Invisible Robbers

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Warnings: use of alcohol, sexual content in the end.

The secret for Rhett and Link function so well together was probably the fact that they spent almost their entire life with one another and knew each other better than anyone else.
When Rhett moved to North Carolina and shyly entered into his new school, he wasn't expecting to meet the person with who he'd be spending his life with. Rhett was bored, not knowing a single person in the class helped even more in that, so the boy decided to start writing and drawing on his desk and soon was held from recess at an almost empty classroom. There he met a dark haired with a beautiful smile boy and as they talked and in a couple of days became closer, he really enjoyed the idea of being best friends with him for endless years.
They got along pretty well since the very begging and soon began to spend entire days in company of each other, even after school, weekends - in general, spending time together became like a routine for the young boys, and that routine extended through years.
As the two friends grew, both of them spent some good times relaxing sat on a sofa, in front of a TV, watching movies and series. But the ones that intrigued them the most were the criminal ones, especially were the action was focused on the robbers that would successfully rob a bank or steal the queen's crown. Something happened in Rhett's insides when they watched that. He felt like he was almost in the movie, running away from the police, the excitement and adrenaline would accumulate in his body and he felt his heart beating faster. The blond found himself squeezing Link's legs that were comfortably placed on his lap, the tips of his fingers becoming almost white as he grabbed tightly the loose blue jeans the other was wearing. Rhett glanced at Link, and the dark haired looked back at him.
- Are you feeling that too? - Link asked on that sunny afternoon after school. Rhett smiled and nodded in response.
Later that day the two six graders played a game of trying to steal the cookies without Link's mom seeing them. The boys would give out their presence by giggling sometimes, making Sue pretend that she was oblivious of their presence, yet on other moments they'd take the task pretty seriously, planning when they should make the next move, where to hide and how to sneak out the sweets without making any noise. At the end, both of them would run to Link's room and laugh for five minutes straight, then triumphing their victory and lie on Link's bed, eating their cookies with the pinky finger standing out, pretending to be real rich business partners in crime.
The boys grew and some things changed, one of them being the feelings for each other. When Rhett was 15, hanging out at one of their friend's house, he looked at Link and had a different perspective on him. His mind wouldn't shut up about how well he looked and how gorgeous his smile was. The blond got confused with himself that day, not sure if what he felt for Link was right to feel. He could call his friend pretty, right? He could want to cuddle him and kiss his cute cheeks, right? They were quite comfortable doing some stuff anyways...
It wasn't until at dinner time when they walked out of the house and made their way to Rhett's place that Link stopped under one of the street light posts and took his backpack from his shoulder. The taller boy got confused until Link took off a cassettes player from one of the pockets.
- What? Where did you get that? - Rhett asked with surprise.
- It was lost at Ryan's box full of toys. I scooped through it when I was on my way to the toilet. - Link shrugged at the black object in his hand. - Thought we could give it better use than him.
- What... Wait, Link, WHAT? - Rhett got even more confused. - This is not a toy! This is brand new! What were you thinking?!
Link chuckled, - Calm down. I left the earplugs there. He'll think he just lost it somewhere in the room.
- Are you crazy? - the taller took one of his hands to his head, his mind running through millions of bad things that could happen because of this.
- He doesn't use it! It was literally at the bottom of the stupid box. We can seriously give it a much better use. It deserves better! - the smaller squeezed the recorder, gesturing to Rhett with the object.
The blond sighed and looked around the empty silent street. - What are we going to tell our parents? They'll obviously strange that we have that.
Link looked down at the black recorder and then up at Rhett again. A smirk spread on his face. - They don't need to know.
Rhett felt a chill go down his spine with that sentence and the tone it was pronounced with. He swallowed loudly as he struggled against the urge of kissing Link on that moment. He felt a wave of hype run through his body as he observed his best friend's face and admired how beautifully it looked with the street light shining on him.
- That's what I'm talkin' about. - Link poked Rhett, making the other realize he was smiling too. - New let's go. I'm getting hungry and I want to try this bad boy out.
It was the first but definitely not the last thing that the two young boys kept in secret from their parents.
At 16 was when they had their first kiss but also when together they felt the thrill of taking something without asking. On Link's birthday, late at night when everything was already closed, both of them lied that they were going to celebrate the dark haired boy's birthday at a club and then silently walked to the side of the town that had more stores. Rhett successfully opened the back door of the small grocery store with a couple of tools he brought from home and Link walked around the space while daylight enough times to figure out the cameras system and assure Rhett that the guys didn't care enough to leave them on during nighttime just because nothing interesting happened in the town of Buies Creek. And even if they were on, Link read enough books and watched enough shows to know how turn them off. Rhett trusted him since he knew that the smaller was quite interested in informatics.
Link's prophecy was correct about the cameras since none of them had the red light flickering, so they freely but quietly walked around the store, shining their flashlights at the products before putting them inside their bags. Bottles of Coca Cola, chips, ice cream, all types of stuff, and with some hesitation, a glass bottle of whiskey probably a bit too overpriced to be sold there. So they filled up their backpacks and the same way they walked in, both boys left the building and the only proof that someone broke in was the missing foods, even those probably being able to pass unnoticed.
The duo laughed while walking in the middle of the empty road and both shared a high five. They made their way back to where Rhett lived yet obviously they wouldn't go home. Rhett suggested that both could pass the night at an old barn located not far away from his house. It was rarely used, filled up with a bunch of old useless crap, so the boys agreed that it could be a good enough place where to celebrate and pass unnoticed for the outside world for the night.
Again Rhett was able to open the padlock at the entrance and then put a pipe on the door, closing it from the inside. Old pieces of wood, old windows and all type of dusty objects lay around the space. The boys cleaned up a small area around one of the walls and sat down. They emptied their bags and enjoyed the snacks that both of them took. Soon they also opened the whiskey and just with a few gulps both of them started to feel tipsy and happy enough to laugh at each other while making stupid faces. At one point Link stood up and took off his shirt. Rhett said nothing and just followed him with his eyes. He couldn't deny that inside of the barn started to feel like inside of a greenhouse. Link threw the shirt to Rhett, the cloth landing on top of Rhett's head, making both of the teens laugh again. The blond took the shirt from his head and as it slid down, he felt Link's smell on it, enjoying the few seconds it invaded his nose. It was definitely one of his favorite scents.
- Watch this. - Link smiled and picked up a rock that laid at one of the corners of the space. He positioned himself beside Rhett and with a quick move threw the rock to the other side of the barn. A noise of glass breaking echoed in the air as the object crashed against one of the old windows.
- Link! - Rhett called his attention with a louder voice, grabbing one of his legs and making the smaller boy fall on his knees beside his friend. Link laughed even harder, pulling his head back. Rhett wasn't able to resist and joined the laughter, not really sure why. Maybe it was the booze, maybe Link's laughter was too beautiful and joyful to be just ignored.
- Did you see that? Completely in the dark but I still threw it right where I wanted! I'm a pro. - Link looked at Rhett's face illuminated by the moonlight that peaked in through the single window of the barn and lighted only on his friend.
Rhett giggled. - We can't make noise or we'll be caught. I thought you knew that at this point.
- We won't be caught. - Link smirked. - We're professionals. - the smaller moved and sat closer to Rhett, his knees touching Rhett's hips and his face so close Rhett could feel Link's breathing on his cheek. - Right? - he almost whispered but Rhett stopped listening after the "be", completely hypnotized by the beauty of his friend. He felt almost breathless when Link got so close and when the smaller boy's lips touched his, Rhett though he'd faint from how light headed he was feeling. Link's lips were soft and sweet, even better than the blond had ever fantasized and the fact that Link was the one that made first move made him feel warm inside yet at the same time worried that it was just alcohol actions and that on the next day he wouldn't even remember it - worst! That he'd tell Rhett he didn't mean to do that and it was a mistake.
Yet that didn't happen. The boys grew older side by side sharing the same passions. They became smarter, more precise and soon almost professionals. They were what the TV called "Invisible Robbers".
- Could be more original. - Link rolled his eyes while sat on a sofa at a hotel room somewhere in New York, while Rhett organized the jewelry they were able to successfully take from one of the most famous stores of the place.
- It was close this time. - Rhett ignored his partner's sentence, not taking his eyes from the thin golden chains with a couple of diamonds in the middle of them. - If you want to get further, update yourself on the security systems or we will get caught.
- I apologized, haven't I? - Link looked at Rhett.
- Apologies won't get us out of jail. - the taller shrugged and put the jewelry inside a wooden box. He passed his hand through his face, feeling the hair at his jaw slightly tickle his hand.
