Vincent | Part 2

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A couple of days have passed since the kiss night and Lincoln still remembered every single detail. He even dreamt about it one night. Of course, a ghostly dream could never compare to how well Rhett's lips felt on his.
With the plastic bag making small noises as the wind passed through it, the dark haired patiently made his way home. His mind wandered around Rhett, of course, again. Yet he couldn't help it.
He thought about how he should soon finish Rhett's painting, to have at least an excuse to knock on the other man's door and say a couple of words. He thought about how wonderful it would be if Rhett posed for him while Link, with a hot cup of coffee beside him, softly traced the features of the blond man's body. He thought about no matter how hard he tried, his drawing skills would never make justice to Rhett's beauty. He thought about...
And there he was. The man himself. Rhett. Sadly, he didn't notice Lincoln and just walked into their building. The dark haired sighed, hoping that with the deep inhale, some confidence would be absorbed into his body. With his steps faster and larger, Lincoln quickly reached the door and ran in, being able to catch Rhett's attention as the elevator door slowly closed. The blond quickly put his foot in front of it, making the metallic door retreat.
- Thanks. – Link said with a shy smile and walked into the small place.
- No problem. – Rhett answered in a soft tone.
- Ahm... Hi.
- Hi.
And suddenly all the shyness was interrupted by a "meow". The dark haired felt confused at first, looking around the place as the doors of the elevator attempted to close once again. This time successfully. Then, another high pitched "meow" echoed, this time attracting Link's attention to the jacket Rhett was holding in his hands.
The dark haired looked at it with confusion as Rhett carefully unfolded the piece of cloth in his hands. From there, a small furry head popped out, revealing a gingery kitten, looking around even more confused than the dark haired was.
- Oh! – Link said in surprise. – You have a cat?
- Now I do.
- You adopted him? – the dark haired smiled, this time looking up at Rhett.
The blond just continued looking down, with one of his fingers softly stroking the head of the small creature. – I think I did, yeah. – he answered, giggling as the kitten let out another "meow".
The doors opened again, which made it seem like they were inside the elevator just for two seconds. The dark haired had to take a second to look around, making sure they were actually at their floor. Letting Link walk out first, Rhett slowly followed him, both now standing in front of the elevator.
- How did that happen? – the smaller asked, genuinely curious.
- I heard him meowing, followed the sound, and the poor thing was inside a trash can. – Rhett started. – I wouldn't just leave him there...
It took Link an extra second to realize the taller stopped talking. He was so concentrated on his voice and sweetness, that the words just flied around and the dark haired found himself lost in them.
- Oh, uh... - he forced out a cough. – My... My aunt used to have a cat. I always said I wanted one so when her cat passed out, she left me his thingies but, uh... I never really got around having an actual cat so... If you want to have them... - Link spoke, unsure, looking at the ground, hoping Rhett didn't take that as an excuse to be together with him again. He genuinely wanted to help.
Also, all of that was true. He wanted to have a cat, but a cat is a living creature, and those kind of require a lot of responsibilities. Responsibilities the dark haired was afraid of failing at. He was more of a dog person though, but cats seemed to be a nicer idea in an apartment. Maybe his aunt's cat was what made Link want to have a cat. His name was Moose. Also, another reason to add to the "I want a cat list" – Link could give him the strangest name ever! Ninja was a strong bet.
When looking up again, Link's blue eyes met Rhett's. The taller had that soft smile on his face. – I was actually supposed to go grab some groceries, but then this happened. – he chuckled. – It's nice of you to help.
Link gave him a shy smile back. – No problem. – he turned around and walked to the door of his apartment, opening it quickly while biting his lip. Rhett made him turn into a dumb child with a huge crush. – Explore the kitchen. There should be some milk and stuff. I'm just gonna change my clothes quickly.
Rhett nodded and with that, the dark haired quickly entered into his room, closing the door. Lincoln leaned against the wooden surface behind him, letting his head rest against it too. His mind was racing everywhere, screaming the million things that could happen with Rhett there. Could! But wouldn't! No. Link shouldn't get his hopes up. Rhett could've very well moved on from the thing that happened some days ago. Yeah. He probably did. The thought sting a little, but it was the most realistic thought Lincoln has had in a while.
With a deep breath, the smaller made a step forward and quickly unbuttoned his shirt, throwing it on bed. Could take care of that later... Opening his wardrobe, he took off the piece of cloth that always kept him cozy. A gigantic grey sweater with two blue stripes going across it. The store didn't have his size at the time, but Lincoln got so stubborn about just leaving it there, that he decided to get a size that could definitely hold an extra person inside.
With another deep breath and the sleeves of the sweater trapped inside his almost entirely covered hands, the dark haired left the room.
He found Rhett sat on the floor of his kitchen. In front of him was the tiny kitten, hurriedly drinking from a small plate that held some milk in it. Beside the gigantic Rhett, the little creature looked even smaller, which somehow didn't break the laws of cuteness. Link smiled as the blond man's eyes met his. They decided to stay in silence until the kitten finished its meal.
After that, the kitten licked himself for a couple of seconds, and then, as if someone was calling him, quickly ran to the living room. Well, it was more jumping than running, but that could do too.
- Do you want a towel, to clean him up? – the dark haired asked as he slowly approached the blond man.
Rhett looked up. – Yeah, that'd be nice.
Link nodded and made his way to the bathroom. There, he took two small towels, wetting one of them and keeping the other dry.
Joining Rhett on the floor, this time in the middle of his living room, the two men giggled as they tried to keep the kitten still and clean the dirty spots it had on its fur. At one point it became almost impossible as the little one started softly biting their fingers and playing with the towels. After a while, the dark haired realized his face hurt from so much smiling, but he was willing to take all the pain if that meant the little creature was happy and Rhett was too.
- Imma take this back. – Link spoke when the kitten was relatively cleaner and no longer paying attention to them, instead of that curiously looking up at the table where Link kept his painting materials.
- Okay. – Rhett nodded.
The smaller tried to be as fast as he could. With one of his hands massaging his jaw, he dropped both of the towels inside the basket where he kept his laundry, making a mental note to take them off later, and then walked back to where he was previously.
Yet once again, he was stopped at the entrance of the room, his heart melting with the image in front of him. The kitten was now entertained with one of his painting brushes as Rhett, with soft chuckles escaping his mouth, tickled him and made him go crazy around it. Link wished he could capture that moment, but before he could look for his phone or camera, Rhett had already noticed his presence.
- Oh. I hope it's okay if I use the... - the blond shifted in his place, almost as if for a second he had forgotten he wasn't at his own house.
- No no, it's okay. – the dark haired smiled. – I guess just be careful to not let him bite it. I wash them, but still... - he spoke and walked closer, sitting beside the taller once again. Rhett just nodded and kept playing for another couple of seconds. Or minutes. Link was so hypnotized, he wasn't even sure.
- We have to take him to the vet... - Rhett spoke after the silence as all his attention still went to the kitten. Link looked over at him, realizing his mouth had curved into a smile when Rhett looked over at him, possibly because of the lack of response. – I! I mean- I have to take him to the vet. – he quickly corrected himself. That was the first time Link saw Rhett blush. It made his butterflies go all crazy again!
- What do you want to call him? – he asked, deciding to make Rhett more comfortable.
- Vincent. – the immediate answer caught the dark haired a little by surprise.
- Do you even know it is a him? – he chuckled, deciding to now make himself more comfortable as he tried to hide his warm face.
Rhett shrugged. – Could still be Vincent.
Link just mentally agreed, then joining the taller at the small finger-war with the kitten.
- Have you, ah... Have you finished the drawing? – Rhett caught Link's attention once again.
The dark haired looked up at the covered canvas. – No, not yet. It'll take me a couple more days, I think.
- Why?
- There are some details that need to be added. I noticed them last time you were here. – the dark haired mumbled, perfectly aware that Rhett's eyes were now on him.
- Like what? – he could hear the smile in Rhett's words.
He chuckled as the kitten bit his hand. – Like your eyes. Their color is so particularly unique that I need to experiment mixing the oils to achieve the one I want. And then your beard, it's softer than it seems so even though it's a Gogh painting, I feel like I should be painting it a bit differently. And then your lips, they... - the dark haired just then snapped out of his own world, realizing how many words have come out of his mind. He shyly looked up at Rhett, who was still softly looking back at him.
- My lips? – the blond slightly tilted his head as he softly encouraged Link to continue.
The dark haired looked back down, this time playing with his own fingers. – They're soft and warm and I need to get some new colors for them... - he answered with a low tone.
- So you're making me a hundred times better than I truly am. – Rhett chuckled.
The dark haired shook his head with the silly thing the bearded man had just said. As he opened his mouth to speak, he felt a warm sensation on his leg. The little creature was peeing on him!
- Oh gosh! – Rhett jumped in and quickly grabbed the kitten, but it was already too late to do anything. The stain spread on Link's knee along with the warm disgusting sensation.
Link couldn't help but laugh with the situation. Of course out of all the things they worried, a toilet for the little thing didn't even come up in their minds. The dark haired stood up, making a face with the smell that just invaded his nose.
- It's best if you don't go to your room, or the smell will just stay there. – Rhett said, also standing up.
The dark haired looked around the huge room, not particularly looking for something, but feeling a huge wave of confidence hitting him. – Don't look. – he said, biting his lip to contain the smile.
- What?
- Look away! – he giggled and took his hand to the belt of his jeans. With that, Rhett quickly turned around as the dark haired hurriedly took off his pants and left them on the floor. – Get the pee spot wet or somethin'! – he said and ran to the door of his room.
Rhett turned around just in time to see Link's slim naked legs disappear into another room of the apartment. He smiled and grabbed the left behind pants from the floor.
Lincoln quickly took off some sweatpants, lost at the back of his wardrobe. He put them on after cleaning the wet spot on his leg with some perfumed tissues he had in the room, not being able to contain the chuckle with the reminder of what he just did. Hopefully those waves of confidence would hit more often!
He met Rhett again at the kitchen, leaning against one of the counters. – Do you want anything to eat? I bought some cookies and stuff. – he asked, only then remembering he had left the groceries bag beside the door.
- No, it's okay. I should be going soon anyways. – the blond answered.
- Right. – Lincoln looked at the floor, trying not to show too much of his disappointment.
- I like your sweater. – Rhett caught his attention once again.
The smaller smiled. – Thanks. – he looked down at himself. – It was the only size left at the store and I went kinda diva on it and refused to "come back on another day when more are available". – he chuckled. – It's huge. I feel like two people could fit in it.
- Hmmm. – Rhett observed the dark haired for a second. – Let's test that. – and with a quick movement, he grabbed the bottom of the sweater and pulled it up, then fitting his head under it.
Link lost it when he felt Rhett's nose and beard lightly tickling his chest through the thin t-shirt he was wearing underneath. While still laughing, he pulled the collar of the sweater up, meeting Rhett under the warm piece of cloth. Surprisingly, the sweater was actually baggy enough for both of them be comfortable under there.
A couple more seconds passed and both of them calmed down from the giggling, their heavy hot breaths mixing in the small place. Lincoln felt his face warming up when he realized how close they were. He convinced himself it was because of how hot the air was getting here.
- Where's Vincent? – he asked, trying to not give away how warm he was feeling not only on the outside, but also on the inside.
- He was tired after all the peeing and got cozy on my jacket. – the blond answered in a soft tone.
- Can I see him from time to time?
- Uh-hum. – Rhett nodded.
- Thank you. – the smaller smiled and while craving his fingers into the sleeves of the sweater, he gave Rhett a quick kiss on the cheek, biting his lip right after as Rhett's beard tickled him once again.
- Humm... It will take more than that. – the taller shook his head and then without any warning, leaned in, pressing his lips against Link's.
This time the kiss was so much longer than the last, the dark haired thought he'd faint with the lack of hair but not for a second wondered if he should back off. Rhett was so nice and soft, it made him scream on the inside and hope Rhett didn't hear it on the outside.
- Do you think that's good to give you more details about my lips? – the taller whispered as he slightly separated himself from the dark haired.
- Yeah, but not enough. – Lincoln smiled and this time, it was him who made the first step to initiate the kiss. He got on his tiptoes and took Rhett's bottom lip between his teeth, chuckling when he felt the blond man's hands being placed on his exposed sides.
They kissed more and more and more, until it felt like there was no more air in the world, yet not even that stopped them. The dark haired sat up on one of the counters of his kitchen. Rhett didn't take his hands away from him the entire time. With his eyes closed, he could see Rhett's portrait being painted with all the details and colors he had imagined. I could never make you justice he thought. The world was never made for one as beautiful as you.

A/N: hello hi this book is still alive yes :D  how are you loves? Still alive after the wonderful episodes we had this week??
Okay so, here's a thing. I had quite of a "crisis" with this book. Out of nowhere, all of the stories seemed so similar to me, like, repetitive, you know? And there are so many chapters at this point so I kind of sat down and deeply thought about it. Two different books grew from this one, which was never planned, but it happened, which means, more updates need to be happening of those. From that, I decided to have a bit less but at the same time a bit more work with this one. I want to make the stories different, more AU's, more wildness at the smut chapters, just more something! Which means, this won't be updated as often as it used to be. But hey, you have two another books to read (if you want to) as (Don't) Find Me and Equal Opposites (aka Punk Office) are separated from here to have their own story :D I hope it's okay by you, lovelies. Please let me know what you thought of this chapter and just stuff in general ^_^

Rhink One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora