pulled Link into a kiss, pulling the other man's body closer to him.
Rhett couldn't help but feel guilty because of that little black box lying in the pocket of his pants. He felt like he was hurrying stuff way too fast. Though what was in his mind when he chose the ring was every time Link told him "I love you" and how beautiful those words sounded coming through his lips. Maybe Rhett got too attached... Maybe this relationship wouldn't even work...
- Are you okay? - Link asked, backing away a little as he interrupted their kiss.
Rhett shook his head as if he tried to shake his thoughts away. - Yeah... I'm fine. - he smiled lightly and pulled into another kiss.
- Is something bothering you? - Link interrupted immediately. - We can talk about it if you want.
- Nothing's wrong.
- Rhett, I'm serious...
- Don't fight me in this, birthday kid. - Rhett interrupted and grabbed Link's ass with his both hands, squeezing it hardly.
Link gasped at the action, widening his eyes at his lover. - I'm just...
- No just's. - the red haired cut him off again and pulled him closer, making the water move more intensely. He kissed Link again, this time his tongue sliding into the other man's mouth with urge. Link groaned in response and took his hands to Rhett's hair, messing it and pulling on it lightly.
- Are you gonna finish the work that you started this morning? - Link asked almost breathless as Rhett moved his lips to his neck.
- Maybe. - Rhett teased. He sucked on Link's skin, on the area right beside his adam's apple. The dark haired surely would have to make an extra effort to not blush when his coworkers asked him what happened on that night.
One of Rhett's hands traveled to the front part of Link's body and his fingers traced his growing erection. All that happening under water gave the smaller more new sensations, making him moan against Rhett's head as the other moved even lower. His lips traced along Link's collarbones from one side to the other and his hand wrapped around his hard member.
With his free hand, Rhett grabbed the champagne bottle. He raised it above Link's head and the other followed his movements, tilting his head back with his mouth half opened. Carefully, Rhett poured some of the liquid into Link's mouth, some of it missing it and sliding down his neck. The red haired smiled and put the bottle down again. His tongue passed through the smaller man's neck till his jaw, tasting the trail that the liquid had made, he then kissed Link, enjoying the flavor of Link's lips mixed with the champagne.
Link closed his eyes, completely giving in to his lover's moves. He secured himself to the back of Rhett's neck and hair, holding on them strongly while Rhett's hand slowly moved up and down under the water, filling the room with its calm noises of splashing against the tiles of the bathtub.
The dark haired was standing on his knees at this point, as Rhett's tongue moved through his chest from one nipple to the other and his thumb teased the top of his erection. Link bit on his lip, absolutely submitted to all the pleasure circulating inside his body.
Rhett's hand started to move faster by every second and Link lost himself in the moment. He threw his head back as that bomb of absolute ecstasy grew inside his body. His moans joined the sound of the water and Rhett listened to that like it was a melody. He looked up and observed his lovers facial expression, smiling at himself with the fact that he was able to make him feel that way. That's when Link's orgasm blasted and he squeezed his eyes with the pure feeling of pleasure running in every vein of his body.
Link fell back on Rhett's lap, spilling some water on the floor, and pressed his forehead on the other man's, trying to recover his breath.
- Oh goodness, baby... I love you. I love you so much you have no idea. - Link said between deep breaths, his eyes still closed. Rhett kissed Link's forehead, the other felt his cold lip ring on his hot skin.
And Rhett loved him too, like he had never loved someone. But Link made him feel insecure. He made him feel insecure because no one had ever treated Rhett like Link did and no one had ever said to him so many beautiful things like Link did even though he wasn't a romantic person.
Link kissed him through his thoughts and Rhett felt like he was about to burst in tears because of how vulnerable he became. He held his breath and took Link's lips between his, enjoying the familiar taste. All this fear of Link not being ready or maybe not wanting it, when the real problem was Rhett. And he hated himself for that.

A/N: Heyo with more Punk Office! Now, the sad news is that this lovely story is going in hiatus once again. I'm sorry loves, but it needs to. As I was writing this chapter, I realized I didn't have many ideas to continue it. I'm glad I could come back with it since this is like everyone's favorite in this book, but the thing about this story is that it doesn't have a figured out plot. I write it randomly. Very randomly (I think that's pretty noticeable). It's just like a couple of chapter with the same characters being fluffy and stuff. And don't get me wrong here, I LOVE this characters, I just think it has been going for too long but is going nowhere (try to make sense out of that sentence). BUT, I'm going to consider making this a separate book if my brain is able to create a good plot for it. I'm sorry folks, but it's really for the best. Hope you enjoy this one and the rest of the one shots!

Rhink One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora