Chapter 8 - The Evaluation Day

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Y/n is getting ready for the Monthly Evaluation. It's like an exam, but in this evaluation, students receive high marks.

She went outside her room and saw Draco with Coco, playing together.

"Are you going out today, Draco?" Asked she.

Draco lifted his head up, looking at Y/n. "Maybe I should rest today." He smiled. "I'll just stay with Coco."

"Aww." She cooed. "Anyways, please feed her later at lunch time, her dog food is over there." She pointed at a container box on the top of the fridge. "I'll be off now. Bye."

"Take care and oh, good luck on your evaluation."

Y/n turned to him and smiled. "Thank you."


"Ms. Mateo." The teacher called her. "Please be on stage."

Y/n took the stairs up to the stage. Nathan and Lucy were already done with their evaluation and they expect Y/n to be picked as to be the school's contestant. Y/n, however, is one of the best dancers and is top of the class in their year. This is why Cara doesn't like her.

"Music please!" The teacher requested to the people who are in charge in the sound system.

And so, Y/n began her part.


Afternoon came and the three sat down in the lounge room, waiting for the announcement for who got the part. Then, a teacher came in, holding a paper and attaching it to the announcement board.

The three stood up and went in front of the board.

"OH MY GOSH! You and Nathan got the part! The two of you are going to be partners." Lucy squealed in excitement, proud that the two of her friends were chosen.

"What?!" They heard a voice from behind, ranging in anger. Cara. "This is pathetic. That was suppose to be me! I hate this!" She stormed off the room.

"Cara!" Natasha called her friend.

The three left there, laughing at the scene that just happened in front of their eyes, not to mention, there are many people who saw it.

"That was embarrassing." Lucy chuckled.

"I know right." Nathan followed.

Then, Tyler approached the three. "Congrats to the both of you." He looked at Y/n and gave her a smile, showing his dimple.

"Thank you, Tyler." Told Y/n, returning him also a smile.

"I'll be off now."

"Yeah, sure."

Tyler took his leave. The two of Y/n's friend giggled, causing Y/n to look at them confusedly. "What?"

"Tyler likes you. You just don't see it." Said Lucy.

"For the last time, we're just friends and it's true that he's always nice to me. Doesn't he do the same with the others?"

"If you say so." Nathan exclaimed. "So, what do you guys think would the dance be?"

"Well there is only one to ask, my mum." Told Lucy.

Lucy's mother, Catherine, has been their coach every time the three competes in a contest or if there would be in a showcase.

They went to the faculty room and there they found Catherine.

"Hi, Mum." Lucy greeted.

"Hi, Mrs. Hillary." Nathan and Y/n said in unison.

Though, they don't really address her as Mrs. Hillary, only in school. Outside, they would call her Catherine. Lucy's mother insist that Lucy's friend would call her by her name.

"Hello, dear. How was Evaluation?" Catherine turned around whilst sitting on a chair.

"It's fun as usual." Lucy giggled.

"And Congratulations for the two of you." Catherine said to Y/n and Nathan.

"Thank you, Mrs. Hillary." Y/n and Nathan thanked Catherine.

"You're dance will be....ballroom. Waltz, Tango,  and Foxtrot, I heard you are going to dance. Tomorrow starts your practice, same location to the dance room in the 4th floor of the apartment. 10 o'clock."

"Yes, Ma'am." Nathan replied.

"Thank you again, Mrs. Hillary." Y/n smiled.


Y/n opened the door to her apartment and was greeted by the sleeping Draco on couch whilst Coco slept on his abdomen.

The word 'cute' popped up into Y/n's mind.

She walked towards the two and leaned down. "Draco, wake up." She whispered.

The blonde boy slowly opened his eyes and saw Y/n smiling at him.

"I know how to find her." Said she.

Coco woke up and jumped off of Draco's abdomen and went to it's bowl that is with water. Y/n sat down on the couch and Draco sat up.

"Do you have any picture of her?" Asked she.

Draco didn't know if he would like to show her the picture for the picture might scare her or put her in shocking expression. He knew in the world of muggles, pictures don't move. But, giving the picture of his lover is the only thing that could help him find her.

"Wait here." Said he, standing up and going to his room. He took the photo out of his bag, looking at it as the person he loves, Astoria, moves in the photo. He took his wand out of his bag, pointing it on the photo as he casted a spell to make it as an ordinary one. He went out of the room, giving it to Y/n.

"Thank you." She thanked him and looked at the photo. "She's beautiful."

Draco smiled. "I know."

"I'll help you tomorrow. I'll try to scan this to the public library when we're done practicing tomorrow."


"Yeah, scan. Why? Don't you know what scan is?"

"No, sorry."

"It's ok, I understand." Y/n think of the boy, odd. It seems like he doesn't know of the technologies she uses in order for her to help the young man. But, she just shrugged it off, understanding that maybe in their place, there are no such things.


"You wanna come upstairs? She asked Draco.

Draco was hesitant, he was unsure if he would like to come or just stay.

"But it's ok if you don't want to." She realized that Draco is having second thought.

The blonde boy nodded.

"I'll be back in about...I guess hours. Then after, we'll go to the library." Told she. "And oh, please take care of Coco for a while." Then she left.

Draco sat down, looking at the photo of Astoria. He misses her. More than anyone could imagine. Coco walked towards the boy, sat in front of him, concerned. The boy looked down at Coco, who sensed that the boy isn't ok.

"It's ok, Coco. I just miss her." He gave Coco a gentle smile as his eyes caught on the silver shoes with its heels, height of 1.5 inches, that was suppose to be with Y/n.

"She must've forgot her shoe, Coco?" Draco chuckled. He grabbed the shoe and went upstair, Coco followed him, as he opened the glass door of the room, only to be greeted by 4 people. 3 whom he knew, but only 1 he doesn't.

"Who are you, young man?" Asked the lady.

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