Chapter 6: Joseph Flores

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I feel bad for leaving the three of them just like that but I also can't ditch Daniel and because I already said I'll be there.

I'm I wrong for choosing potential happiness over being something that will affect my life?

I meet up with Daniel at the diner and when I do, his smile is the cutest.

"Ah so you did decide to show up,"  he says and I smile. I take the seat across from him and grab the menu.

It's been a few years since I've dated anyone, the last one wasn't so pleasant. Every time I look at him I can catch him staring "so why'd you move here?" I asked to start a conversation.

He responds "well I'm not really moving here my family is what you can call myth busters and we're here because of a myth that Mr.Fritz was talking about basically"

I didn't realize how soon Nessa's words would come back to bite me.

He's trying to uncover the truth of us, of me.

"That seems interesting but nothing that interesting goes on here" I sighed but it seems like he agrees, I have to divert this conversation to a different direction.

"how long do you guys plan to stay here?" I ask and he finishes his food before answering "about a week we don't stay long" it's sad really, I started taking a liking to him.

We laugh and talk about the popular people in school. When we finish eating and when I mean we I mean Me, he offers to walk me home, what a gentleman.

We make our way to my house and Daniel asked "so you graduate in ten days right?" I nod but he looks a bit sad probably cause he won't be here.

"I really had a great time," I say before reaching the street to my house and he smiles then says "I did too and I know it might be sudden but I really like you and I'm wondering if you would let me take you out again?"

He's right it is sudden but what's stopping me.

I respond with a big smile "of course but I'll pick the next spot" he's so excited that he runs into the street as a car comes racing out of nowhere towards Daniel.

I race to him speaking the words "modero" and the car stops and everything behind it as well.

What have I done.

I grab Daniel's hand and run straight for my house where Nessa, Veronica, and Eli are waiting for me.

They're all completely in shock but I check on Daniel first, he seems to be okay, he says "wait the myth they described one of them to hold magic, is that you?" I don't know how to respond until Nessa pulls me aside and asks Veronica and Eli to watch Daniel.

Nessa says with comfort in her voice "that was completely reckless and you could have put him and yourself in danger" I stay silent.

"I know that he and his family were looking into us but I'm more surprised that you were able to cast a spell that big without practicing" she adds. She's not even mad? But she seems to be the serious type.

We walk back to the living room where Nessa gives Daniel a choice.

"Daniel I know you care about Joseph so either you keep this to yourself and help us in whatever or we erase your memory of this"

He bounces up giving the answer that he wishes to stay with us.

I start to feel lightheaded but before I start to completely pass out Daniel says that he'll see me tomorrow and just like that it's lights out for me.

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