Chapter 45: Eli Bennet

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The last two days have been hell. First, it was Laurel and her undead army which was pretty easy to deal with, and then it was the whole weather change, and being taken by a tornado is the worst thing to ever experience.

I'm just glad it's all over for now and that no one was hurt, us or the town.

My younger siblings wake me up and we hang out altogether for a while until a receive an urgent text from Veronica to get to Joseph's quickly.

I wonder what could possibly be wrong now.

I know she says to get there quickly but I need breakfast. I quickly eat at roses and finally make my way to Joseph's.

Getting spam texts from Veronica, I make it to the front door and when I open it there is shouting.

Joseph and Daniel seem to be at each other's throats and I think Veronica is going to be on mine. "What the hell took you so long? Anyway, they've been fighting since I got here and I don't know what to do" she says and now I really got to help.

"I've never seen them fight before, what happened?" I say and she shrugs while saying, "like I said they've been shouting before I got here but you can hear them say things about risks and stuff like that" I smack my tongue while trying to think of something.

After a few minutes of trying to come up with a solution, I notice Daniel get fed up and start walking toward us. I move out of the way and he walks outside not stopping.

Me and Veronica look at each other and I can see that she wants me to go after him.

this isn't even our relationship, they should fix whatever is going on themselves.

I chase after Daniel and I get him to stop and explain what happened. "I never wanted to fight but he needed to hear it, he can't just keep sacrificing himself or throwing himself in harm's way without consulting us for a plan," he says with pain in his tone.

I take a deep breath, this is going to be a doozy. "Yeah I get that, I mean I sometimes get frustrated with him for not confiding in us but I also feel bad because he's having a different experience with this than the rest of us," I say being sincere but maybe I was too sincere as Daniel starts to cry.

"I just don't want to lose him in all this madness, I know it'll get worse from here on out," he says and I give him a side hug but he's right, this will get worse and Joseph's in the center of it all, I know I've been saying this a lot but I really want to avoid having Joseph be the only person Laurel targets, I'll regret that soon but not now.

After a few minutes of more talking, Daniel wipes his tears away and we notice Joseph walk towards us with Veronica behind.

"I never wanted to fight and I'm so sorry that I did, I get why you said those things and why you got mad at me and I don't blame you at all," he says and Daniel gets teary-eyed again and hugs him while saying "I just wanted you to realize you're not alone even though we tell you basically every day" he's not wrong.

Veronica stands next to me and I say, "he's right, you're not alone and we haven't done the best job at expressing that and maybe it's because we're afraid of getting Laurel's attention away from you because of what she can do but we're your friends so we'll make sure it isn't all on you" he smiles and we stand around for a while before suggesting on heading back inside.

Now that everyone has forgiven each other we can stop with all this bickering.

Me and Veronica leave them alone so they can talk things out more together. "Well the sun's going down so I'm going home, night Veronica," I say and she says night back and we split off.

Once I get home one of my dads says that there going to start movie night and I'm welcome to tag along. I tell them I'll get comfortable and then I'll join them.

Tristan texts me saying that he had the weirdest dream of the town going through a weather crisis. If only he knew. I guess Joseph altered everyone's mind while reverting things back to normal.

I messaged him back down saying, "what that's crazy" and I set my phone down and join my family in the living room to watch some movies. 

It feels good to go back to acting like nothing is wrong, to have nothing to worry about, to be here in this moment with the ones I love, this is a moment I won't forget.

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