Chapter 32 - The letters

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It's been a week since her Ball.

Y/n had sent her invites to Lucy and Nathan, and they are to come and visit her today.

Lucy and Nathan entered the Harlington House. Their eyes wandered around the huge halls.

"Lucy, Nathan!" Y/n ran downstairs, spreading her arms and hugged them. "God, I miss you."

"We miss you more, Y/n." Said Lucy.

"So, how are you? You look regal. Oohhh..." Nathan grinned.

"Oh, do shut up, Nat." She giggled as she led them to the drawing room.

They all sat down on the couch and the tea was served by a valet.

"Thank you," Y/n thanked the valet.

"Your welcome, milady." He returned and left them.

Y/n turned her head back to her friends.

"Y/n, we have been meaning to ask you about something." Nathan started. "We just wanted to know something."

"Alright, go ahead." Said she, while taking a sip of her tea.

Nathan and Lucy looked at each other. They are really keen to know about Y/n's feelings towards Draco. Nathan saw the way how Y/n looked at Draco, and Nathan had told this to Lucy. Lucy too had noticed it, but with Draco.

"Me and Nathan are wondering..." Lucy bit her lip. "Do you have feelings for Draco?"

Y/n almost spilled her tea upon hearing the question.  She placed the cup down and looked at them.

"To be honest," she rested her hands on her lap. "I do not know. What Draco said was right....I don't know how to recognize my own feelings. Its just so confusing..." she sighed.

Nathan and Lucy looked at her with concern with their eyes.

"When did Draco told you that?" Questioned Nathan.

"He was here before, at the Ball." Uttered Y/n.

Lucy let out a sigh. "Y/n, please answer my question truthfully."

Y/n nodded.

"What do you feel when you saw Draco, who already found Astoria?" Lucy began.

" hurts. I cried at that time." Answered Y/n.

"Do you think of him everyday?"

"Well, yes. I really don't know why. He's confusing my thoughts."

"But, do you feel comfortable around him when you and him stayed in the same apartment?" Asked Nathan. "Do you feel like you wanted him, but you can't? Do you feel like you wanted to tell him everything you feel about him?"

Y/n got speechless.

"I knew it." Nathan breathed. "You're in love with Draco."

"I don't know." Y/n muttered.

"Y/n, if your heart aches because of him, it means you love him. You are hurt because you think that you'll never be his." Lucy exclaimed.

Y/n was still silent, looking down on the floor.

Nathan stood up and kneeled in front of her, holding her hand. "Y/n, please listen to your heart. Don't let yourself suffer in this pain anymore."

Lucy also stood up and sat on the arm of the armchair. "And please come to the audition of the Theater Play you got invited. We know how much you worked hard for it." She rubbed the back of Y/n.

"Thank you..." She smiled as a tear fell from her eyes.

"Aww, no need, sweetheart." Nathan smiled too, and hugged Y/n, followed by Lucy.


Y/n was walking on the hallway and passed by at her mother's office. Her eyes caught her mother reading a letter which caused her mother to look unhappy.

She pushed the door wide open and her Mama suddenly hid the letters.

"Mama, what are you reading?" She asked.

"It's nothing, dear." She nervously smiled. "Come on, let's head down to supper.

Her mother stood up and walked towards her as they exit the room.

The letters left Y/n wondering what is it about. She wonders why those letters have saddened her.


She already retreated to her bedroom.

She was sitting at her balcony, drinking wine. She couldn't stop thinking about those letters.

She wondered why her mother suddenly hid those letters from her. Does it have to deal with her? Maybe somehow, yes or no.

It's like everything around her makes her confused. Her feelings for Draco, the Prince, her love for broadway and dancing, and now the letters.

She placed the glass of wine down on the table and sighed, thinking about those things. She feels tired. She feels even more suffocated.

She stood up and went inside her room. She carried Coco with her and laid down the bed to sleep.


Morning came.

Y/n walked downstairs, heading to the dining room. Usually, she would found her mother already awake, eating her breakfast, but now, she wasn't there.

"Mr. Crew, where's Mama?" Asked she.

"Lady Harlington has left today early, for she has a charity event." Mr. Crew replied.

"Oh, I forgot." She sighed, taking a seat at the table.

Then, it came to her mind.

Since her mother wasn't here, she has the chance to take a look at the letters.

She ate her breakfast quickly and stood up as soon as she finished.

She marched herself into her mother's office and quietly closed the door behind her. She went to her desk, opening the main drawer and found all the letters. All of them are address to her Mother from a place called Godric's Hollow.

Y/n never heard of such place. She find it peculiar.

She read it again it case she read it wrong, but no. And there is a man named Arthur Harlington.

"Do I still have an Uncle?" She asked herself while opening the letter.

She read it with her eyes.

She couldn't believe what she had read. She took another letter and opening it to read.

One by one, she had read them all and all this time, her Mother was keeping a secret from her.

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