50k, Project & Behind the Scenes of Luna

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Seriously now, 50k is a big BIG number, for me at least. Thank you so so much to everyone who reads this/likes/comments. THANK YOU! I enjoy writing these one shots so much and knowing that there are people who possibly have just as much fun reading them is just so so good. So heartwarming. Thank you! 

Now, second of all, I wanted to talk about a thing I had in mind for some time. So, you know how RandL had Song Biscuits and they'd write songs from words that people sent them. And, from that I came up with an idea: Written Biscuits. And I want everyone to get involved because you guys have half of the task here! I want you to send videos/songs/ideas/whatever you want, to me, and from that I'd write a small story! What do you guys think? Should this be a thing? And if yes, should I make a separate book for these or should I keep them here? Please please please tell me what you think and send me your suggestions! :D

Now, last but not least, as I promised, a little "facts about me/answering questions" thingy! Luna is great at covering up for me here, but I guess I could tell a bit about my actual self, here :) (anSDTVfan, perfectly in timing, tagged me in one of those tag things that has been going around here, so I'll be answering the questions they made on their page!) (I was tagged in another one a while ago but I lost the notification and now I don't know who that was I'm so sorry :(( ). These are pretty random, so bear with me here.


1. I am obsessed with Japan! I love learning about their culture. I find the language fascinating. I love animu. I just... Everything is so interesting, so different from what we considerate "normal", I absolutely love it! One of my biggest dreams is to go to Japan!

2. I love art. I love drawing. I guess the passion for drawing and writing came with anxiety. I needed a constant distraction from that and I guess I found it in these two forms of creation. But yeah, I am a little art nerd who's obsessed with museums, Van Gogh and just any form of art you put in front of me. (A little something is in process of writing that involves a little bit of art and a little bit of singing!)

3. I've never been in a serious relationship. I had a "boyfriend" when I was like at 6th/7th grade (?) but it was seriously the stupidest thing ever hah. Besides that, I've never had a partner. Oh well. (Yet here I am writing stories with relationships like I'm some type of pro wowow)

4. When I was a little dumb kid, I pressed an iron against my belly :)) My mom was ironing a thing and then something happened and she walked away for a second and my being oh such curious child, I grabbed the iron and was like "aw this seems warm" and then pressed that pointy part against my belly. Yeah...

5. I speak five languages! (Which is probably the most fascinating thing about me yay I can do something!).


1. What is the grossest food you have ever tasted, and why?

Hm... Probably the food my middle school gave us for lunch, especially on fish days. And it almost always be cold! An old grumpy lady would sometimes force us to eat everything and I'd literally gag millions of times while eating the fishy food... Because I hate most of the fish and WHEN THE FOOD IS SUPPOSED TO BE HOT, THEN GIVE IT TO ME HOT BECAUSE NO I CAN'T TAKE COLD FOOD!

2. What is your favorite Youtube channel, and why?

Okay listen, it's impossible to put just one okay I'm sorry. My absolute forever trio is Pewdiepie, GMM and Dan and Phil (yes let's count the last one as just one). I guess because they have helped me through so so much. Specially Pewds. But all of them are just so important to me and I could never thank them enough for what they have done for me. And of course because they're all hilarious beautiful goofy sunshines.

3. Your favorite quote?

"I'm a lot of work with no definite pay off." (From a Phan fanfic called Misfits I adore it with all my heart.)

4. What is your most embarrassing moment?

Probably when in 12th grade I was walking out of school just like ALL THE STUDENTS OF THE DAMN SCHOOL and I got distracted while going down some stair and fell, almost breaking my mouth and head. Yes, everyone saw. J))

5. In an action story, would you be the villain or the hero?

Is there a middle? I feel like I'm not rude and evil enough to be a villain neither am I fit and brave enough to be the hero. So I'd be just that awkward grumpy person who has no idea what's going on.

6. Who do you care the most about?

My cat.

7. British or American?


8. What is your favorite song, which you will still remember in 60 years?

This is a hard one... Maybe, Story of My Life, as cheesy 1d stan as it sounds. But yeah. I have quite an endless love for that one.

9. Your favorite childhood TV show?


10. Your favorite ship?

YOU CAN'T MAKE ME CHOSE ONLY ONE! Well I mean probably have written the most about them so, Rhink. (but then Phan, and Melix (it's canon but I guess it still counts as a ship), Larry, and many many more that completely took away my life).

11. How many people know about your fanfiction obsession?

Hm, some... Not that many. Mostly internet friends.

12. Do you like the color of your eyes?

Yes, yes I do. It's probably the only thing I like about myself. (They're green ^_^)

13. Do you play any instruments?

I can play a thing or two on guitar and another thing or two on piano. Pretty basic stuff.

Okay, done! Please feel free to answer them too, like we did on the first Q&A here! Will be curious to read your guy's answers!

Well, don't have much more to say. Again, thank you thank you thank you for supporting this book, I hope you guys keep enjoying the stuff I post here! Can we reach another 50k? :D (that'd be mental let me tell you I wouldn't survive). Your lovely comments are always a really bright side of my day and they help a lot at giving me inspiration to write more and more, so please never stop!
This book's 1 year anniversary is really close too (28th of February)! I'll make sure to get some cake ;)
For the thousandth time, THANK YOU! Please don't forget to give me your thoughts on the project, have fun with the questions and just LETS HAVE A HUGE GROUP HUG! *OPENS ARMS*
All the love in the world,

Rhink One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora