Chapter 10 - "I can help"

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Y/n woke up from the sunny rays of the morning. Her room was filled up by the light of the sun. She rubbed her eyes, then stretch her arms out. She looked around the room, pretty normal it is.

She thought about the weirdest dream she had. Her roommate, a WIZARD? "How come that would be possible?" She thought. She shrugged it off her mind, thinking it was just a dream.

She got up from her bed and walked outside her room, yawning. Her dog went out before
Y/n could come out of her bedroom and ran to Draco's bedroom.

Y/n is making her way to the kitchen to cook breakfast. But, what captured her eyes is the picture on the coffee table. She went back to the living room and the picture on the table caught her eyes.

She scoffs, thinking about her dream as she picked the picture up and didn't expect what she expects. It was real. All IS Real.

Draco came out of his room, yawning, and greeted by the surprised Y/n whilst she's looking at the photo.

"If you think it's just an illusion, it's not." Told he.

Y/n turned around to see Draco.

She couldn't open her mouth, nor speak. Shock expression was still written all over her face.

Draco sat down next to her and sighed. "I know it's very shocking, but it is what I am, truly."

Y/n closed her eyes, taking a few deep breaths to calm herself down. "Fine, I believe you." She gave out a tiny smile. "So, you're a wizard?"

"You are correct."

"Is that why you never knew about technology stuffs?"

He nodded as a reply.

"Now that explains why." Said she. "So does that mean Astoria too is you?"

"Yes, she is."


Y/n, Lucy, and Draco are in the dance room, waiting for Nathan's arrival who is already 15 minutes late. Mrs. Hillary couldn't come, for she is busy with school, and Y/n and Nathan have already memorized the dances for the past few weeks and there is only a month to prepare.

Then, Y/n received a call.

"Nat, where are you? You're already late." Said Y/n.

"Girl, we have a problem." Nathan replied.


"I fell down the stairs last night and my ankle got sprained and my back really hurts."

"God, are you ok?"

"Hurts a bit and the doctor said my ankle might take a few weeks to heal."

"Few weeks? But the contest is in a month..."

"I'm sorry, Y/n."

Y/n took a deep breath and let it out. "It's ok, Nat. I hope you get well soon." She smiled.

"Aww, thanks dear. I'm really sorry."

"It's ok Nat, I understand."

"Thank you. Oh, got to go, Bye." Then Nathan hung up.

Y/n again took a deep breath before declaring the news. She turned around to them. Lucy gave her a confused look.

"Lucy," she bit her lip then speaks, "Don't freak out, but..."


"Nat, couldn't come because he sprained his ankle." Y/n talked fast.

"Nathan? Sprained!?" Lucy's eyes widened. "Sh*t, how will I tell this to Mom? The contest is in a month. How will we find someone to-"

"I'll help." Draco blurted out.

The girls looked at him, confused. Though, they haven't seen Draco dances before since the day he got here. He have been only watching them, which Draco was really amused by it.

"What?" Lucy flickered her eyes.

"Draco, but we haven't seen you dance." Said Y/n.

"But you know what I am, Y/n." He smirked.

"Y/n, what is he talking about?" Lucy looked at her.

"Umm..." Y/n bit her lip. "It's best if you hear it from him."

Lucy looked at him, waiting for whatever he wanted to tell Lucy. Y/n took a step aback, going behind Lucy.

"Y/n, would you mind closing the door." Draco requested.

She nodded and walk to the door, closing it and went back to behind Lucy. She knew that maybe if Draco showed her proofs, maybe she'll fainted like what happened to her in that one evening when Draco told her he is a wizard.

"Lucy," Draco began.


"I'm....a wizard."

Lucy looked at him, silently, for a moment, then she laughed and a tear fell on eyes.

"You honestly think I would believe that?" she laughed again. "Seriously, Y/n, can you believe this? Why do you look so serious?" said Lucy while looking at Y/n.

Y/n bit her lip, she got affected from Lucy's laugh, but she didn't want to laugh because what Draco said is true.

Draco took out his wand in his pocket.

"Great, you have a wand too." Lucy laughed, wiping her tear.

"Could you grab something." Draco requested.

"Ok, ok." Lucy grabbed a book and went back to where she was.

Draco pointed his wand on Lucy's hand.


Lucy got disarmed.

"Oh sh*t, what the f*ck!" Her eyes widened. Her breathing started to shaken. Her arms, hands, legs too. She felt her hands cold. She didn't expect that would happen. She wasn't hurt, of course. All she thought was a joke. Her face went white, whiter than Draco's.

Y/n walked besides her, looking at her terrified friend.

"Dear, me, you look pale as the people who plays ghosts in theaters," told Y/n.

Then, Lucy just fainted.

Lucky her, Y/n caught her. She knew this would happen.


Lucy woke up on the couch. Y/n and Draco sat on the couch, opposite sides. Draco on the armchair, and Y/n on the wide couch.

"What happened?" asked Lucy, sitting up.

"You've fainted," Y/n replied.

"Why did I-" Then, Lucy recalled. "Oh shit! You're-"

"Yes he is, Lucy. You need to calm down." Y/n sat down next to her.

"Wait, if you're a wizard, why don't you have a long pointed nose, wrinkly forehead, or wrinkly hands and feet??!" Asked Lucy.

"Lucy, you can't just ask him that." Said Y/n.

"But, wizards and witches in books are like that."

"That's because it's a fictional one, but right in front of us is not. He is a wizard."

Draco just sat there, listening to whatever the girls are talking about. Lucy must be sure still in shock.

"But, are we going to tell Nathan?" Lucy looked at the two.

"We are..." Y/n smiled.

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