Rhink #30

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{Teenage Rhink}

Link silently sat at one of the deck chairs placed beside the pool. He observed all the teenagers having fun inside the water and moving with the music rhythm as the blue-ish colored lights reflected on his exposed skin. The night was warm so even though it was already past 10pm, he kept his shirt off.
Link was never much of a pool party kid, the only reason why he came here was the innumerous times Rhett begged him to come. He accepted it, not wanting to disappoint his friend or make him feel bad for not coming, but his real wish at that moment was being at home, lying on his comfortable bed, even if that meant doing literally nothing and just lying there.
The dark haired boy's eyes slowly followed the movement of his best friend as the other cheerfully walked out of the pool, his body soaking wet. Another song started playing and Rhett got surrounded by some of their friends, all of them started moving along the rhythm. Link observed them, his eyes specially concentrating on his tall friend who was most noticeable between all of them, until the blonds body was standing in front of the smaller boy's. Link looked up at him, giving him a smile.
- Are you having fun?
- Sure. - Link lied, not looking at his friend.
- The guys want to play 7 minutes in heaven. - Rhett informed.
- Okay? - Link felt confused with that information, not being sure where Rhett was going with it.
- C'mon. - the other boy looked down at his friend.
The smaller looked back at him and for a couple of seconds their eyes locked with no words being spoken. - No, thanks. - he finally answered, shaking his head negatively.
- Dude, I don't want you to be sat here doin' nothing for the rest of the night. - Rhett insisted. - Come.
- I'm fine, really.
- Holly is playing too... - the taller teased. Holly was a girl who Link liked according to Rhett and his friends. Though the dark haired had no feelings for her. Sure she was a good company and nice to talk with, but Link's interest wasn't really "girls"...
- I'm really comfortable here. - the smaller insisted.
Rhett placed his cold hand on Link's bare shoulder, making the other shiver. - Do I need to pick you up or somethin'?
Link sighed as both of them giggled and then slowly got up from his chair. They walked next to their group of friends, Rhett's hand not leaving its place until they made eye contact with the others, which was a shame cause Link really enjoyed the physical contact that was happening. Rhett wasn't much of a touchy person...
All of them sat beside a closet at a silent corner of the space around the pool. It was more like a really small room where they kept all the utensils. Some for the cleaning of the water, some for the fun of the costumers.
- If someone refuses to go inside it, we'll pull the persons shorts down in front of all of the people. - one of the guys informed with a smirk on his face as he placed a glass bottle in the middle of the circle that the teens had formed on the floor. All of them giggled with the information.
As the bottle was spun, Link quickly glanced at his friend sat beside him. Rhett smiled at him, giving Link a little bit more confidence in what was happening. Luckily he wouldn't even have to move from the place...

