Chapter 42: Joseph Flores

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Bouncing my leg up and down I wait for my appointment with my therapist that everyone has suggested for me even though I see no point to it and it's not like I can talk about everything that's happened.

A few more minutes go by before a grown man comes out from one of the rooms crying. I hear my name get called and I head over to the room the crying man came from.

I walk in and I see my therapist for the day along with a boring decorated office. "Come take a seat," he says and I sit on the sofa across from him.

"I'm Mr. Mustafa but you can call me Aaron, tell me a little about yourself," he says and I scoff because I always hated people who say that, I hate the fact that I have to think and talk about myself and I am not calling him Aaron. 

I take in a deep breath before responding, "uh I don't know what you want to know, shouldn't we get straight to the point with you know, my mental health?" I say and he stares before saying "do you think we should get straight to the point?"

I can literally see myself jump across this coffee table and strangle him. I smile sarcastically and respond yes and he writes something down in his notepad, I am slowly regretting listening to everyone.

He looks up and asks "how have you been after your grandmother's passing?" I look at my fingers, playing with them while answering, "good I guess, I came to terms with it and I visit her grave to celebrate her life every year"

He nods in understanding, writing again, looking back up he asks about my relationships. I tell him that I'm good friends with the people in my life as well as my boyfriend.

I can tell that he's happy that I have people to rely on and then he asks about my relationship with my parents before their death and I can feel my face show that I don't want to talk about it but I'm willing to put in the effort.

"It was okay, not the best and it went downhill when I came out to them but I moved out and never talked to them again," I say feeling anxious and he puts his notepad down.

Shit is getting serious now.

"Do you feel regrets for leaving or for not reaching out before they died?" He says and I didn't mean to let out a laugh but I do and I respond, "regret it? Hell no, they made my life a living hell for me and if I had a choice to leave sooner I would've" he leans back intrigued with my answer.

Asking how I feel about their passing I look out the window for a while and respond, "yeah I was upset about it but more conflicted with the fact that I'm not completely upset about it and maybe that makes me an emotionless monster"

I always did think of myself like that, I don't care much about people and when I do I can easily ruin it which is why I'm surprised I haven't fucked up my relationship with everyone, especially with Daniel.

"I don't think that makes you a monster Joseph, you've had a very hard life since the beginning and you continue to deal with stressful situations that aren't good for you, take a step back and center yourself again," he says and in a way in feeling a bit relieved but then he ruins the moment.

"Even though you have support from your friends, it seems that they cause stress for you so maybe leaving them for a while would be good for you," he says picking his notepad back up and I stare at him in complete shock, leave them? They are the only people I have, yes they cause me stress but we're in the same situation.

I get up while saying "yeah I don't think this is going to work out, thanks for your help" he tries to stop me but I tell him off, "fuck you, don't tell me to leave the only people I care about and have left"

I storm out of the building not looking back. After a few minutes of walking I stop to gather my thoughts.

As I'm trying to pull myself together, someone taps my shoulder and without hesitation, I turn around and say, "the fuck do you want? Oh it's you"

To my surprise it's Laurel. 

I really am surprised she'd show up out in the open, "I'm not in the mood so go on with whatever you're planning" I say and she smiles.

"I know how badly you want to end this curse and I know how, tomorrow on sundown meet me on the hill with the abandoned house, oh and bring everyone," she says and I can see that she's content with herself as she walks away.

Once I get home I meet with everyone to talk about what happened. I explain my well as my time with the therapist and I emphasize "never going back" to them.

They understand and agree that we should come up with a plan but I suggest we do it tomorrow morning cause I am emotionally drained and currently running on frustration.

I wave everyone good night as I head upstairs and into my room where I crash and forget everything that happened today.

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