Chapter 53: Eli Bennet

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I'm freaking out, I had to sneak out of my house at night and have Nessa drive me to get Veronica.

All I got was a text from Joseph saying to get Veronica. I'm hoping that she's okay.

Along the way, Nessa has been trying to get me to calm down but it isn't working.

Once we get to the location where we tracked Joseph's cell phone we see Veronica sitting on the curb.

I get out and cautiously walk over to her. She looks up crying and runs up to hug me. I hesitantly hug her back and I get her in the car.

I ask her what happened and she explains everything that happened since the funeral.

After she explained everything I don't know if I could forgive Joseph for doing things like taking Veronica's humanity or killing people in general.

"Look I understand everything that happened with Joseph is bad but it's also my fault, I could've turned my humanity back on but I didn't so I'm just as much to blame," she says and from that, I'm sure she'll forgive him for what he did.

We drop her off at her home where she prepares to lie to her mom that she's back from her existential crisis trip.

Nessa drops me off and I sneak back in and wait for morning to come.

I tried to sleep but the thought that Joseph killed Veronica without hesitation brings to question if he's really going to kill us if we try and stop him.

He's even worse than Laurel right now.

When morning came I quickly got out of the house before anyone woke up and started to walk around town.

I know that the others will probably still be asleep so maybe walking around will help clear my mind.

After a few hours of walking, I get a text from Veronica to meet at Joseph's to further discuss things.

On my way back I spot a bar and through the window I see Joseph sitting on of the counter chairs.

I walk in without a plan that I will soon regret.

"hey Joseph, you got a lot of nerve showing up here" I yell and he puts his drink down walking towards me.

Standing in front of me I see that he isn't the same person I know. He starts shaking the bar and says, "we can settle this right here, right now" and I know he means it so I back off and he does too.

"Drinking away your problems I see, wait aren't you underaged?" I say calming down but he had to talk back.

"I don't believe in drinking away my problems, I drink for fun and nothing a little mind magic can't fix, so what are you doing here," he says and I take a deep breath.

I can tell that he's going to try and make me mad so I do something reckless but I won't give him that satisfaction.

"You killed Veronica along with many other people, you aren't okay? We just want to help" I say and he scoffs while saying, "You're trying to help? Really cause all I see is someone trying to waste my time but then again that's all you ever do, you're nothing of importance" he tries to walk out but I stop him.

He looks at me in a way that I think he's impressed but also that he might hurt me.

"We are not going to stop until we get you back," I say and he pats me on the shoulder saying, "oh then you'll never stop because this is me so get over it" and he walks out leaving me alone.

Even taken over with dark magic he's still a dick, a bigger one at that.

He basically disappears into thin air when I walk out.

I take a deep breath and head to Joseph's house, I'm really hoping that they have a plan in mind cause having Joseph walking around with dark magic is just going to make things difficult.

When I get to the house, I walk in to see Daniel and Veronica arguing with Nessa.

They stop once they notice me. 

"What's going on?" I ask and Daniel gets up saying, "Nessa thinks Joseph's too far gone" I scoff at the fact that she isn't wrong.

"Yeah well same, I just saw him and all I'll say is that he won't hesitate to smite us when he gets the chance," I say walking over to Nessa, now we are divided.

Looking at Veronica I can tell that she has a lot on her mind. "It isn't his fault, Laurel caused his pain and forced him into this but spending time with him I could tell that he isn't in control," she says and me and Nessa look at each other.

Nessa looks defeated and upset about what Veronica said.

"no you're right, it isn't his fault, when the first witch was learning her new magical powers she uncovered dark magic, it took over and manifested into something of its own, she was able to separate herself from it and lock it away but after she died Laurel tricked the next witch into wakening the dark magic and it went into both Laurel and the witches line again," she says and now I'm conflicted.

So what she just said was basically that Joseph isn't just fighting against corruption but also the form of dark magic that somehow turned intelligent? It's always one thing after another with him.

I get Veronica's attention and say, "what's on your mind?" She looks at me confused and then with determination.

"I think I know where he's going next but I need to confirm something else, I'll meet you guys back here tomorrow," she says getting up and walking out.

We look at each other and I get Daniel's attention before he heads upstairs. "Hey I'm sorry, I don't think Joseph is too far gone and we'll get him back, and that I promise," I say and he smiles and faces Nessa.

I head out to leave them alone to apologize to each other.

Walking home I can feel fear set in when I try and think of a way to appeal to Joseph's...well humanity I guess.

I walk past my family when I get home and go straight to bed trying to think of more ways to bring Joseph back.

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