Chapter 50: Joseph Flores

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I've been keeping an eye on Veronica these last two days for any signs of betrayal.

So far she's done nothing but sleep and explore our new location. Even though I forced her to turn off her humanity I still can't let down my guard. 

"Veronica can you help me with something," I say and she quickly walks up the stairs saying, "do I have a choice" clearly her sass stayed.

I walk over to the table dedicated to witchcraft that I made. 

"Raw power is good and all but we would be able to get so much done if I get a grimoire to teach me dark magic spells and incantations," I say as she walks over to the table looking at all the books and pictures.

She points to my abuela's grimoire while saying, "doesn't that have spells?" Maybe I should educate her a little more later on.

"No I looked, nothing on dark magic which is why I located the resting places of the only dark witch, it's not too far out," I say and she looks at me intrigued. 

We walk to the car and when we get inside Veronica asks "if you know where it is why bring me?" And I look at her with bliss.

"You can't die and it's said that their resting place is guarded with magic which I can handle but the traps, that's all you," I say giving a wink and she rolls her eyes and we set off.

Once we get there Veronica immediately has something to say. "Another cemetery? Really" she says with an irritated tone.

I get out of the car saying, "at least it's nicer and to add to that we're basically grave robbing" I lead the way in and take in the surroundings. 

I tell her what we should be looking for, it should be a tomb-like figure that is secluded. We split up to speed up our search.

An hour passes and I begin to get frustrated and it doesn't help that the grave I'm looking at says, "you always shine bright so just head for the light" I destroyed it.

Walking around more I realize that I underestimated the size of this cemetery. I hear Veronica yell my name and I run over to her.

She points at a tomb all the way in the forest behind the cemetery, how come we didn't see this earlier.

She begins walking toward it and I stop her, "look around, it's surrounded by trees which means..." I say waiting for her to finish the sentence.

"It means that the traps are made of wood," she says and I slow clap for her.

I throw rocks and sticks as we walk forwards setting off the traps and we finally make it to the entrance.

Looking inside for anything unusual I push Veronica forward which sets off a trap that shot a hook hitting her.

I start laughing as she pulls the hook out and mocks me. I figured that was the last trap considering that this place is old.

We get closer and I see the grimoire. I also see that it's protected by ward magic, it doesn't look complicated.

I walk up to it, analyze it for a minute, and take out a string that brought the ward down. Grabbing the grimoire I open it and quickly burn it.

"Why did you do that?" Veronica says looking at me pissed and I've just had enough of this place.

"Now I know that there isn't a grimoire for dark magic, now it all makes sense now," I say walking out and heading to the car. 

I guess there was a reason why everyone says dark magic is a manifestation of power, it's cause it has no spells, it can do anything and be anything.

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