Chapter 35: Joseph Flores

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"Oh did you get bored of me already? What a pity" I yell at the door and to the camera above it. I've been stuck here in this experiment-type room for four fucking days and I'm getting sick of it.

Hearing the door unlock Elijah walks through giving me that caring bullshit look on his face. "Can you please eat something" he says not breaking eye contact. 

In response, I chuckle before saying "oh I'm sure you got something here to force me just like you did in the car" he sighs leaving the tray of food and leaving the room.

Hesitantly I eat the food because I'm not that stupid to think I'll get out of here if I'm tired and hungry.

"We got a long day ahead of us due to your antics so please cooperate this time Mr. Flores and meet me in the testing room," a voice from the intercom says and the door opens allowing me to leave.

I've already tried running the first time I arrived and was electrocuted for doing so. Walking down the long hallways I finally reach the testing room.

I can see a shadow figure in the room above through the window and that Elijah is in the room as well.

"Now let's try this again, let's start off small, levitate those objects in front of you," the man says and I do so, supernatet, I say and all at once each object begins to rise.

For a second it's almost beautiful until he speaks again, "good, now I know you have a stronger power in you so demonstrate that" I look up at the window to reply.

"In case you haven't noticed I can't use those kinds of spells," I say and I can tell he's getting agitated, a lot more quickly than the past few days.

"We have data that seven days ago you expressed a large amount of power that caught our eye and destroyed a small portion of the woods," he says and all I can think about is how I'm going to avoid telling him about everything else.

So far what I've got is that he only thinks that I'm the only supernatural person alive so I can't expose the others or Laurel even if I would love to see her deal with him it wouldn't be right. I don't even know how to use that kind of magic again anyway, I don't even know how it happened in the first place.

"Then you must've looked at it wrong cause like I said I can't do those kinds of spells," I say sighing and I look over at Elijah and from the look on his face I know what's going to happen next.

In a second a rush of electricity runs through my body and I drop to the floor in pain. He doesn't do it for long but it's still fucking painful.

Elijah helps me up and escorts me back to my room. "You know I care for you so just stop pissing him off," he says. Like hell I will, it's not like I'm trying to, I physically can't do what he wants so it's a lose-lose situation.

I push him to the side allowing me to walk by myself. He closes the door and it locks and I sit on the bed.

I used to think that maybe one of my friends would've realized that I'm missing and start looking for me but now I doubt that will happen.

By the way this place looks and how it's structured as well as my weird resonance with the earth, this place is underground. It's good for basic kidnapping and underground experiments as such.

The door unlocks and opens again and I stand. It usually never happens and from the time it isn't lunch yet.

Elijah walks through and asks that I follow him. Walking behind him he says "your finally going to meet him" those words sound haunting and I'd expect this meet-up to go south.

We finally arrive at our destination, the doors are different than the ones on the other rooms so it must be his office.

As Elijah opens the door I'm greeted with "ah Mr. Flores, it's so good to meet you face to face, I know I know I should've done this sooner but I was a bit busy"

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