(Don't) Find Me

596 24 18

(Link's POV)
The noises of the huge city of Japan drowned my ears as I attempted to successfully walk through the Shibuya crossing, trying not to fall or bump into someone. Being 4 days in this city still didn't got me to know how to properly function in it, even though I'm a lot better than I was on the first day. The giant spider web that was the subway was now easier than walking and the super crowded places were now more like a street and not a place where you'd get lost and never seen again.
As my attempt of arriving to the other side without bruises worked, I calmly made my way at the sidewalk, carefully looking through the restaurants and coffees I passed by. It didn't pass much after 4pm, and with my work here done, I decided to enjoy a nice coffee and something good to join it before it was time to get into a taxi and drive to the airport. I wasn't sure if I wanted to go home or spend another day here. But I wanted food, and finding that in the center of Japan was the easiest, since this part of town was more opened to the tourist, having pretty regular stuff to eat. Traveling into the land of weird food wasn't really my thing.
An appealing coffee shop appeared by my right side, and I finally decided to walk in. Not many people were there, and the place was cozy and nice. I asked for a coffee and a piece of kind-of-looking cheesecake. The waitress gave me a nice smile and invited me to sit down. People were very polite here, another big plus.
I chose a small table next to one of the windows, and patiently waited for my order.
Being in Japan was something I never imagined myself doing. I prefer more casual stuff, more calm stuff, this city definitely not being those. Yet I can't complain. Even though I spent most of my time here just driving to the office and dealing with paperwork, this was one of the greatest experiences. The culture is fascinating and seeing all that you see in movies, in actual real life, was something from another world.
The waitress finally arrived with my order and put the mug and the plate with the cake right in front of me, giving me another nice smile. I thanked her with an "arigato" and she politely nodded and walked away.
I sipped on the coffee, the nice taste filling my mouth made me realize that I haven't drank a good cup of caffeinated drink in a quite big couple of days. The cake was really good too, the foreign taste actually being pleasant and making me want to eat the whole thing just in one bite.
The door of the building opened again, turning everyone's attention to it just by reflex of curiosity. An abnormally tall man walked in, a fedora hat complimenting his features. He didn't look at anyone and calmly made his way to the waitress behind the balcony. I turned my attention to my food again and sipped on my coffee a little bit more. Yet quickly it was stolen again by the tall man sitting on the table right beside mine. He took off his backpack and put it near to his chair, sitting down.
He looked at me, making me realize I was staring, and made a nice smile, making me smile too and then quickly turn my head to the other side, feeling my cheeks warm up a little. Honestly, he was extremely attractive and my subconscious was telling me to look at him again. Instead of that, I took another sip of the hot drink.
The waitress gave him his order and then calmly walked away. I glanced at him, meeting his eyes that were already looking at me. He picked up his mug and toasted me, drinking it after. The smile appeared involuntary, again. What was going on here?

After at least 10 minutes and my coffee at the very end of the mug, I felt a presence by my right side. Slowly, I turned my head and was faced with a tall man's torso, so I looked up, observing the face of the fedora man that some seconds ago was sat on the table beside mine.
He placed a glass cup with white liquid in it, right in front of me, and then sat on the other chair putting his big arms on the table, occupying basically half of it. He then took off the hat and put it on the back of the chair. His dirty blond hair really complimented his beard, and face in general. I raised my eyebrows at the audacity of the man, but didn't say a word, waiting for him to explain himself. He smirked; his eyes give out a slight sparkle, making me swallow hard at the beauty of the guy. He's a model or something. If not, he definitely should be.
- I bet you haven't tried their special organic milkshake. – he finally spoke.
- And you are right.
He leaned a bit forward. – If you leave Japan without trying those, then you haven't accomplished a thing in here!
- How nice of you making sure I actually accomplish something.
- I'm a nice guy. – he shrugged, still with that smirk on his face. – Rhett.
- Link. – I extended my hand and he grabbed it, friendly shaking it.
- Seriously though, try it. I guarantee you that you won't regret.
- What if I do? – I raised an eyebrow, really enjoying my teasing towards the guy.
- Then I'll pay you another drink, entirely of your choice.
I smiled. – Deal, Rhett.
The cup felt cold in my hand and as I sipped on the drink, my teeth hurt a bit with the coldness of liquid, making me squeeze my eyes and apparently make a funny face as I heard Rhett giggling on the other side. The taste was weird but really really good. Not too sweet, not too sour. Something strange but pleasant.
- So? – the blond asked from the other side of the table.
- I want to say I didn't like it so I get another drink, but it's actually pretty nice. – I laughed.
- Told ya. When would your tourist guide recommend you something like that!
- I don't have one. – I took another sip of the drink, it becoming almost addicting as I held myself from giving bigger swallows.
- Work?
- Yeah. – I leaned on the back of the chair. – You?
- Citizen.
- Really? – my tone of surprise was pretty obvious. Rhett nodded. – Well that's cool! – he smiled. – Do you offer a drink to every guy that you see in this coffee?
He tilted his head a bit to the side. – Oh no. There's also other coffees. Sometimes a meal at a restaurant.
I laughed at his words, feeling like a teenage boy who just heard a joke from his crush. Rhett sipped on his drink and enjoyed my laughter. As I took another sip of the drink, I felt my head getting quite light and a sudden urge to lay down somewhere to sleep. It was good I guess, since my flight was quite early and I really didn't want to be walking around with dark circles around my eyes bigger than my face.
- We should go for a walk. – I heard Rhett saying, slowly standing up from his seat.
- Oh no, I should... I should go back to the hotel... - I tried to get up but the sudden tiredness was winning towards my actions.
Rhett held me by my arms, putting it around his waist and I held strongly to it, feeling crazy dizzy. My body was starting to get anxious with what was happening to me, since this obviously wasn't normal. My vision started to get blurry, so I decided just focus on the floor and never let go of the tall man.
- I'll help you out, buddy. – I heard him saying and right after that, everything went black and I felt like I was slowly falling asleep.

Disclaimer: I don't intend to romanticize this type of stuff. Don't take this story and apply it to real life because obviously, cases like this most of the time don't have happy endings. This is a fictional story with fictional characters. I just find the case of Stockholm Syndrome interesting. The story won't contain major violence or anything like that, but obviously, some may found triggering as we're talking about kidnapping.

A/N: this has been sitting around in my documents for so long wow. Okay so, this would be a fic about Stockholm Syndrome, which gives me mixed feelings if people would enjoy it or not. But I finally decided do give it a try. I promise I'll post another chapter this weekend. Please tell me your opinion about this. Thank you loves!

Rhink One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora