Rhink #33

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Warning: sexual content.
{AU with no wives}

The lights of the car were able to illuminate only two meters of the road in front of the vehicle. Nick was behind the wheel, Link sat beside him and Rhett at the back, his eyes barely opened since the day was more than tiring and all of them were dying to just get inside the sleeping bags and rest.
Nick had told a lot about this camping park to Rhett and Link, and both of them were pretty excited about going there since it included hot showers and hot tubs, something which they didn't try that often. So it sounded pretty amazing to them. Though a little detail floated through their minds when Nick mentioned the park to them. Clothes optional. And both men didn't know how they felt about. Nudism wasn't something they came in contact that often and seeing strangers naked around them felt weird even from thinking about it. But they were up for giving it a try. Honestly, they weren't even being that picky now since all of them were really tired and just looking forward to put somewhere their tent and get a good amount of sleep.
Nick parked the car near to everyone else's and then got out. Link looked around. Everything was dark, the hot tubs lights being the only thing that illuminated the space, just enough for the dark haired man to see the trees around it.
- Rhett. - he called in a sleepy voice and rubbed one of his eyes.
- Hm?
- We arrived, let's go.
- Uh-hum. - Rhett's sleepy voice was heavier than Links and the dark haired man knew that his best friend probably didn't even hear what he said.
- C'mon man. Five minutes and we're in our sleeping bags. - Link said and opened the car's door, lazily walking out of it. Nick was already making his way to the camping area, slowly carrying the utensils they needed. Link felt bad for not helping him...
He opened the back door carefully, catching Rhett's head with one of his hands, making Rhett whine with the intrusion. Link cupped the right side of his face and slowly brought it up until he was sure Rhett was able to hold it still. The dirty blond beard tickled the base of his hand, making Link shiver.
- You could've let me sleep here. - Rhett complained in a sleepy voice, sighing deeply after he rubbed his eyes and tried to maintain them open.
- Yeah, if you want to not be able to walk tomorrow and spend the entire day complaining about your back. - Link answered coldly and grabbed their backpacks, stretching over the taller man's legs to be able to reach them.
- At least I wouldn't have to deal with your bad mood right now. - Rhett rolled his eyes and waited for his friend to let him get out of the vehicle.
With both bags in his hands, Link straightened back up and through the weak lights looked at Rhett. - I'm in bad mood? You're the one whining like a little baby right now.
- Can we just go? - Rhett sighed and got out of the car. He grabbed one of the backpacks and both of them silently made their way near to Nick, who had already set up the tents and was ready to go to sleep. The men had two of them, one for Nick and one for the inseparable duo. It was a bit small for both of them since they were pretty tall, but none of them complained much.
- G'night. - Nick simply said and got inside his green tent, closing the zipper right after him.
It didn't take too much time for both of them to get inside either. They changed shirts and lost their pants, getting into the sleeping bags only in their underwear. Both of them were very agile while moving inside the small tent since they camped quite a lot, so they didn't made much noise while settling down to sleep.
But five minutes into deep silence of the night, Rhett realized he had lost all the sleepiness and tiredness he had some moments before this. He tried not to make too much noise as he changed positions inside the tight bag, ending up unzipping it and lying on his stomach, his head turned forwards to Link's.
The dark haired had one of his hands out of the bag, lying right in front of his face. Rhett slowly reached for it and lightly passed his fingers through Link's. He smiled with the sensation of his friend's soft skin under his and continued to gently caress his partner's hand, feeling his own skin tingling with those gestures.
- Rhett... I'm trying to sleep... - Link's low voice sounded, making Rhett stop what he was doing for a second.
- Let's try out the hot tubs. - the blond whispered, his hand going back to what it was doing.
Link took a pause before answering, as if the words Rhett just said were very slowly arriving to his brain. - We can do that tomorrow. - the sound of the words was muffled by one side of Link's mouth being pressed against his pillow.
- But there will be more people tomorrow. And now we can have it just for ourselves. We can even experiment the nudism thing.
- We can do that tomorrow. - Link repeated, his voice came out a bit more clear, being a sign that Rhett's attempt to completely wake him up was working.
- Tomorrow will be awkward.
A sigh left Link's lips. He rubbed his eyes and opened his bag, sighing once again.
Rhett smiled and kneeled in front of his best friend. He took off his t-shirt and threw it at one of the corners of the tent and then quickly reached inside of their bag, taking off a big towel to take with them. He checked his phone which showed 1:02am on the screen.
- Let's go. - he started to slowly unzip the tent while Link lazily took off his own shirt.
They tried to make as little noise as they could, slowly making their way to the hot tub they saw earlier. The landscape that could be visible was almost fearful. The only light present were the little lamps inside the tub, giving the water a blue-ish color and illuminating a little are around the space, while everything more far away around them was washed with the darkness. The mountains in the distance seemed even bigger than they already were, almost giving the illusion that the two men were lost in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by the huge valleys which wouldn't let them escape. Creepy creatures could easily be imagined living at those hills.
- Scary movie worth scenario. - Rhett said with a low tone as he looked around. The tree beside the tub looked like a dead object with its leaves not moving an inch since no wind was passing through the air.
- Everything's so quiet. - Link added, feeling a shiver go through his spine as he looked around. A desert in the night is scarier than one could think...
Rhett said nothing more and took off his red boxers, carefully putting them beside the towel and his flip-flops. Link looked away while his friend slowly got into the hot water, even though he was more than used to see Rhett naked. When the blond was settled in, it was Link's turn to take off his underwear and join his best friend.
The water was surprisingly on point. The type of temperature you rarely achieve in the shower, but when you do, you want to stay there forever. Link sat down, putting half of his arms inside the water too. He made slow motions with them, feeling the warm water passing through his fingers. The level of it reached a little bellow his nipples.
- Oh wow. This is nice. - the dark haired said with a surprise. He was expecting a lower temperature.
- Told you it would be nice. - Rhett said and put his arms on the border of the tub. One of them passed right behind Link's back.
They stayed in silence for an unknown amount of time. Just listening to the now really comfortable silence around them. At this point the amazing view seemed more like a painting that was put inside a sauna just to give the costumers a more relaxing experience.
At some point, Link's head rested on Rhett's forearm and then slowly slid to his shoulder. The taller pulled him closer by putting his free hand on the dark haired man's leg and pulling him towards his body until their legs were touching.
Rhett placed a couple of small kisses on his partner's hair. The hand that was on Link's leg didn't leave the place and the blond gently massed his fingers across the entire part, from where the leg met the torso until the knee, making Link close his eyes and enjoy the majestic sensation. The warm water was definitely a plus in the whole experience.
- Come here. - Rhett whispered as he lifted Link's head by his chin, abandoning his leg, and placed a warm kiss on the dark haired man's lips. The familiar softness was immediately recognized even though they haven't kissed in a while. Stupid promises they knew would never be kept.
Link didn't thought twice and slightly got up, sitting on Rhett's lap, his legs on each side of Rhett's hips. The water level was now by his waist, making Link shiver as the wet exposed area came in contact with the air outside.
Their mouths met again, this time in a more intense kiss when Link's tongue caressed Rhett's lower lip and then slowly entered his mouth, joining Rhett's.
Link put his hands behind Rhett's neck and then slowly massaged the back of his partner's head, keeping it with the same rhythm as the kiss. Rhett's both hands were now on Link's inner thighs, softly rubbing on them and making circles with his fingers. With that, Link felt a tingling sensation at the bottom of his belly, his member immediately starting to get harder as Rhett teased him.
He bit the bearded man's lip, quickly glancing down. The water was clean enough to let him see that both of them were pretty turned on, their erections almost brushing on each other.
Rhett pulled Link's head up again, kissing him gently while his hands traveled to the dark haired's ass. Link tried to work through the discomfort Rhett's finger was making inside him. His eyes squeezed as Rhett made slow in and out movements; the dark haired tried to talk himself into the fact that it was always like this in the beginning. Yet, sometime into it, he separated the kiss.
- That's not working. - he softly said, his hands pressing on the tall man's chest.
- Do you want me to go and grab the bottle? I still have it. - Rhett said, talking about the little bottle of lube.
- No... - Link answered, his lips meeting Rhett's neck. - Let's just... just say here... - he sucked on Rhett's sensitive skin, making the other throw his head back as a low moan left his mouth.
- Alright.
Link made his way down the blond man's neck, spreading wet kisses all over his chest until he arrived to one of Rhett's hard nipples. Link let out his tongue, giving that area special attention while one of his hands wrapped around Rhett's erection.
Rhett let his head hanging back, his mouth half opened, letting out loud exhales of pleasure that was starting to circulate all over his body. Link then moved to another nipple, giving it soft bites as his hand passed through Rhett's entire member in slow movements.
- Sit more up. - Link commanded and Rhett didn't hesitate to obey. He straightened his back and pressed it against the wall of the tub while Link took off his glasses, carefully putting them beside their stuff. The water was reaching lower on his body parts; the tip of his manhood was now exposed to the outside.
Link kneeled between Rhett's legs, spreading them more. He wrapped both of his hands around Rhett's member; one on the base of it while the other kept doing the slow up and down movements. The dark haired took out his tongue and lightly touched the tip of Rhett's erection with it, making Rhett let out a louder moan. Link smiled with the reaction.
His tongue twirled around the tip of the blond man's manhood like Link was licking an ice cream, driving Rhett to complete ecstasy and pull his hips up involuntarily. But Link pinned him down with one of his hands pressing on Rhett's leg.
- I'm not touching this water with my lips. Stay steady. - Link said with a commanding voice, looking up at Rhett and drinking in the expression on his partner's face.
- Just... Please... - Rhett begged, his eyes closed.
- Make less noise. The people in the tents will hear us. - the dark haired ignored Rhett's voice asking for mercy and then took the tip of his dick between his lips. His tongue joined, making it seem like Link was french kissing; his hand gained more speed and Rhett saw himself going absolutely insane.
- I'm... - the blond was breathless and almost unable to talk. - Don't... stop... please! - the last word came out louder as he felt an electric shock going through his body.
The top of his fingers were white because of the strength the blond was holding himself on the border of the tub. His chest moved up and down in deep breaths filled with pleasure that was building up as Link's tongue ruthlessly caressed his arousal.
- Link... - Rhett breathed out and took one of his hands to Link's head, holding on his hair.
The dark haired moaned with his partner's touch, his mouth vibrating around Rhett's member, which was enough for Rhett's orgasm to explode. He let go of his breath, which he was holding, and made all the effort he could to not moan too loud; the word "Link" escaped his mouth in the most sensual way possible.
The dark haired stood in place as he took the evidences of that orgasm inside his mouth, partially swallowing the warm white liquid that hit the roof of his mouth. He felt Rhett's erection twitching between his fingers and his eyes met a breathless figure of Rhett.
The blond felt light headed and exhausted, for some moments not being able to open his eyes or get his body to move. The fingers of his right hand slid from Link's hair to his shoulder until he felt his friend taking his hand and kissing each finger.
- Oh my goodness... - Rhett let out the words in a lazy way, pulling his partner up, making Link be closer to him. - I always get surprised with what that mouth of yours can do.
Rhett opened his eyes, his eyelids felt heavier than ever. Link's face right in front of his made him smile. He gently cleaned the bit of the white substance that was on Link's lower lip and then kissed him, being sure he was able to taste himself in the dark haired man's mouth.
- Don't underestimate me. - Link smirked.
- Never. - Rhett sucked on Link's lower lip. - Now you. Lay back up here. - he instructed the smaller man, making him lie on his back on the wooden area around the hot tub.
Link's feet touched the border of the tub; he spread his legs wider, to be able to get as close as he could to Rhett while the other kneeled on the step he was sat, making the lower part of his body still be under the water.
Rhett leaned on his elbows and positioned himself between Link's legs, letting his eyes pass hungrily through his partner's erect member. His hands were a bit shaky when he took one of them and wrapped it around Link's hardness. The dark haired let out a gasp.
Rhett stroked it a couple of times and then slowly led his mouth to it, firstly kissing the head and then slowly passing his tongue through the entire member while he enjoyed the whine Link let out.
His index and thumb closed at the base of Link's manhood and then finally Rhett slowly opened his mouth and took it inside, taking as much as he could without gagging.
- Shit... - Link whispered, his hand searched for something to grab but found nothing but flat surface, making the smaller want to dig his nails into it.
Rhett said nothing and kept bobbing his head up and down, also moving his fingers to caress the part where he couldn't reach. He took in every moan Link would produce, feeling a bit worried that people would hear him since the black haired man didn't held back on the tone of his voice; but he wouldn't stop.
Rhett's tongue joined while he increased the speed of his head going up and down and he felt one of Link's hands grabbing some locks of his hair, lightly pulling on it. That's when he stopped what he was doing and let go of Link's member.
- No Rhett please no. - Link's breathless voice begged the blond man to continue but all he did was tell Link to shush, leaving the other breathing heavily while his eyes got lost in the dark sky.
The blond smirked at the despair of his friend and waited a couple of seconds until he was sure Link's pleasure decreased; only after that, he took his manhood in his mouth again.
- Oh gosh... - the dark haired breathed out as Rhett's mouth came in contact with his sensitive area, grabbing on the blond man's hair once again, this time pulling on it harder. Though Rhett didn't complain and only started moving faster, taking more and more of Link each time he went down until he felt the tip of his erection touching the back of his throat, which drew the dark haired man to his limits. Rhett was glad the gag reflex was gone, giving in completely to his actions of pleasuring his partner. He tilted his head from time to time, sucking on Link from different angles. His hand joined his head movements, sliding more easily with the help of his saliva.
- Rhett... - Link tried to warn his best friend how close he was, yet the blond didn't stop for a second this time, which lead to Link's turn to hit the climax. - Oh Rhett! - the dark haired said louder when the orgasm blasted through his body. He arched his back while trying to catch enough breath and felt dizzy even with his eyes closed. The shock hit him everywhere at once.
When he had no more strength, his back fell on the wooden surface once again, his muscles twitching as Rhett's tongue still touched his extremely sensitive member. He put his fingers on Rhett's chin and pulled him up. As Rhett got out of the tub, the sound of water moving made Link relax even more.
His shaky hands cupped the face of his partner and he pulled Rhett into a long kiss.
- And you wanted to come here during day time... - Rhett smirked, giving Link a light kiss on his nose.

A/N: when I started this I was like "fml I can't I'm having writers block" and then some hours later I found myself in front of a +3k words text. It's still not as good as I would like it to be, but I guess it's not too bad either. I hope you people like it! It has been some time since I posted something smutty here. Let me know what you think! :D
P.S.: if you like Punk Office and still don't know this, THAT STORY IS NOW A SEPARATE BOOK! I renamed it to "Equal Opposites" and it's on my profile if you want to check it out :D (new chapter coming out tomorrow!!!)

Rhink One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora