Chapter 31: Veronica Thompson

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Daniel wanted to head back to the library because he still thinks that there is something that he is missing and I wanted to tag along because I myself also want to investigate more about the myth but more of the vampires before.

I head over to Joseph's to meet up with Daniel before heading to the library to also pick up the book we found back at the chamber.

I knock on the door and wait for a few minutes, finding it odd that it's taking a little longer than usual, they usually open the door right away but they probably have stuff going on so I don't much about it. 

Daniel finally opens the door and says sorry for leaving me out here for a few minutes. I shake my head and walk in not making it a big deal, cause it isn't.

"Sorry, I've been trying to get everything together and now that Joseph's gone it's sort of hard when you know little of things," he says grabbing the first witch's diary.

"Wait what do mean now that Joseph's gone?" I say with a confused tone and look.

He looks at me shaking his head while saying "sorry I also meant to tell you guys that, he left to finally have a memorial for his grandmother, he left a note this morning when I woke up" I can tell that he wished that Joseph would've said it to his face rather than leaving a note.

I walk over to him putting my hand on his shoulder for reassurance, "well he won't be gone for long and that just means more time for us" I say leading the way out of the house to the library and him behind me.

Once we get to the library, we pick a table and split up to find books and information about the myth. I stay at the table to read the diary to see if there's anything that catches my eye.

As I suspected, there isn't much but the story we already heard but I can't shake the feeling that there is still something that I'm missing.

Daniel comes back with a big pile of books along the topic of the myth we are in.

"I figured one of these has to have something, quite convenient that this town focuses on the myth," he says sitting down looking at the books.

We separate them evenly between us and read them. Honestly wished that super-speed also came with super reading speed as well. They are all the same thing, nothing new.

"I don't see anything new about them," I say in defeat. Leaning back Daniel looks up at me and says, "true but have you noticed that some of the pages have certain designs"

I sit up in curiosity and he opens all the books and arrange them so the designs match. Leaving a hole in the middle, all the designs look like they can lead to the design of the cover of the diary. I place it in the middle and it resembles a map.

"Wait isn't this the map to the chamber? We've already looked there, there's nothing but rubble now" I say in defeat once again.

"It's not just the chamber but the library as well I think the town, I think it's a map leading to you and Eli," he says pointing at a dot on one of the pages. I open the diary once again and now there are even more pages than there were before.

"It looks like even the first vampire and werewolf wrote in this diary, I'll take it home and bring it back to you tomorrow," I say finally cheering up and Daniel puts away the books and we walk home.

I decide that we should take a detour to get some ice cream because we earned it. Daniel agrees and we head to roses and then home.

I go to my room once I get home to look over the new pages that have appeared. I'm kind of excited and a bit scared to see if there's anything new that could affect me.

Hesitating, I finally open the diary of the werewolf first. Reading it over it talks about how the struggles and the beauty of the transformation from human to wolf. I bet it's what Eli used to go through before the ring Joseph made.

I finally reach the diary chapter of the vampire and prepare myself for what I'm about to see. It starts out calm but a few more pages it gets a bit dark, talking about the loneliness and the darkness they faced and even the blood they crave.

I finish the diaries and at the end, it says "signed by myriad" assuming that is the first witch in this world.

I set the diary on my table and lay down, taking a look at my phone I see that Eli has posted a picture on Instagram, taking a look, it was of him and Tristan on their date yesterday.

I like the photo and comment on their happiness and slowly fall asleep.

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