Chapter 12 - Practice

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A week has passed.

Draco have been getting pretty good at it, now that Lucy, Nathan and Y/n have been guiding him. His a fast learner. Y/n thought it would take them weeks to help Draco learn how to do Ballroom.

"1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, 6 , 7, 8!" Nathan guided them, his stick stomps the floor at the same time he counted those numbers repeatedly. "Draco, don't forget to support Y/n's back while she half bends."

Then, Y/n fell on the floor.

"Draco, I told you to hold her firmly." Told Nathan.

"Nathan, I think you are being too harsh." Lucy came in with bottle of waters.

"This is how you teach Lucy, especially when there is a contest coming up."

Lucy scoffed and placed the bottle of waters on the table.

"Are you alright?" Draco reached his hand for her.

"I'm alright. It happens usually." Answered she, standing up with help of Draco.

"I guess we should rest up for a bit." Nathan stood up from the chair and took his crutch. "Lucy could you guide me down the stairs? I need to go to the loo."

"Yes, of course." Lucy replied.

And the two where left in the room.

Y/n walked straight to the table to where the bottle of waters are.

"Here." She walked to Draco, handing him a bottle of water.

"Thank you." He smiled.

Draco opened its cap and chugged the water whilst Y/n walked to the tall window and sat on the wide sill. She looked down at the busy street, same as usual. The lady arranging flowers in her flower shop, a man selling newspapers, a man selling fruits from his shop and a lot of things that her eyes witnessed.

Draco sat next to her, also looking at outside.

"I never thought you could do it." Y/n smiled, her eyes never left the streets.

Draco noticed for the first time that her smiled is somehow different. It looks innocent like a flower that blooms in the garden. From her looks, a person could easily determine how kind this person is.

Draco looked back at the window. "You know, if you are to attend Hogwarts, you'll get sorted into the house of Hufflepuff."

"Hufflepuff? Well that's a cute name for a house, but what is it?" She chuckled.

"Hufflepuff is where you will find kind people, most of them. Hufflepuff is known to have the students who are loyal, hard working, true and they are very friendly ."

"Well, I think I wouldn't fit there when it comes to being true..."

"Why would you say that? You are true to your friends." Draco curiously looked at her.

"I do, but...not from my mother..."

"Your mother?" Draco was eager to know. He seems to feel like Y/n has something hidden inside her mind and she didn't want to spit it out. Maybe she wasn't ready.

"Short break is over." Said Nathan upon entering the room with Lucy.


Y/n got home from her last class that started earlier at 4. It was already 6 in the evening.

Y/n opened the door to her apartment, only to find Draco who burned what he was cooking.

"Draco!" Y/n was surprised. She ran to the kitchen, opening the window above the sink and fanning the smoke away with a cloth, out to the window.

"Draco, you should've wait for me." Said Y/n, coughing from the smoke that already vanished.

"I didn't want to make you tired here too. You're already tired from school." Draco replied.

"It's not a hassle for me and I'm used to it." She chuckled.

"Why don't you teach me? Maybe I could be of help."

"Draco, you're help from the dance already means so much to me, including when you feed Coco. I couldn't thank you enough for that."

Coco arrived at kitchen, upon hearing his name. He thought he might have been called, but it was only because he was mentioned in their chat. How silly of Coco.

"Hi there, Coco." Y/n cooed, kneeling down to give Coco a kiss. "Did you miss mommy?"

"You love Coco very dearly, do you?" Uttered he.

"I do. He was gifted by my uncle on my 15th birthday and Coco is like my best friend ever since then." She sighed, standing up from the floor. "Now why don't I teach you to cook now, so that we'll eat."


The morning sun has shone again from the window of Y/n's bedroom. It made Y/n woke up and her eyes travelled around the white wall up to the clock. "8:36" she thought.

Luckily, it's in the weekend. She doesn't have to worry much. All she has to worry is the contest.

She's really glad that Draco have been improving a lot and had already memorized the steps. He's pretty good and has the talent for it.

She got out of bed, slipped her slippers on her feet and walked to the bathroom. Same routine as usual.

Coco jumped out of the bed and again ran outside Y/n's bedroom to wake Draco up. Coco never gets tired of it.

An hour or two has passed since they had their breakfast. Y/n and Draco are up in the Dance room, getting ready for their practice.

Y/n was sitting on the wide window sill while putting on her dancing shoes.

"Won't Mrs. Hillary see Nathan that he's injured?" Asked Draco.

"She won't, unless she's an adviser or teacher in the College Department." Replied her.

"Isn't she?"

"No, she is a teacher in the Junior High School Department."

"Didn't know there's a lot of levels in Muggle Schools." He smiled, taking a seat next to Y/n.

"Muggles? Whatever name is that?" She chuckled.

"Muggles are....non magical people, like you."

"Well," she chuckled again. "That's weird."

Silence were uttered for a while and it is a bit of awkward for Y/n until Coco came in, barking, inside the dance room.

"Well, I guess that is our queue. Come on now, Draco."


The three friends are walking down the school hallway. Students are walking around, running, chatting in the corner and fooling around. It was very much lively when students are on break.

"So, how is Draco?" Asked Nathan.

"He is really good at it. He improved much since we have practiced last night." She smiled.

Then, Y/n accidentally bumps unto Tyler when she was about to turn her head back to the path.

"Oh, Tyler." She stepped aback. "I'm sorry, I didn't see you there."

"It's alright, Y/n." Tyler smiled at the girl. "By the way, Good luck on the contest. You too, Nathan." Then, he left.

"Good thing he didn't noticed I'm limping because of this damn ankle." Nathan chuckled.

Though, Y/n seems to be light headed, like perhaps her mind had reached the clouds.

"Y/n, just admit it. You like Tyler." Said Lucy.

"What? No!" She shook her head lightly. "Well, I like him. I do. But not in that way." Then, she continued to walk. She felt awkward by it.

"I told you she likes Tyler." Lucy whispered to Nathan.

"She just doesn't know how to recognize her feelings yet." Replied Nathan.

"Yeah, but I hope she would soon."

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