Chapter 3 - Meet

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The three friends are in the Lounge room of their school. Their Lounge room includes a piano, a library loft and a sitting area where the students can sit and rest.

Lucy and Nathan are sitting on the couch whilst Y/n is walking back and forth in front of the fireplace.

"Dear God, Y/n. You'll get the text anytime soon. Don't stress yourself in there." Lucy exclaimed. "Why don't you sit down?"

Y/n have been waiting for the text from the audition yesterday since earlier this morning. She couldn't control herself from being anxious and can't even focus on her class. Believe it or not, she got snapped out by her teacher while her gazes are like looking from afar.

Then her phone finally chimed. Her face lit up and she quickly took her phone out of her pocket. Then she quietly reads it.

A shocking expression appeared on her face as she finished reading the message.

"I didn't got it." she sighed.

"What?!" The two said in unison. Lucy stood up and walked towards Y/n. "Let me read." She requested. Then, Y/n gave her the phone.

"Dear Ms. Mateo, We are sorry to inform you that you didn't get the role. We know this is very shocking to you, but we hope you understand." She reads in a low tone voice and looked back to Y/n.

"I expected too much." Y/n groaned as she sat down on the couch.

"Too bad you didn't got it." The three heard an all too familiar voice. The person they hated. "Well, well, Y/n. How sad. Are you going to cry?" Cara laughed, followed by Natasha.

"That's what you get for having high dreams." Natasha spat.

"Come on now, Tasha. We don't want to get infected by her misfortune." Cara scoffed. The girls walked out of the room and left the three. Lucy was left furious and could even punch the two girls' faces.

"Lucy, if you're thinking of punching them, you better control yourself. You don't want your mother to get disappointed, do you?" Told Y/n, as she stood up. "You too, Nat. I know what you're thinking?" Said she, looking at Nathan.

"If only the school allows pulling on someone's hair, then I would pull those bitches' hair." Said he, grinding his teeth.

"I guess we should go home. We just waited for nothing." Said Y/n.

Lucy and Nathan can see in Y/n's eyes that she's sad and wanted to give up. They know how she has been auditioning to different theatre shows, but ended up not being chosen even the small roles.

Y/n grabbed her bag on the couch and marched towards the door, but bumped unto a tall, black haired boy.

"Y/n, you look upset. Is something wrong?" Asked the boy.

"Yeah, I'm ok. Thanks for asking Tyler." She gave him a slight smile and walk through the door.


The night came and Draco keeps on finding Astoria. He didn't give up surely for some can tell he has been looking for her since he got in Nottingham, that is this 10 am in the morning.

He ended up sitting in a plant box, near the Council House. There are not much people to be walking and the fountains were already turned off.

He looked above the sky and he wished that he could see her somewhere in here. He truly loves the girl and can't certainly give up easily in finding her.

In just a matter of hour, he fell into a sleep.


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