Chapter 38 - His Parents

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Y/n only had a week before the school ends.

She was in the lounge room with her friends, waiting for the Top 200 list of students that have passed in the College Department of Performing Arts.

Then, a teacher arrived, holding two bond papers and pinning it on the Information Board.

Many students ran there, checking on their names. Lucy is one of the people, checking on the board.

"Oh my gosh, I'm Top 8!" She exclaimed.

"What about me?" Asked Nathan.

"Wait," she looked back at the paper even if it's hard when the other's are trying to see their names too. "You're 5!" She squealed in excitement. "And Y/n's" her eyes tried to find her name, then she gasped and went out of the crowd.

"Did I fail?" Y/n looked anxious.

Lucy beamed out a smile. "You're at the highest top."

"Wait, really?" Y/n couldn't believe what she have heard from Lucy. "Are you serious?" A smile was forming on her lips.

"Yes!" Lucy effused.

Y/n went to the Information Board and wanted to see if it's really true.

As she reached the board, she looked at the list and her eyes caught her name on top 1.

She went out of the crowd with disbelief in her eyes.

"I told you so," Lucy grinned.


Y/n went home excited. She 's really excited on telling Draco that she passed, especially her Parents and her brother and of course, Coco.

Y/n opened the door to her apartment and was greeted by Coco, who immediately ran towards her.

"Hi, Coco." She cooed, petting Coco.

Y/n looked up and saw Draco approaching her.

"Hi, Love." She stood up, kissing Draco on his cheek.

"How's your day?" Asked he.

"Exciting," she grinned. "I just got the highest top!" She squealed.

"Wait, really?" Draco's eyes widened.

Y/n nodded as Draco hugged her tightly and pecked her on the lips.

"See, I told you, you won't fail." He grinned.


Draco and Y/n arrived in the entrance gate of the Malfoy Manor.

Y/n looked around. It was gloomy and cold unlike from where their family Manor.

She has never to a place that is gloomy and she felt scared, for her brother told her that Draco's Parents despises muggles.

"Draco," she stopped herself from walking, letting go of Draco's hand. "I don't think your parents will like me."

He smiled, and took a step closer to her, holding her hand. "My Mother will, only I can't promise that my father will like you," he sighed.

Y/n looked down, anxious.

He place his hand on her cheek, his thumb rubbing it gently. "Don't worry, love. I'll be by your side the whole time. If my Parents doesn't accept you, it doesn't mean I'm going to break up with you."

"But, they are your parents, Draco..."

He sighed and kissed her on the forehead. "It's going to be alright."

He pulled a ribbon out of his pocket and went behind her, tying her hair.

"That ribbon." She immediately recognized it. The ribbon that she tried to take from Coco.

"I was there," he smiled while tying her hair. He walked again in front of her.

"Is that why you know?" She looked down, fiddling with her fingers.

He held her hand and cheek. "Hey, you don't need to be sad. It's in the past now," he assured.

Y/n gave him her sweet smile, making Draco flutter his heart.

He led her to the front door of the Malfoy Manor, knocking on it and was opened by a house elf. It left Y/n surprise, she haven't seen a creature like that in her life.

"Master Malfoy has come back," Said the elf.

"Hello, Dobby, Are Mother and Father home?" Asked Draco.

"They are, Master." Smiled the elf, letting them come in.

Draco and Y/n entered the room. Y/n held a grip on Draco's hand, for she's nervous and scared to meet his Parents.

Dobby pulled the hem of Draco's coat, and signed him to lean down.

Y/n, on the other hand, was looking around wide entrance hall of the Manor.

"What is it, Dobby?" Questioned Draco.

"The young miss is very beautiful, Master. She looks kind." Dobby whispered.

"Thank you, Dobby." Draco smiled and stood up.

Her mother went down the stairs, and saw Draco.

"Draco, dear. You are back," she kissed Draco on the cheek and turned her head to Y/n. "And you must be Y/n." She walked towards, smiling and giving her a kiss on each of her cheeks.

"It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Malfoy." Y/n smiled, feeling relieved that Draco's Mother didn't give her any looks that lets her know that she was despised.

"Please, call me Narcissa. Your are my son's girlfriend. No need formalities." Narcissa held the girl's hands. "Draco has told me so much about you."

"Really?" She grinned, looking at Draco.

Draco cleared his throat and spoke, "Why don't we go to the living room?"


Draco and Y/n was laying down on Y/n's bed, cuddled up, back in their Apartment.

Y/n is happy, for Draco's mother approved of her. At first she thought she would despise her, but no, the woman was kind and caring towards her.

"Your mother is really sweet," she smiled softly.

"See, she likes you, no, she LOVES you," she lightly tap on Y/n's nose, causing her to giggle.

"Though, why your father?" She asked suddenly.

Draco let out a sigh and spoke, "I'm sorry about my father for missing the day that they'll meet you. He just-"

"I understand, Draco. You need not to explain."

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