Chapter 17 - Sing

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A month has passed. Y/n have been helping Draco on her free time upon finding the girl. She have also photocopied Astoria's photo and and gave it to people, so that it would be easier. Y/n also attached her phone number on it, in order for them to call her when they have already found Astoria.

"Are you sure Astoria's here in Nottingham?" Y/n asked, taking a seat on a bench at the park and placed Coco on her lap.

"Yes, I'm sure of it. I have seen her last week at some café, but she suddenly vanished when I was about to get closer to her." He frowned, sitting next to Y/n.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She exclaimed.

"I don't want to bother you while you're busy."

"But even though I'm busy, you should've told me. I might ask someone who works there. Well, he might have forgotten now since there are a lot of customers everyday." She let out a breath in her mouth. "It's like you and Astoria are playing hide and seek."

"Don't forget you and your mother are playing hide and seek for 2 years now." he chuckled.

"Well, at least I'm a good hider. I think she ought to believe that I'm somewhere far away from Castle Combe. She'll never think I'd be here in Nottingham."

"Did she not posted something that you went missing?"

"She won't do that, cause if she did, it'll ruin me. And I know she'll hire some people to find me in secret."

"That's weird."

"I know." She giggled. "By the way, why won't you come to our performance in the day after tomorrow."

Of course, there will be a performance in their school for their visitors, the Producer of the upcoming theater show and his crew. The students were grouped into 4 that contains 10 members. The members are divided for the costume, make-up, trainer, music(pianist), the lighting and of course, 1 performer. Y/n is the trainer, their performer is someone from the 11th grade, Alisha.

"Won't I get caught for trespassing?"

"Who say's you'll be a trespasser? I'll give you a visitor's ID, of course." She laughed.

"Of course, how silly of me." He laughed too.

Y/n gazed upon the leaves that were covering them, smelling the fresh breeze of the air as the wind blew through her brown hair. Draco's eyes caught the smiling girl. He thought of her beautiful, it is as if, his eyes never wanted to look away. It's been months since Draco arrived and he might have been slowly getting closer to the girl.

"It's a beautiful day, isn't it?" She smiled.

"It is." Draco replied, his eyes never left the girl.

Coco noticed Draco was looking at her, so he barked at him to get him back to his world. Draco, immediately gazed away.

"Coco, why'd you bark?" She stroke Coco's head.

"Umm.." Draco cleared his throat. "I think we should get back home...Coco must be tired." He tried not to look at Y/n's green eyes and he stood up immediately, walking away. He must've have felt embarrassed.

Y/n got curious about Draco, about why he suddenly acted like that.

"He must've felt cold." She baby talked Coco. "Come on now, Coco." She giggled.


The day of the Performance. Y/n and Draco arrived in front of the school. She handed him his Visitor's ID and led him to the Auditorium.

"You can sit here." Y/n's hand motioned to the seat from the 4th row. "I have to go to the backstage and meet with my team. Will you be alright here?"

"Yes, thank you." Draco smiled.

"I'll leave you then." She walked down the stairs and went to the backstage.

Draco heard giggling from his left, 5 seats away from the two girls. The girls waved hello to Draco. He felt a bit uncomfortable by it, so he just awkwardly waved back, causing the girls to giggle again.

Seems to be that Draco's look caught the attention of these girls, but there's only one person who he is attracted to. Perhaps maybe not one.


"Where is Alisha? We are to perform next? Has she not arrived yet?" Y/n panicked.

"Girl!" Nathan came, running to the team. "Alisha was rushed to the hospital last night, she had allergic reaction to the cookie that someone gave."

"What?" Gasped their group leader. "Who gave her the cookies?!"

Y/n caught a glimpsed over the lady who was walking, Cara. Cara gave her a devilish smirk and rolled her eyes.

"I think I might know who gave it." Y/n said with her eyes looking at her enemy.

"It doesn't matter who gave it." Blurted Lucy. "The problem is...who will perform?"

"Have we not got any understudy?" Asked a boy from their team.

"We should've thought of it since we assigned roles." Their leader fret.

Nathan looked at Y/n, grinning and have thought of a plan.

"Y/n, practiced with Alisha. She might have know the lyrics." Nathan smirked. "Y/n, have you memorized the lyrics while guiding Alisha?"

"I don't know, maybe, yeah? I guess." Replied Y/n.

"Then you are to perform. I know you have a good voice, Y/n." The group leader said to Y/n. "Nat, get her dressed."

"What? No!" Uttered Y/n.

"Come on now, Y/n." Nathan grabbed her wrist and pulled her to the dressing room with Lucy, who is their make-up artist.


Draco waited for the girl, who Y/n trained. He wanted to see the outcome of what Y/n taught and guided the girl.

As the curtains were pulled up on the stage, Draco's eyes caught not the girl he expected it to be, but Y/n. She was wearing pastel blue A-Line gown. Her hair was curled and was swept side.

Y/n looked around the audience. She seems to be nervous. She hasn't sang in front of many audience that she doesn't know who. She has only performed in front of her fellow classmates. This makes her, her first time to sing on stage.

Draco, on the other hand, couldn't take his eyes off from Y/n. His heart were fluttering with excitement. He didn't wonder why.

The piano started to play, played by one of her teammates, playing the tune of 'Thank You for the Music' by ABBA.

Y/n took a deep breath and calmed herself down before she sings.

"I'm nothing special, in fact, I'm a bit of a bore." She sang.

Draco was amused, he never expected that Y/n could sing. He has never heard her sing before even when he has been living under her roof for about months, and just now he have witness her sing.

He watched her, focused on her while performing on stage. He didn't do this while the others were performing, only her.

The audience too, were amazed by the young lady's voice. Her voice sounds so sweet and it could attract a lot of ears from the people.

Draco's lips, slowly formed a smile. He never noticed it, yes. His eyes and ears were to busy to focus and listen on something else. In fact, he has never felt like this way before.

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