Chapter 19: Joseph Flores

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Veronica messages me to meet me at her house before school, involving something about Nessa.

Before heading over I knock on Daniel's door to let him know that I'm heading over to Veronica's and I'll meet him at school, his reply was just a loud groan.

I make it over to Veronica's house and I guess she was eagerly waiting because she was literally at the window when I arrive.

Letting me in she starts off by saying hi followed by "we know Nessa has a difficult past but when I was talking to her about the abilities she possesses with the magic she described it almost as a curse and I just wanted to know if you could help her? I mean you both have the same kinda magic you have right?" She says staring at me not breaking eye contact.

"Well I don't know actually, there's an awful lot we don't know about the magic used to give us these lives and they're distinctively different from each other so maybe teaching her my magic wouldn't even help," I say sighing while taking a seat at her kitchen table. "Look I'll keep looking into it" saying that makes me feel uneasy for some reason, it's like I have a feeling that I'm not going to like what I find.

Veronica picks up her bag saying thank you and walks with me to school. Just before heading inside she says "remember the senior class has that end of the year dance tomorrow right after graduation, make sure you get a suit and I'll remind the boys that too" I can tell she's been looking forward to the dance for a while but I don't really see what the big deal is but give a thumbs up and work through the day.

To my surprise Eli massages me and Daniel to meet right as school ends to help him with something, I just leave him on read but he knows I'll help.

I find Eli waiting by Daniel's car and he spots me and says "can you guys help me find a suit for tomorrow's dance?" Apparently, he's also stressing about it too. Daniel catches up and I say "yeah sure, I need one too anyways, we'll probably find some at the shopping district" getting in the car Daniel says "I'm excited about the dance but it's cutting it close, you think there's still suits?" I forgot to tell them I knew someone who can help us with the suits.

Popping in the tailor shop I say hi to the owner, Theresa, she comes out of the back with her hands full with fabrics and says "Joseph, what a pleasant surprise, what brings you and your friends here?" I can just tell that right now her smile is going to fade when I say "we are here to get suits for the dance tomorrow, think you can help?"

I knew her smile would fall but it comes right back as she says "oh my god, late notice don't ya think? Oh whatever come, come" calling two other women from the back to help, each one takes us and Theresa picks out the suits to be tailored to us.

As we stand there being fitted Eli asks "so which one should I ask to go with me to the dance? Tristan or Isabelle?" The concern in his voice means he's actually nervous about it. I can tell Theresa wants to bud in but I signal her not to and Daniel suggest he takes the one he feels the happiest with but that ain't gonna work cause Eli likes them both and is happy with them both.

"Well you could also go with them both or none of them," I say and clearly Theresa didn't like that suggestion cause she hits me on the back of the head, as if she could come up with better.

Eli's facial expressions tell me that he's found an answer and I guess we'll have to just wait and see what he'll do.

As Theresa and her coworkers finish up she says that we can have them at no charge unless we trash them up then we'll have to pay, I promise to bring it back just how it is.

We give Eli a ride back to his house and he felt the need to say "you know you guys are mushy gushy dorks right? You guys spend like every day together" as soon as he said that I tell him to get out cause we're already at his place but on the way back to my house Daniel says "do you really we spend all day together, are we really mushy gushy?" I can tell by his tone it kinda made him think about it.

"I don't think we really could've helped it, I mean we are literally involved in the same thing and I don't think we're all mushy gushy because we haven't done a lot of things most couples would do and even if we are all mushy gushy I still know we can still be as serious," I say as we get to my house. From his facial expressions, I can tell that I help ease his mind and we head inside getting everything ready for tomorrow.

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