Chapter 63: Eli Bennet

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Seattle is everything I could ever dream of. I mean yeah it's sort of a hit or miss on some days but overall it's pretty great.

Waking up to rainy weather is one of the few things I like here. It makes up for some of the rude people here.

Me and Tristan were able to get a house, thankfully cause it took a while to find a place to live.

It's small but it's enough for the two of us. 

Tristan and I both got jobs at the mall, not at the same place.

I got stuck with working at the smoothie store and Tristan gets to work at one of the clothing stores.

It's not too bad and my coworkers aren't bad either, actually, we hang out a lot and because of our friendship with each other, it makes the job easier.

Me and Tristan's shifts are sort of the same, start and finish at the same time so it makes things a little easier.

It's still kind of rough living out here, during the first few months Tristan started having panic attacks which I think was related to his family.

He agreed to see a therapist, to understand and work through his problems.

I felt helpless during those times, and I still kinda do.

After everyone stopped talking to each other and started living their lives I haven't really thought about home but I still worry about how my family is doing.

I know that they can handle themselves and that's what helps me keep going rather than racing back and getting myself killed.

I look at the time and realize that I'm almost late for work. Today Tristan works earlier than me.

I hurriedly get changed and head out the door. I get in the car and drive to the mall.

Once I'm parked I speed walk to work. 

On my way there I text Tristan, "why didn't you take the car, I could've taken the bus" 

I start picking up the pace to avoid getting scolded by my coworkers. Even though we're friends they still won't pass up the opportunity to yell at me.

I make it just in time and clock in.

Putting on the apron and the hat we have to wear I see that Tristan replied. 

"I didn't want you to get wet, also I took the car last week so it was your turn" I'm always surprised by how sweet he is. 

I text "thanks" with a heart and get to work.

It's usually slow so all we do is talk to each other. Some of them have drama going on so I only listen for those and tune them out when they don't.

One of my coworkers invites me to a party their hosting but I decline because after my shift I won't have enough energy to socialize.

The only good part about this job is being able to get free smoothies for ourselves. Our manager is rarely here so basically we're the ones in charge, and by we I mean me.

Leaving these dimwits in charge will surely get us fired.

It feels like years when my shift ends. Thank god cause another minute would make me go crazy.

I text Tristan that I'm heading home and he gives a smiling emoji.

On my way to the car, I realize that I left my wallet back at the shop. When I get there I get worried when I don't see my coworkers out in front.

I walk in the back and quickly back out when I find them making out. "I am so sorry, I just need my wallet," I say awkwardly walking past them grabbing my wallet, and quickly getting out.

One of them gives me the death stare as I leave.

Laughing to myself I finally make it to my car.

Once I get to my house I'm welcomed in with a delicious aroma. My guess is that Tristan is cooking dinner tonight.

Walking into the kitchen I find him in his element.

He turns around and smiles at me as he says, "hey didn't know you got home, I'm just making what my mom used to make, it'll be ready soon" 

I walk behind him to kiss him on the neck before heading to our room to change.

I have time to spare so I take a shower before going downstairs. Seeing the dining table with food I smile at Tristan who is filled with joy.

We both sit down and eat talking about how our day went.

I sometimes feel guilty thinking that this life is better than the one at home but I also think that I wouldn't have this life if it wasn't for everything we went through.

The night goes on as we laugh and cherish each other's company until we are ready to head to bed.

Awaiting what tomorrow will bring.

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