Chapter 27: Veronica Thompson

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After we left Joseph's house, Eli talked to me about his worries for him and I'm starting to see why.

He literally faced off with that psycho again and didn't tell anyone about it, it's almost like he has a death wish or worse he doesn't care about his well-being.

With my concern growing as well I want to check up on him today.

When I got up this morning I felt hungry and I know Nessa told me not to drink human blood because she doesn't want me hurting them cause it's a pretty small town to start off with. I've only had animal blood and it's been fine but I think my tolerance is growing for it so it's another thing I plan to deal with later today.

Before heading out I hop in the shower to feel better and clean. Getting changed, I meet with my mom downstairs and tell her I'll be back around the evening.

Heading over to Joseph's, I meet up with Eli who was waiting outside of my house. "Well hello, you could've texted me," I say walking towards him and he replies "I just got here" which I know was a lie.

We walk together talking about things involving our feeling with Joseph and how we're holding up so far.

We open his door which should've been locked and he puts up a finger looking at us and picking up his phone. "Hello?" He says and quickly his expression drops as if he heard something extremely horrible, "¿qué quieres?" He continues but his tone is getting lower, "bueno todo es mi culpa verdad" he gets more agitated and before saying any more he looks at his phone and says "she hanged up"

"Who was that?" I say and he takes a breath before saying "my mom" I had forgotten that they don't have a good relationship and Eli buds in "I didn't know you spoke Spanish" setting down his phone he again breathes "not often, my dad only speaks Spanish and my mom is bilingual but when we get mad it sort of comes out" and he walks away sitting on the couch.

I wanted to ask if he's okay but I've been saying that too much and I feel it'll be annoying if I do but Nessa comes in saying "oh hey you two, Joseph we need to practice more especially now that you sided with white and light magic, you can only resort to those spells or those linked to the form of magic" straight to business as all ways.

He groans getting up but complies and tells us he'll see us later. Now it's just me and Eli, scratch that Daniel comes downstairs. "Oh hey guys, sorry I gotta get to the library to look more into the myth and see if there's something about Laurel," he says and what he said stops Joseph in his tracks, "oh I completely forgot, Nessa a good place to practice this new form of magic is if we head back to the chamber you sort of tortured us," he says and she gives him a knowing look before agreeing and they walk off.

For the record Joseph was barely hurt during our time down there, I actually died.

Now it's just the two of us again. I ask Eli how he wants to spend the day and he asks if I'll help him repair the relationship between either Tristan or Isabelle. Why not, it's not like I have anything better to do.

We head to Isabelle's house first because he doesn't think it'll go anywhere and that it was a one-time thing. We knock on her door and I realized being here with him would make things awkward but before I can walk off she opens the door, god damn it.

"Can I- oh Eli what a surprise" she says with a bitchy attitude. I try not to roll my eyes or at least make them visible. I can see why Natalie doesn't like her. We stand there for a good minute and I signal Eli to say something. "Yeah sorry about that but I've been doing some thinking and I don't think this is going anywhere," he says trying to comfort her as if she's hurt but oh no she's anything but hurt, "oh your thinking now? That's different and I was thinking the same thing, you don't necessarily deserve me anyway," she says and all I can think is if she's actually serious and if I just thought all of that in my head.

I blink a few times but no she really did say that and Eli won't defend himself, why not, I can't stand to watch this anymore, "listen here bitch, I get you're hurt cause you lost a great guy but you don't have to show you skank side okay" I say in one breath grabbing Eli's arm and leaving her alone with her thoughts with what just happened.

"Who does she think she is, she can't just say that to you and you! You didn't even defend yourself, you have learn your worth Eli!" I say getting angry and finishing my sentence the stone next to us breaks. Looking at it in fear I look at Eli hoping he has an answer for that, "please tell me you did that" I say but he shakes his head assuring he didn't do a thing.

Did I do that? How would I, it's not like I have magic although we shouldn't rule anything out for its uncharted territory. I shrug it off and play it off as if it was in our heads but I know it's in the back of ours.

We make our way to Tristan's and by the look on Eli's face, he hopes that it'll go better than it did with Isabelle. Honestly fuck her.

I don't think about leaving his side this time when he knocks on the door and Tristan opens the door. Shocked to see Eli he hugs him while saying "Oh thank god, I thought you were done with me or that I scared you off"

It's sweet that he cares. He backs off apologizing for the impulsive hug but Eli just smiles with no worry. Tristan invites us in but I think they can use alone time without me so I turn it down and walk away.

I don't feel like going back to my house just yet so I head towards the transformation chamber Nessa and Joseph said they'll be at.

I reach the opening of the cave and I can hear Joseph getting frustrated. The closer I get to them I can hear, "how can I do anything if all I can use are defensive fucking spells" and "you need to calm down and maybe we should leave, there isn't anything here"

Joseph and Nessa seem to be arguing and they stop when they see me. I give a simple wave and say "haven't made much progress?" They both shake their heads in response but Joseph knows there's more to this cave than just this area and I can feel it too.

Judging by what happened with the stone, there is no other explanation but me, I'm the one that broke it and maybe I can help by doing it again.

I got angry so I'll just get angry again, but I'm not and what would I be angry about.

"Hey I need one of you to make me angry," I say and they both look at me like I'm crazy but Joseph trusts in me that I know what I'm doing.

"I didn't want to tell you this but I honestly hate your outfit and you're sort of annoying and I know you're trying really hard but you just come off strong," he says and damn I was expecting him to lie about something but his tone makes it seem true.

He really finds me annoying, "you're a dick you know that thinking you're all this, well you're not! You are in the same position as all of us so stop acting like you know everything!" And just like that, just by raising my voice, I can feel that same power but I'm able to hone it in this time.

Directing my focus to the wall in front of us I take in a deep breath and release that energy I built.

As the wall crashes down I'm catching my breath and Joseph rushes towards me checking if I'm okay.

"Damn didn't know you could do that, also I didn't mean anything I said, love the outfit and you," he says and winks, I laugh and think he really is a dick.

Nessa scoffs and says cheerfully "so you're like them" me and Joseph look at her weird and she explains "sometimes a vampire's inner strength comes out"

I have no idea what that means but to Joseph it gets his mind thinking "so she's like one of the 'Twilight' vampires?" He says and Nessa smacks her tongue and hits him on the back of the head although it's a good analogy. 

We walk past the rubble and behind lies the truth of the myth of who we are. 

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