Chapter 34: Veronica Thompson

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Okay, it's been three days since Joseph left and now I'm starting to get worried. He hasn't texted or gave us any information about where he is or how he's doing and Eli says that it's mourning but still he can still send a text that he's okay.

Every morning after he left I've texted to see how he's doing but nothing, just says sent.

I've sent everyone a message to meet at Joseph's to get their thoughts on his situation and I'm kinda hoping their on the same page as me.

On the way there I take deep breaths to help calm my nerves because there's something about this that doesn't seem right and if anything Laurel has something to do with it.

From the window, I can see that everyone is there and they all look at me as soon as I walk in.

"So you all got my message, look I know it's probably nothing but I've got a bad feeling about Joseph being gone for so long without any updates," I say and Natalie nods before saying "yeah I was starting to feel the same way, he never leave just out of nowhere and a note, definitely places some suspicion"

I can feel the room begin to fill with anxiety and doubt. "I don't know, let's say something did happen how do you plan on reaching him, he isn't exactly responding these days," Eli says with a bit of frustration. I can tell that he's trying to believe that Joseph's okay and nothing is wrong but it's four against one on this.

"Hey, Daniel can I see the note that he left?" Askes Natalie and he agrees and fetches the note. As Natalie analyzes the note she quickly catches something. "This definitely wasn't written by Joseph, his handwriting would be less readable and you can clearly read this," she says turning the note. So we got a third party and most likely it's Laurel.

"Before we file a missing persons report we're going to need more than a note to prove he's been gone," Nessa says getting everyone thinking. I for one can't think of a way to prove that he's missing and I can tell the others can't think of anything as well.

Almost like a light bulb went off I ask Daniel the time Joseph left, he doesn't remember the exact time but he knows the last time he saw him was around the evening around seven. It isn't much but I ask everyone else when's the last time they saw him or how their day was three days ago.

No one saw him or talked to him on that day but looking over at Eli I can see that he's thinking hard. "What if we questioned Joseph's ex if he knows where Joseph is?" Says Nessa and Natalie is quick to respond "Wait Elijah here? Oh god" we all look at her for more of an explanation and she does so.

What we got was Elijah treated Joseph badly and was always a bit obsessive over him. We could question him but we don't even know where he is.

"On that day, I had a date with Tristan and we went to the movies and I saw Elijah arguing with someone" Eli goes silent after he finishes talking and he gets up, and starts walking and we follow him.

I can tell that whatever he's thinking he's hoping it isn't real, I can also tell that Daniel is having a difficult time and I ask him if he's okay.

"Not really, I mean I should've known something was wrong, the note, the days, those are obvious signs that he's been missing and I just...just let it slide...what if something really bad happened to him?" He says and tears begin to form and I reassure him that it isn't his fault or that he could have known.

Once we get to the theater Eli stops in his tracks and explain that he was standing over there at the doors of the gas station nearby and where we are standing is where he saw Elijah.

Looking around I can feel my face tense up with my eyes darted at Joseph's phone on the ground. "I think the person Elijah was arguing with was Joseph," I say holding up the phone, and Eli's face is completely covered in horror as he says "then he drove off with him cause they were gone when I got out"

Nessa gets everyone together as we are all freaking out and we walk over to the police station where we meet with her friend we met last time.

She gives us a smile and it quickly drops as we tell her that our friend is missing. She quickly gets her policemen out to look for Joseph and that she has spread the word and told us not to worry but it's hard not to, it's been three days he could be...he could be dead by now.

"We can't just sit around, right? I mean there has to be something we can do to find him faster?" Daniel says trying to hide his fear and Nessa takes a deep breath before saying "I can try and locate him as I do with the rest of you but it'll take some time"

She takes a seat and closes her eyes to concentrate. We're all silent but it's really uncomfortable at the same time. After a few minutes, she opens her eyes and says that she's found him.

We all jump up and head to her car. "It's a long way out and I'll alert my friend but we'll get there first," Nessa says looking at us to see if we're ready and in response, we get in the car and head over to Joseph's location. I'm really hoping he's okay.

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