- C'mon. - Link got up from the couch and slowly walked in Rhett's direction until he stopped behind the blond guy. - I'm sorry, okay? I promise I'll be more careful. I know it was close. - he put his hands on Rhett's tense shoulders and softly massaged them, feeling Rhett's muscles slowly give in, making Rhett lean back on the chair and sigh.
- I'm just saying, Link... This is no "stealing cassettes and vinyl discs from the local store" anymore.
- I'm aware of that. - the dark haired leaned forward, almost whispering the words to Rhett's ear. - I'll make my research, I promise. - he softly pressed his lips against the blond man's neck, making the other close his eyes.
- Good. - Rhett softly answered.
The name was given them because of Link's incredible capacity of hacking security cameras and never let any footage of them slip. Sometimes the dark haired wouldn't even turn them off but just turn them in other direction, leaving them at a dead spot where he knew they'd never pass and be seen. Not even Rhett knew how Link did that though he didn't bother to insist for Link to tell him. Sometimes secrets were good.
As more years passed, Rhett grew a beard and Link got rid of some of his hair and got a pair of glasses. Their duo name persisted and their skills improved. They grew confident and soon purchased a big villa in the middle of LA. Being one of the most wanted people by police could sometimes be stressful yet at the same time made them feel powerful, like they had the world at the palm of their hand. The police was smart, obligating them to leave a certain state for months or change apartments or hotels a couple of times a week. But the two men were smarter. A lot smarter.
At 37, they found themselves living at the Escala building, in Seattle. Luxurious furniture washed their apartment and both of them felt like kings, not for the first time, but after two years of staying quiet, this was pretty amazing.
- Do you have everything planned for tonight? - Rhett asked as he walked into the kitchen, observing Link sat at the dining table with his laptop in front of him.
- Yap. - Link didn't look away from the screen. - You?
- Aham. - the blond answered and took a plastic bottle of milk from the fridge. - Want some? - he asked, referring to the box of cereal that stood on the kitchen's counter.
- Obviously. - the dark haired smiled and closed his laptop, turning his attention entirely to Rhett.
With their bank accounts filled up with money, the men knew they needed to calm down since the police started to suspect even more and the few bad recordings they had of them were running through the news, got Rhett and Link actually scared for the first time in ages. So they made the people believe the "Invisible Robbers" were gone. Though after this entire time, the thrill and adrenaline were calling back so they planned a quick visit to a bank that night. Both of them did their homework on what they were specialized in and soon everything was ready.
Link liked to consider them like Bonnie and Clyde, just less violent and more careful. They had fake ID's and people who rented hotels and bought apartments for them, so the owners of the building never saw the names "Rhett McLaughlin" or "Link Neal" in their documents and didn't even knew how their faces looked like, which was a big plus. People liked money, they needed people - it was a fair trade. Who knew if it was pure luck or too much professionalism, at the end none of them were found, remaining a secret to the population.
- I'm excited. - Link smiled as he wrapped his arms around Rhett's body and rested his head on the taller man's back.
Rhett chuckled. - Me too.
- I think we should celebrate tonight.
- Oh yeah? - Rhett poured some milk inside two bowls.
- Aham. To us. To the kings. To the Invisible Robbers. - the dark haired squeezed his partner's body, making Rhett giggled as Link's fingers tickled his belly.
- We'll see how stuff go.
- Fun killer. - the smaller let go of the blond man's body, making Rhett chuckle.
- Eat and then get stuff ready, king. - he gave Link his bowl and a light kiss on his head.
Later that day both men got into their car with all the equipment needed and made their way to the bank, and at midnight, when the streets were silent and most of the people sleeping, the duo began their work.
Link was able to unable some cameras at the outside of the building, turning the other in a different directions where they could never be seen and then block them in that position.
- Ten minutes counting now. - Link said and pulled down his black mask as Rhett silently drove to one of the back doors of the bank, pulling his mask down too. They silently left the car, grabbing the bags while Link held his mini laptop at one of his hands.
The taller threw him the bags and Link caught them successfully with his free hand, putting one of them on his shoulder while Rhett quickly opened the door. They walked in, looking around with extra attention and moved carefully in almost complete darkness until they arrived to the security room. A lamp was lit at one of the desks and a radio with low volume played some rap music. One of the securities was too busy reading a journal while the other with a sleepy look on his face, looked at the cameras inside the building.
Rhett rolled his eyes at the typical scenario and waited for Link to arrive to the other door that gave access to the same small room. When the dark haired gave him a signal, Rhett made a noise with one of his tools to open doors, gaining both of the man's attention.
- What the... - one of them stood up while the other checked the inside cameras.
Rhett made Link another sign and just with one click, the dark haired man shut down the power of the area they were in, turning off the lights and the cameras. Both men quickly ran in and successfully grabbed the guards, pressing a white tissue against their noses and quickly putting the other two men to sleep.
Link grabbed the laptop to check if the emergency button was pressed, while Rhett turned on their flashlights.
- Clear. - the smaller whispered.
- Shh. - Rhett hushed his friend as he saw two more flashlights shining from the other room. They carefully ran out of the room to the door from where more guards were coming from and waited for them to open the doors, then quickly putting two more of them to sleep.
- Do you think there's more? - Link asked as he let one of the guys fall on the floor.
- I doubt it. But we don't have that much time now so let's just hurry. Everything's ready?
The dark haired nodded and they ran out of the entrance part to the inside, always carefully looking around before entering into a new division until they arrived to the huge door that separated them from all the money.
- Five minutes until they're able to recover the cameras outside. - Link warned as Rhett used his tool and knowledge to open the steel door. It took the tall man just a couple of seconds since he had done this plenty of times and always successfully.
- Go. - Rhett quickly opened the door, letting Link run in. The taller smiled and followed his partner. They were quick and agile with what they were doing, throwing bricks of 100$ and 500$ bills into their opened bags until those were full.
- Two minutes. - Link warned as Rhett closed his bag. He let Link go first and both of them ran to the same door as they walked in.
As the fresh air hit them, making breathing with the masks on easier, the two men walked into the car hearing the sirens of the police cars like a background noise. Rhett started the vehicle and quickly drove out from the small street where they were parked. He drove to the opposite side from where the police cars were coming as Link carefully instructed him while looking at the screen of his laptop and soon they were speeding on the highway, away from possible danger.
Rhett finally took off his mask and opened the window, letting fresh air in. Link followed him.
- Yeah! - Rhett screamed while a wide smile spread on his face, making Link laugh.
- So, can we celebrate?
- Like kings. Like the Invisible Robbers. - the blond smiled as he repeated his partner's words from earlier that day, making Link smile even wider.
It took them some time to drive back to Escala since he had to take a longer way. The two guys parked their car when the clock marker 3:02am and then made their way to their apartment.
- Take the bags to the bedroom while I search for something to drink. - Rhett told Link as he made his way to their office. The dark haired nodded and took his friend's bag, making his way upstairs.
The taller walked into their office and looked through some bottles they had standing at one of the shelves. Those were mainly gifts from people they sometimes worked with; expensive old whiskey bottles, wine, rum, champagne. It was an honor working with you some would say as they shook Rhett's and Link's hands. One of the best in the world, just like you, and for you they'd hand them the expensive gifts. On the outside Rhett was smiling, on the inside he rolled his eyes. It was always clear to him that two of them worked more efficiently together.
For the occasion, Rhett decided to take the champagne bottle.
He made his way upstairs and found Link looking through the bags and passing his hands through the dollar bills inside it.
- You're busy? - the blond smiled as he entered into the room, making Link immediately turn his attention to him.
The dark haired shrugged. - Just appreciating how good it looks.
- We should go somewhere. - Rhett suggested as he sat on the bed. - Like, vacations.
- Dubai! - Link suggested immediately, making Rhett giggle.
- Dubai it is!
The smaller grabbed one of the glass cups Rhett brought with him and sat on the bed beside him. Rhett carefully opened the champagne, making a light pop noise as the cork flew out of the bottle. He filled up their cups and toasted with the dark haired.
- To us.
- To the Invisible Robbers. - Link added with a smile and they drank the sweet liquid from their cups.
Halfway into the bottle Rhett sat on the bed, leaning against the dark headboard while Link sat down on his lap and slowly kissed the taller man. The only turned on light in the room was the lamp on the bedside table, which gave out a blue-ish color and washed the space in a sensual illumination.
The dark haired man let his hands slide to Rhett's black shirt and his fingers slowly started to unbutton it, feeling Rhett's warm skin underneath them.
- You first. - Rhett whispered between kisses.
- What?
- Undress... First... For me.
