How Fast the Night Changes

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Warnings: panic attack, mentions of death.
A/N: This is a Zombie Apocalypse AU. So, I guess this is the resoult of starting to watch The Walking Dead. (I became literally obcessed and I finished not long ago and I don't know what to do with my life now, I feel incomplete). I had this in mind for quite a long time to be honest, just because I wanted to do a very angsty sad one shot, for some reason. There could be a possible Part 2 to this, but I don't know. We'll see how it goes. I'm sorry if you're not really into this kind of stuff. I'm writing another AU that will be just fluff ^-^

(Link’s POV)

I was breathless and the world around me was spinning like if I just walked off a carousel. If it wasn’t for the groaning outside the building, I would’ve just lay on the floor and rest or probably immediately fall asleep, but I had to move. We had to move.
I saw Rhett pushing what looked like a wardrobe towards the door and moved away from it, so he could block it. We then pulled a couple of chairs that were lying around and barricaded it a bit more.
My lungs felt on fire and by the look on Rhett’s face, he felt the same way. We didn’t have to run so much in a good amount of time, everything was calm in the last few weeks, but then today everything screwed up!
- We can pass here the night. They’ll go away not long from now, so it’s okay.
- Let’s hope so – Rhett answered, looking at me, a drop of sweat rolling down his face. I just nodded and we went inside another room of the random house we just entered.
As we were expecting, there wasn’t much left. It passed way too much time since this hell started for the houses still have anything useful. But, the windows were all closed with planks, which meant someone was here before.
I and Rhett agreed to make a quick check out to the rest of the rooms, to make sure that we were alone. Quietly and with our team scheme that we learned just so we could work fast and organized, we scanned the both floors of the house and for our luck, we were the only ones there.
We decided to stay at the second floor because there we couldn’t hear the noises that loud and the night could be a little more peaceful. We took off a couple of blankets that we managed to steal from a store one time, making two pillows out of them, then one on the floor and another to cover ourselves.
As our breathing got calmer and the panic vanished a bit, Rhett went to the first floor to look for something that we could use to cover the windows, while I took off some cans of food. We didn’t have much left, so this had to be carefully split up. I wasn’t hungry to be honest, but if something wasn’t put in my stomach today, I would have no strength tomorrow.
Rhett came back with some curtains and carpets. All old, dusty and with some holes, but with some careful work, we managed to cover both windows that were in the room and just hoped that no one could see us. Nor humans or walkers.
As strange as it sounds, I was happy we got separated from the group. They were doushebags that explored us in every way possible and it reminded me that even if it looked like the world came to an end, the human race was still cruel and disgusting. More disgusting than those dead ones rambling across the streets.
- At least we’re not with those idiots anymore – Rhett interrupted the silence.
- Was just thinking the same thing… - I answered, my voice coming out raspy.
- So what do you got there? – Rhett asked, sitting by my side on the blankets. We lit up a couple of candles that we still had, making the room feel a little bit cozier.
- Beans.
- Again?
- Yes Rhett, again.
- Woah, what have I done to you? Don’t let out your anger on me. I was just kidding… - Rhett said, grabbing the can and opening it. I felt a pain in my chest because of the tone I spoke to him and immediately regret it. He had done nothing wrong and I was just being an idiot.
- I’m sorry. Rhett, I’m sorry – I sighed and removed my glasses, rubbing my eyes with my dirty fingers. Gosh, a shower would be nice now…
- Don’t worry buddy – he sighed and tapped my shoulder. – Let’s eat a bit and then try to take some sleep.
- I’m not hungry… Or sleepy… - I answered.
- Link, don’t start with this. We already had a talk…
I sighed and obligated myself to eat the beans. The taste wasn’t good at all, and with every swallow I felt like everything would come back up.
Somehow, we finished the can and when we went back downstairs, the walkers had stopped to bang on the door, which made me feel a little bit safer. But I knew Rhett wasn’t. He wouldn’t even sleep today, probably, like he always does. I don’t know how he is able… If I was him, I’d be dead by now. The man hasn’t slept for some good weeks, except for one or two days back at the camp, but that didn’t make up for all the hours he was awake.
The tiredness made him look older, plus his beard was bigger, just like his hair. But the bags under his eyes and the fatigue, made him look like a 50 year old man. I didn’t even remember how he was back at the time. I couldn’t make my mind picture him before all this.
I feel bad for him. If I could put him in my place, I wouldn’t think twice, because what hurts more than my not much long time ago broken ankle and the constant headaches, is definitely see Rhett battling with himself.
We put out the candles and got underneath the blankets.
- Good night, Link. – Rhett whispered.
- Good night, Rhett. – I answered and we turned away from each other, our backs completely against to each other so we could be warmer.
I couldn’t bring myself to fall asleep for some good time, the groans outside and the pain I was having on my leg, definitely weren’t helping. Every little noise made me quickly open my eyes and check the room for anything out of normal.
Rhett was pretty quiet though, making me question if he actually managed to fall asleep. Which was pretty good!
Not having working clocks with us made me completely lose track of the time. Not knowing what time of the day it is, could be pretty confusing, but in other hand, quite good. There was no rush because of the time, there was rush because of what was happening around us. There wasn’t that obsession for controlling the time, but yes to control the situation. Rhett had a clock some months ago, but he got rid of it by his own will.

Rhink One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora