Chapter 2: Veronica Thompson

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Having a picnic under the clear blue sky with a gentle breeze and with nothing but a wine bottle or maybe a martini. The ground begins to shake and the birds fly away and then this annoying sound gets louder and louder it sounds like an alarm clock.

Upon waking up, I fail to turn off the alarm, so now I actually have to get up and the time reads 2:49 PM. Did I really sleep through all of my classes? Well, there's no point in going to school now since there's only one more class.

I lay back on the bed and begin to close my eyes until the alarm goes off again "I know!" I yell and shut it off.

Walking to the kitchen there is a note from my mom it says "hey sweetie sorry I let you sleep in but you were up all night I called the school and there is a breakfast sandwich in the microwave, be home soon love you" I smile and grab the sandwich from the microwave and sit.

Mom does a lot for me and it's been like that since dad left I mean I never knew him and I don't want to but at least she's doing okay.

I get changed and I receive a text from my boyfriend Eli wanting to meet at the diner, I agree, and thinking about it our relationship is falling apart, we haven't talked to each other like we used to it's just fighting so hopefully I can let him down easily.

It's a bit too early for a meet up considering Eli still has school but he never really focuses on school just supporting his family and I get that but I wish he would take it easy sometimes.

Arriving at the diner I notice that Eli isn't here yet so I take a booth. I started waiting fifteen minutes ago and then he shows up all tired, please let this be easy, "over here" I call and he heads my way with an emotionless smile.

"Hey Veronica sorry about pulling you out of nowhere but I needed to talk to you," he says but judging by his tone of voice whatever he is about to say won't be good.

"look you know about the situation I'm in at home and I was looking at our relationship and it isn't how it used to be and right now I need to focus on myself"

you have got to be kidding me I mean don't get me wrong I wanted this to happen but I was hoping to be the one to do it but him? I might as well hear him out.

"What I'm saying is that we should break up and just focus on ourselves you okay with that?" He continues and I respond with "truth be told I was thinking the same thing, this wasn't going to last as soon as we took different paths but I'm glad that we accept that"

It's sad to break up because we've been together for three years but it's for a good reason.

We get up and smile at each other one last time before leaving the diner and going our different ways. I can't believe I'm single again it's weird but a good feeling, I start heading home and I bump into Joseph I haven't talked to him in years but I guess it was because we grew too different from each other.

When I got home I see that my mom is home and I hug her and then she tells me about her nurse coworker's drama but it's actually really interesting like how does someone cheat on their husband with their twin brother, thinking about it, it sounds like fanfic or a Wattpad story

Before heading to my room my mom asks about a burn mark on my arm and I tell her I have no idea but maybe from the sun which doesn't make sense because the sun wasn't even strong today but I'll just apply aloe gel.

I lay on my bed scrolling through people's snaps but immediately get bored, their lives are so boring but so is mine. I play music to pass the time and even started dancing like it was my own concert but sadly it had to end when my mom called me for dinner.

Mom made spaghetti and meatballs for dinner which is a chief's kiss because it is absolutely the best thing I could eat.

"So how was your day sweetheart?" She asks and I sighed a response "it was good nothing really happened besides the fact that me and Eli broke up"

I look up to see her looking sad, "no no it's okay I'm okay we both felt the same way but it still hurt" I add and she gets up to hug me and says "well it doesn't seem like the right time but I got you an early birthday present"

She hands me a box and it's a locket with a picture of the both of us "I love it thank you, mom," I say as we finish up dinner.

I help wash the dishes and mom heads to bed earlier than usual but she had a long day so I can't blame her.

In my room I find that the window is open and start to feel a little skeptical and close it but I'm starting to hear sounds like footsteps and they grow louder and louder and now I can't hear anything, then someone places a bag over my head and I quickly blackout.

Finally, when I regain consciousness I find myself in this cave, and looking to my left I see Joseph, what the hell is he doing here, and another figure to my right, a third appears in front of us and says "are you already" clearly whatever is happening I am not ready.

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