The smaller smirked and backed away from his partner, seeing the amused expression on Rhett's face. Link gave him another quick kiss and then got up from the bed, giggling at himself as he brought his hands to the base of his dark t-shirt. He slowly started to pull it up, drinking Rhett's sexy concentrated expression while observing Link. The blond passed his tongue between his lips as Link revealed more and more of his skin and then finally took off the first piece of clothing, throwing it to the other side of the room. He didn't bother fixing his hair, knowing it got a bit messed up while he slid the shirt through his head. He knew Rhett enjoyed it messy.
He smirked and then took both of his hands to the button of his pants, painfully slowly unbuttoning it and then pulling the zipper down. For that part Link turned around, facing backwards to his friend, and then teasingly pulled his pants down while slowly and with short moves he shook his hips, hearing a small chuckle coming from Rhett. When he stepped outside of the fallen on the floor pants, Link took a quick second to take off his socks, standing in front of Rhett only in his underwear. The bulge was already quite noticeable.
For the last part, Rhett sat down on the border of the bed, never taking his eyes off from Link. The dark haired locked his eyes with his partner and slowly slid his boxers down, finally standing naked in front of Rhett.
The blond grabbed one of Link's hands and pulled the other man towards him, letting Link sit on his legs. Firstly he gently took Link's glasses from his face, carefully putting them on the bedside table and then kissed the dark haired man slowly, passing his tongue through Link's lower lip and then sliding it inside his mouth, making the smaller let out a low moan. Rhett's fingers rambled at the exposed inner thighs of the dark haired man, making him shiver with the relaxing sensation the blond was stimulating on his body.
Rhett's hands then moved to Link's waist and with a quick move, the blond made his partner fall on the bed. He smiled with Link's giggle and kneeled in front of the bed, leaning on it with his belly as he fit between the dark haired man's legs. Instead of his fingers, the taller used his mouth and spread small wet kisses all over Link's thighs, drinking in the amazing noises his lover was doing.
Finally, he took one of his hands to Link's hard member, grabbing it and seeing Link's body immediately react as the dark haired squeezed the bed sheets in his fists. Rhett licked his lips and then let his tongue pass from the base of Link's erection to the very top, closing his eyes with the whine his partner let out.
Rhett took the tip of Link's length inside his mouth, working his tongue around it while his eyes focused on his lover's face, enjoying the expressions of pure pleasure. His hair was now even messier and beginning to stick to his forehead and even with icy light in the room, Rhett could swear Link's cheeks were washed in pink tones. So he took in more until he felt like he would gag, not pushing it more forward so no unwanted noises would be made.
Rhett slowly started bobbing his head and massaging the rest of Link's erection with one of his hands, feeling his fingers getting slippery as his saliva started to slip down. He heard Link's moans getting louder and his legs move more as the seconds passed and Rhett kept pleasuring him.
- Rhett... I... I'm.... - the dark haired hardly could speak but still was able to warn the taller that his orgasm was ready to blast. That's when Rhett stopped everything he was doing, straightening his back and taking his hand from his lover's hard member. - Wh... No. Rhett, please! - Link cried even louder, feeling that wave of pleasure slowly evaporating from his body and even without coming, the dark haired felt exhausted and breathless.
Rhett stood up and smirked at his friend's helpless look. - Ass up. - the blond simply commented and walked to the drawer that stood beside the door of the room. From there he took a bottle of lubricant, remembering that they just got a new one.
Still without turning back to Link, the taller patiently took off his clothes and folded them on a chair, finally being completely naked. When he turned forward to where his partner was, Link was lying on the opposite side of the bed, where his feet should be, his knees under his torso as he slightly raised his ass in the air and with a smirk on his face he observed Rhett.
- Sneaky. - Rhett chuckled, knowing that Link's eyes were on him the entire time.
- You're not the only one who enjoys seeing people undress. - the dark haired smiled.
The taller walked next to the bed. - I enjoy seeing you undress.
- Well, I can't enjoy seeing myself undress, so I watch you. Which is pretty sexy too.
- Oh yeah? - the smile never left Rhett's face as he kneeled behind his partner and leaned down to kiss one of his shoulders. Link took the hands from under his chin and put them on each side of his head, closing his eyes with the sensation of Rhett's lips on his skin, followed with a nice tickle of the taller man's beard.
- Uh-hum. - the dark haired purred.
Before opening the bottle, Rhett grabbed Link's hips with both of his hands and with a strong move, pulled Link's ass more up, making the smaller let out a high pitched laugh. Then he poured some lube on his fingers, taking that hand to his erection and slowly massaging it, spreading the slimy substance all over it. After that, he squeezed the bottle again and let some of the liquid fall between Link's butt cheeks. He heard his lover let out a sigh as the cold substance came in touch with his skin, especially in a more sensitive area. Rhett smiled.
The blond put the bottle on the floor and with already dipped in lube hand, took one of his fingers to Link's entrance, pushing it further with no warning. He made it slowly, turning most of his attention to how Link bit his lip while still smiling, his eyes closed. He pulled it out and in a couple more times before adding one more finger and as the smaller got used to the sensation, Rhett twirled them around, knowing that he touched that amazing spot when Link's mouth opened, shaping an 'o' and his hands squeezed the bed sheets. The taller decided that was enough and took off his fingers, listening to Link's whine.
He slowly slid inside the dark haired man, making a pause when he was fully in letting Link and himself adapt to the sensation. After sliding out and in again, Rhett put his hands on the smaller man's hips, securing him in place while his thrusts became stronger yet still amazingly slow.
He closed his eyes and listened to his partner's moans which became louder and louder with every trust. He loved it. Those beautiful sounds. No other people could sound as well as Link sounded while having his face against the bed's mattress. No one could sound like that in any position. Only that man with those beautiful eyes that almost made him look like an innocent angel.
Rhett opened his eyes again and decided it was time to increase the speed. Give Link what he so much loved. Make him feel like they felt while stealing money or some important expensive object from a museum, but even better.
The tall man gave Link a slap on the ass as he trusted with more strength, making Link let out a scream and raise his head for a couple of seconds before dropping it on the bed again, looking even more breathless while he weakly tried to pull his sweaty fringe out of his forehead, but it didn't help much.
Rhett started to move faster, keeping the same strength and with one of his hands he started to massage Link's hard member, driving the smaller completely insane. The dark haired pressed his forehead against the sheets while his hands squeezed the material harder and his moans were almost screams synchronized with Rhett's thrusts and the movements of his hand.
Rhett's other hand squeezed harder on Link's hip, knowing that the dark haired would definitely gain some marks on that area.
- Don't... - Link tried to talk but his attempts seemed almost pathetic. - Don't... Stop... - he was able to speak out two words. This time Rhett didn't and with another deeper thrust, Link felt like he exploded. The orgasm hit him everywhere possible and the smaller didn't hold back on the screams. His fingers felt numb against the sheet in his hands and for a second he though he couldn't make it without collapsing, yet he obligated himself to stay in place for Rhett even though it was impossible since every muscle of his body felt like it needed to twitch. After some more seconds, Link felt like he had no strength in his body and was glad that Rhett was now holding him with both of his hands.
It didn't take too long for the taller to come either. As Link orgasmed and then fell on the bed, Rhett felt the muscles around his member twitching, and it was enough for the taller to reach his climax. He threw his head back and thrusted in one last time before trying to stay still in place while his orgasm spread all over him. Rhett let out a loud whine and squeezed Link's hips even more, almost feeling sorry for how they'd look in some hours. For a couple of seconds the only noise present in the room was their deep breathing.
Rhett felt too sensitive to stay inside Link for any longer and with the rest of strength he still had, the blond pulled himself out and let his body fall beside Link's. The dark haired turned his head to Rhett's side but felt too tired to open his eyes. Rhett smiled and with one of his shaky hands, pulled Link's sticky fringe back.
The taller didn't bother to try to convince Link change positions and lay on the pillows or even clean up. The smaller kept his eyes closed with one of his hands almost in front of his mouth. It made him look younger.
- You were amazing. - Rhett whispered. Link smiled in response and after a minute Rhett heard a heavier breathing, knowing that his lover fell asleep.
He smiled with the fact that Link fell asleep with his lips curled. He intertwined one of his hands with Link's, carefully to not wake up the other, and then closed his eyes.
Before falling asleep the blond imagined that somewhere in the universe there was a falling star, and as a wish to that star Rhett asked to never in his life be separated from Link.

A/N: So this is huge... and different... I don't know, but I really felt like writing something in this context. It came out huge because it was impossible to put it under 2/3k words and I didn't want to make it a two parts thing because I think it wouldn't be as interesting (?). I don't know... I hope you guys enjoy it tho! Please let me know what you think :)

Rhink One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora