Chapter 46: Veronica Thompson

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It's been two days since Laurel messed with the weather and all the electricity is acting up.

The air conditioning isn't even working and it's one of the hottest days today, I feel like I'm going to melt or worse, suffocate in my room with all this heat.

I texted Eli to ask if he has air conditioning but he says no so I texted Joseph and thank god he does because I can not take another second in this heat.

I prepare to head outside and right as I'm about to open the door my mom calls me to the kitchen.

I groan and head to the kitchen. My mom has a few letters out and says that I should read them. Handing them to me I notice who sent them.

"Dad? How many times do I have to say it, I want nothing to do with him" I say putting the letters down and before I turn around she pulls out her phone that she was hiding.

"It's your dad, he called," she says and I stand there knowing I have to talk to him. I should've used my damn super hearing and I would've avoided this.

I take the phone and wait for him to say something. It's dead silence for a few seconds until I speak up, "are you there?" I say and I can hear him chuckle.

"You got your mother's sass I see," he says and I know he's trying to be nice but I can't take it.

"No, no you can not say that, you left us and never reached out again only with those stupid letters but it doesn't change the fact that you left, I was only six and you still left so no you can't say that and I want nothing to do with you so don't bother trying to contact us again," I say quickly wiping away any tears that fell. 

I hang up and hand the phone back to mom, "should try blocking his number" I say making my way to the door and again she stops me. 

"I understand why you're mad, I promise that he'll never reach out again," she says and I hug her before heading out.

She's the only parent I need and she's done a pretty damn good job for being a single parent.

Finally, I make my way to Joseph's to feel the cold air again.

After sweating what feels like my entire water weight I knock on his front door and let myself in.

As soon as I step in I relax and take in the cold conditioned air.

Walking to his fridge to grab a water bottle and sitting on the couch I see that he's preparing for something big.

"Uh, what are you doing?" I ask and he answers while making a circle with chalk on the floor.

"I have a theory, since Laurel had my magic she still must be connected in some way and with Nessa being a direct link I should be able to locate her with or without a cloaking spell active and maybe look inside her mind for what she has planned next" damn he really thought this through and where did he get all this. 

He looks at me confused, "Wait so you really don't have air conditioning?" He says and before I can answer Eli rushes in saying, "no, the entire town is trying to fix their electrical problem that Laurel caused"

Joseph laughs as he sits down on the floor, legs crossed, with Nessa. They both close their eyes, the lights go out, and the candles surrounding them light up.

Sort of a golden aura forms around them and shows memories of Laurel and Nessa.

Daniel walks down the stairs and as soon as he spots Joseph he freezes. I'm guessing he has the same thought as us, do not disturb him.

Tiptoeing to us he whispers, "we can go to roses, they're up and running and with air conditioning" I'm sold. 

We agree and leave them alone to do their thing.

Once we get to the diner we spot Natalie sitting alone in one of the booths.

We join her and she lights up when she looks up. "What are you guys doing here?" She says and Eli answers, "well Joseph is doing witch stuff and we don't have air conditioning thanks to Laurel so we came here" this sums it up.

"Wait the whole weather thing was because of Laurel? Damn" she says and quickly loses her joy.

"Hey what's wrong?" I ask and she looks at everyone, then at me saying, "it's nothing just me and Max broke up, I didn't think it was going to work out" oh shit, we don't really talk so I know wouldn't have known about it but I do feel bad. 

I give her a hug while the boys look confused and we both laugh. I suggest to her that we hang out to take her mind off of the breakup.

We head over to her house cause of the obvious thing, air conditioning, and I greet her parents when we get there.

We hang out in her room for a while and I suggest we watch movies.

"My parents are leaving for their date night so we can use the living room for the movies," she says and she goes and gets a movie ready while I make the popcorn.

While waiting for the popcorn to be ready I get a text from Joseph and it says, "Daniel and Eli said you were with Natalie, you have to protect her we'll be there soon hang on" what kind of message is this.

"Veronica" I hear and I walk to the living room to see Laurel walking toward Natalie. Shit, what do I do?

I concentrate on using my force wave and release it towards Laurel but she was able to break through it and hit me with her magic.

Hitting the wall on the impact I try to muster the strength to get up and I hear Laurel say, "relax she'll be fine but I'm going to need time"

She points her hand at me and everything goes dark.

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