More than a half an hour in the game and with at least 5 pars of people already gone through the closet, Link was still untouchably sat on the floor, crossing his fingers for the bottle to never land on him. Rhett had already went one time and by his look when he walked out of there, he surely had kissed the girl. The smaller boy tried not to think too much about it and as Jonathan spun the bottle, he once again focused his eyes on it, like some force would help it not land on him. But against his will, the longer side of the glass bottle pointed right at him when it stopped.
Some of the people in the circle cheered and laughed and Link rolled his eyes at what was happening. He quickly thought in his head what would be more embarrassing, having his shirts pulled down in front of some people or spend 7 entire minutes inside a closet with another guy. We don't have to do anything though he told himself and slowly got up from the floor. Jonathan followed him and they silently closed the door of the small room.
Rhett joined the other people in the laughter as they waited for time to pass. Some of them would shout something stupid from time to time, making the blond giggle. Link and Jonathan left the closet with the same expressions as they walked in. All of the guys were sure that nothing happened during the time the two boys were alone, but still stupid jokes could be heard until they ended the game just because it started to get boring.
It wasn't until sometime into eating the food disposed on the big tables beside the pool and drinking a can of beer that Rhett finally asked about what happened inside the closet. He giggled after making the question, lightly punching Link's shoulder as he observed his friend getting shyer.
Link looked around to make sure that there were no people around them and got even closer to Rhett, looking at him. - Promise you won't tell anyone? Or freak out, or... stop being my friend? - he asked unsure, keeping his voice low even though no one would hear them since everyone was occupied talking or dancing.
Rhett's smirk turned into a more serious expression as he slowly deduced where the conversation was going. - Yes...
- I need your voice to be more convincing... - Link answered, looking down at his fingers as he played with them.
- Did yall actually kiss?!
- Mind keeping your voice low? - the smaller immediately looked up. - Y-yeah... We did... - he confessed to his best friend, feeling his face getting warmer so he was glad the lights were weak enough for that to pass unnoticed.
Rhett looked down at his feet and sighed heavily as a strange feeling passed through his body as he processed that information. - Like, literally on the lips? - he continued asking, this time just looking at the floor.
- Yeah...
- And like, your lips...
- Do you want me to show you how a kiss works or somethin'? - Link interrupted him. - Yes Rhett, like a proper kiss.
- And how do you feel 'bout that? - the taller finally looked back at his friend, that weird feeling inside him just intensifying.
Link shrugged though he couldn't help but smile. - He was nice. It was nice. It felt nice. I was a bit confused until now, but... it was nice. - he confessed.
- Okay...
- Are you... okay with that? - the dark haired asked, being a bit scared that their friendship could be compromised now. The south didn't have the best attitude towards this type of stuff.
- Sure buddy. - Rhett answered. - Let's have some fun now. - he forced a smile, making Link smile too and both of them joined the rest of the group at the area where the music was louder.
Rhett couldn't help but notice the glances that Link and Jonathan changed while all of them danced. And that feeling, that strange feeling, kept growing inside him as he observed them, until he felt like he was about to explode. So the taller grabbed his best friend's hand and quickly took him behind the small room where they all previously were.
Link's back was slammed against the hard wall and the little light that he still could see, completely disappears as Rhett kills the distance between them and glues his lips to Link's. The smaller gets dizzy in confusion as Rhett hardly presses his lips against his. His body is frozen in place and his heart almost jumps out of his chest as he tries to process what is currently happening.
When Rhett backs away a little, Link feels like he can breathe again, his chest moving quickly as he takes in the air he needs. He feels his lips sore but the distance between his face and Rhett is so little that he can't bring his hand up and touch them to make sure that they're still there.
- Does he kiss better than I do? - Rhett whispers, the question coming out as almost a demand for Link to answer as quickly as possible. His cheeks catch fire as he realizes his best friend actually just kissed him, something about which Link had fantasized quite a while...
He lowers his head and his forehead touches on Rhett's but none of them back away. - I guess not... - Link's voice is weak and shy.
In the dusk of the area where they were, Rhett lowered himself a little and kissed Link once again, but this time very calmly and softly. He places his hands on Link's hips as his fingers touched a little bit of his warm skin above the shorts. The smaller finally responded to the kiss, pressing his lips back against Rhett's, which made the blond relax a little. With that, the taller walked even closer to his best friend, gluing their bare chests to each other as Link insecurely put his hands on Rhett's shoulders.
Rhett's mouth moved from Link's mouth to his cheek, he spread small kisses through his friends face and then slowly moved to his neck.
- Can you kiss me like you kissed Jonathan? - the blond asked while his mouth caressed the area bellow Link's jaw.
The smaller negatively shook his head. - I don't want to. - which made Rhett interrupt what he was doing and look up in his friends eyes. - Can I kiss you like it's actually you?
The feeling of fear disappears from his body as he smiles and touches Link's lips once again. His hands move from the hips to the lower part of Link's back, pushing his body even more towards him and then slowly moves them down to Link's ass, making his friend smile.
Their tongues shyly intertwine as their desire for each other grows stronger. Link's hands also move down, his fingers nicely touch the dimples at the bottom of Rhett's long back, making the taller respond with a low moan that vibrates in their mouths as they kiss.
While their exposed skin brushes against each other, Link's mouth moves down, kissing Rhett's chest.
- Please don't kiss him again... - Rhett asked between deep breaths.
- I won't. - Link answered, kissing Rhett once again, feeling like he could never get enough of that.
Their making out session extended during what seemed infinite minutes, giving out to the world outside just a dark silhouette of two teenagers kissing. Luckily, their time together was never interrupted. Both ended up sat on the floor, Rhett leaning against the wall and Link sat between his legs as the taller embraced his shoulders with one of his arms.
He felt Link shiver as the temperature around them got colder. Rhett's warm lips kissed the smaller boy's shoulder. - Do you want to go?
- No. - Link immediately protested, putting one of his hands on Rhett's chest. - Let's stay here a little bit more. - his fingers lightly brushed against the hairless skin as Rhett's lips moved from his shoulder to his mouth.

A/N: Hello! I hope you guys enjoyed this little something! Please let me know what you think! Pretty pretty please! Hope yall having a good summer! :D
P.S.: I need your help guys. If I published Punk Office as a separate book, obviously some stuff would have to be redone and a lot of stuff would have to be added, so what would you guys like to "see"? Give me all type of ideas: what adventures would they live, what drama could happen, new characters, I don't know, feel free to suggest all types of stuff! :D

Rhink One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora