Chapter 9 - Cousin?

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"Who are you, young man?" Asked the lady, older than them.

Lucy, Nathan and of course Y/n, looked at him, who is holding the silver shoe that Y/n forgot. Y/n seemed a bit speechless. She doesn't want to tell Mrs. Hillary, or they call her by the name Catherine, that the boy stays with her, especially when Y/n is a girl. Well, this author must say...she is like Y/n's mother too and she doesn't want any man to live with her specially when she's still in her school years.

"He's...ummm...Nathan's cousin." She blurted out.

"What?" Nathan looked at Y/n confusedly, so Lucy purposely stepped on Nathan's foot, not to hard, letting him know to go along. Lucy knows her mother and she knows that IF her mother knew Draco was living with Y/n, he would be kicked out of the apartment.

"Umm..yeah. He. Is. My. Cousin. He just arrived last week for his umm... he needs to get better air for he has umm...psychological problems." Nathan grinned.

"Oh, what's your name, young man?" Asked the lady again.

"Draco Malfoy, Ma'am." He replied.

"Very well then, Draco. May I know where do you live?" Catherine looked at him, suspiciously.

"He's from Scotland." Nathan uttered as Draco was about to say his, that is London.

"Ah, very pleased to meet you, Draco." Catherine reached for his hand, and Draco shook it, smiling at her.


3 o'clock in the afternoon came. The two went out of the apartment to head back to the Public Library to do what she promised Draco. She sat down on the computer, with a small scanner on the left. She scanned the photo and her head went back on the computer. She didn't even look away while looking at the related pictures.

"Is this her?" She pointed at the screen.

"No," Draco frowned, feeling hopeless. 

They been looking at the related photos that looks like Astoria for about 30 minutes or hour, but this doesn't meet Draco's expectations.

They got out off the library, bid goodbye to Mrs. Sanders as they went on their way.

While walking down the street, Draco asks, "Why do I have to pretend to be your friend's cousin?"

"In order for you to not be kicked out. You don't want to sleep on the streets, do you?" Said Y/n, raising a brow.


"Then, good. You just have to play along with it."


Weekend came and Draco had gone out in continue to search for his lover. He insisted for Y/n to stay home and rest for while since she has been practicing for the competition.

As Y/n was cleaning the house, she went to Draco's bedroom to vacuum its carpet, then noticed the picture of Astoria.

"Draco, must've left this." She said upon picking it up.

She looked at the picture, admiring it until it suddenly moved, causing her to gasp as she let the picture fall from her hand and taking a step backwards.

She blinked twice or thrice, believing it was just her eyes, playing games with her. She took the photo again from the floor, looking at it again with shock in her eyes.

She screamed.

Draco heard her scream as he arrives, closing the door to the apartment they stay. He rushed himself to his bedroom, only to see Y/n on the floor, catching her breath and in terrible shock. May God bless this poor girl's soul.

"Y/n, what happened to you?" He questioned, kneeling down.

" Picture! It Moved!" She stuttered.

"Picture?" He picked up the photo that was on floor, looking at it and remembered that yesterday he removed its spell for it be able to move again. He let out a sigh and decided to tell the truth about what he truly is to Y/n.

"Y/n," he said. "May I talk to you?" His eyes never left the picture.

"Ye...yes.." which she replied to the man, still trembling in fear.

Draco helped her get up and led her to the living room to talk. He let the girl first calm down before speaking. Y/n inhaled and exhaled out a heavy breath.

"So..about the photo..." Draco began.

"Whatever it is, tell me this is just a dream." She pinched herself. "Ow.." she whispered. "I guess it's not a dream..."

"It's not." He placed the photo on the coffee table.

Y/n took another deep breath to prevent herself from freaking out. "Sooo...What are you? Truly?"



"I'm a wizard."

Y/n blinked her eyes, twice, no, thrice. She couldn't believe what she just heard. Then again, pinched herself. It's still painful. Not a dream. She thought maybe the boy is some kind of a magician from the fun fairs, but Draco took out his wand from his pocket, casting a spell for her to believe.

"Collorportus.." he pointed his wand to the door, locking it.

Again, she couldn't believe her eyes. This just made him to show her one more. He sighed, clearing his throat and thinking of his happy thoughts, his girl.

"Expecto Patronum.." then there showed a bluish light forming itself into a dragon. Draco was indeed smiling without noticing that...Y/n have fainted upon seeing unbelievable things.

Draco stood up from the couch and went to
Y/n, carrying her back to her bedroom. He tucked her in and Coco barked at him, wanting Draco to put him next to Y/n.

Draco lifted the dog up and told, "She got fainted for knowing the truth. Good thing you didn't." He tapped Coco on the nose with his finger before putting him next to Y/n.

Afterwards, Draco went to his bedroom, wishing that Y/n could remember what he truly is.

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