Chapter 37 - Allow me

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Morning arrived.

Y/n felt her side empty, causing her to open her eyes. Draco wasn't there anymore.

She understood why he left early, for he knows she doesn't want to both of them to get caught.

Then, her phone chimed.

She took it on the side table and read the text that was sent to her.

She jumped up in excitement upon reading such an exciting news. She got the role in Mamma Mia.

Mary knocked on the door and went in.

"Ah, Good Morning, milady. Didn't know you have been already awaken." Mary smiled.

"Mary! Mary! I got the role!" As soon as she got out of bed, walking to Mary, she fell down again.

"Milady, are you alright?" Mary quickly approached her, helping her get up.

Y/n thought she won't be like this anymore this morning, but she was wrong. Oh, how she wished Draco didn't went to hard for her.

"You must have stumbled because of your excitement." Mary giggled.

"Ye...yeah," she chuckled nervously. "It must have been, but anyways, is Mama and Papa and my brother have already been awaken?"

"Yes, milady. They're downstairs, but you must get dressed before meeting them."


Y/n tried hard not to limp, in order for her parents, especially her mother, to not ask questions why she's limping. Because if her dearest Mama did, she'll never know what to answer.

She walked inside the dining room and saw her Parents, eating their breakfast.

"Good morning, sister," her brother greeted, coming into the dining room.

"Morning, brother," she greeted back, taking a seat next to her mother.

She filled her plate with the food in front of her. She looked up at them, hesitating to tell the news. She knows that her mother might not approve.

"I...umm..I have news to tell." She put all her might to speak.

"Oh, what is it my dearest?" Asked her father.

"The thing is..." her eyes turned to her mother, then back to them. "I auditioned for a theatre show and......I got the role."

Her mother looked at her surprised. "But dear, what about the season."

"I will have to sit out, Mama, also with the next season and so on. I want to attend college and perform on theater stages." She reasoned out.

"Arthur, talk to her." Her mother sighed whilst she placed her hand on her forehead. She has been tired of fighting with her daughter about this again.

"It would be a great idea, of course." Elijah spoke. "Y/n, you have my support."

"Thank you, brother." She smiled and turned her head to her father. "Papa?"

"Elijah, you are not helping." Their mother fretted.

Lord Harlington was still thinking.

"Papa, please allow me. It's been a dream of mine for God knows how long it has been." She pleaded.

Lord Harlington smiled, looking at Lady Harlington.

Lady Harlington too smiled and sighed, looking at her daughter, "If you promise me that you'll behave well in school-"

Y/n suddenly stood up from her chair, hugging her mother. "Thank you, Mama,"


Y/n got back to Nottingham.

She have told Catherine to put her scholarship down, for she knows that someone needs it more than her and they paid back the money that she used on her scholarship.

Lucy and Nathan are helping Y/n out on her studies that she has missed out during the London Season.

Y/n feels much more confident now, now the she already has her Family's support.

Y/n still stays on her old apartment even her mother didn't want to, but she pleaded until her Mother allowed her. What her mother didn't know is that, Draco is living with her. If her mother knows, God knows what'll happen to Draco.

Though, Draco was already been introduced to the family of Y/n. Her Parents did approved after hearing what Draco did to help her, but not Elijah. He still wasn't convinced about Draco.


Y/n stayed up, late in the evening. She's reviewing for their final exams and the Producer had let her to take 2 weeks off from practice.

Draco woke up, noticing Y/n wasn't next to him. He rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand and saw Y/n at her study table, reading her books.

He stood up from the bed and went to Y/n, placing his hand on her shoulders.

"Love, you should really be resting by now." He planted a kiss on the top of her head.

"I can't. Finals happens tomorrow and I don't want to-"

Draco suddenly carried her.

"Draco, put me down." She pleaded.

"You can't focus on tomorrow if you don't rest. You have been like this for a week now. Let yourself get some rest." Told he, putting Y/n down on the bed.

Draco went to her study table, turning off the lamp, closing all her books and went back to her, laying down and hugging her.

"Don't pressure yourself, alright?" He tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear.

Y/n nodded. "But what if I fail?"

"Trust me, darling. You won't fail." He assured, planting a soft kiss on her forehead before she drifted off to sleep.

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