Chapter 8: Eli Bennet

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I can hear my alarm going off for the second time, I snoozed it the first time.

I get up and I have a weird feeling on my head. It's a damn bed head. While trying to fix that part of my hair I head to the bathroom and get ready for school.

Looking at myself in the mirror, all these thoughts start running through my head. 'You don't even know who you are', 'are you really going along with this, 'what about your family?' I stop myself before it gets worse and head out to meet up with Veronica at roses.

"We'll someone slept like a baby," she says as she ruffles my hair.

I'm glad we got to still be friends with the whole breakup.

I center our conversation in a serious manner "I quit my job" I say while stuttering to continue "I just can't have distractions anymore, graduation is just ten days away and we have this whole other life" I'm just adding more and more to my plate.

She looks at me and it makes me a bit afraid of what she's going to say. "Whatever happened to the boy that didn't care but I get it, we all do, just know you have four people to talk to now" she sighed and we set off to school.

Before heading to our classes she says that she wants to keep talking about all the supernatural stuff at lunch and that she'll text Joseph about it, I nod and try to get through the day once again.

Tapping the desk, bouncing my leg, I can't help but think that now I'm a werewolf that means I'm going to go all animal transformer on the next full moon. I secretly pull out my phone to search up when's the next full moon, it's four weeks away, it reads. It isn't that far away. I need a solution for that.

I get caught with my phone but nothing major just a "put your phone away or I'll take it" warning, never stopped me before.

Endlessly waiting for lunch hour to start I pass the time with more google searches of werewolf lore. Switch from class to class the search isn't getting me anywhere.

Finally lunch hour. I quickly try to find Veronica but instead I get a text to meet at the front of the school. Trying to push my way through the crowd of people blocking the way I finally meet up with Veronica, Joseph, and Daniel.

"Come on we're heading to my house," Joseph says as he hops off the small ledge he was sitting on "wait what about school?" I ask and he turns with slight annoyance in his face.

"Me and Veronica already called the school impersonating our parents and since when did you care about school" I stay silent and we all head towards his house but before even crossing the school street, a car pulls up almost hitting Joseph, of course, it's a group of people that don't care about anything but themselves and their social status.

We all look at them like there insane which they are "hey watch if you almost hit my baby you fag" I can feel the shocked look on my face but Joseph has no expression like he's unfazed.

It's literally a damn car I mean who calls their car baby.

Joseph ignores him and walks past as a group of people get out and start grouping to take pictures and we follow but before we completely leave Joseph turns with his hand out focusing on the car and says "initium" the car starts rolling down and slams to a tree and we walk away, hearing "oh my god what happened" cries behind us.

Daniel try's to get Joseph to stop walking, he's hesitant but eventually, he finds a picnic table and just sits. I don't even know if there's anything we can say anything to help.

We sit with him in silence for a few minutes before Daniel tries to comfort him by saying "look I know he pissed you off by what he said and I am too but if we just mope every time we get called fag then they win"

Just looking at how Daniel means everything he says by the way he looks at Joseph is just pure-hearted.

I look over at Veronica who reaches her hand out to Joseph and he takes it and I give a small smile and he takes a breath before saying "I normally don't react to anything hurtful towards me and I know that everyone knows I'm gay and I know that there will be ignorant people for everything, I had my parents who didn't like me and I guess I never really processed it let alone with someone" I can see that tears form but he doesn't let them fall.

"Anyways I'm good now, thank you, all of you," he says as he signals us to continue walking to his house. When we finally get to his house we sit on the couch and chairs before diving into more of our "destiny" as Nessa would call it.

Joseph pulls an old book out of his backpack "did you have that with you at school?" Veronica asked and he just nodded.

Flipping through the old wrinkled pages Joseph says "in my Abuelita's grimoire I found a few pages dedicated to the first-ever supernaturals and it's the same as how Nessa explained but there are notes of how the transformation chamber holds more secrets" he's so serious it's kind of scary.

I intervene in his focus "okay if the cave even does have more to the story then how are we even going to be able to uncover them?" I ask and he replies with "I'm almost done learning basic magic so once I'm done I'll be able to practice a few more advanced spells that will help" we stare at each other for a while before having everyone agree with his plan.

After that almost intense conversation, we all just hang about and I notice that Joseph is on the front porch. I hit him with a "are you okay?" Question Which is so stupid to even ask. "I'm managing" he responds and I can't help but just get everything off my chest about him.

"Look with everything that happened earlier made me remember the reason why I hated you," I say and he looks at me with a very confused look, I continue.

"well more of a dislike but it was because I wasn't happy with myself, seeing you being happy with who you are just made me ticked off because I don't even know if I'm gay or not I mean I like girls but it's the same with guys as well and all I'm saying is I need a little help" we stare at each other for a while and then he replies while laughing.

"You do realize there is more to it right? If you like girls and guys then you could possibly be bisexual it's all normal" I start to realize how stupid it was to ask him but it wasn't all that bad "can I ask you a favor?" I say and he quickly says "as long as you don't hate me anymore and we can be better friends than sure" in one breath I ask "Is there any possible way to avoid me turning into a werewolf on the next full moon?"

He nods and directs me back to his grimoire and we start figuring out a way to stop my transformation.

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