Chapter 13: Veronica Thompson

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Today is going to be a good day, mom gets discharged from the hospital, the weather is in great condition, nothing will ruin this day for me.

I get dressed, get my bag and keys, and leave the house with a smile on my face putting in my earbuds that are playing anywhere by Rita Ora, and set off to school.

Getting so close to graduation school has been rather slow, teachers have begun to stop teaching lessons cause all units are completed, announcements just consist of hyping up the seniors but I'm glad I don't have to do anything anymore.

When I get to the school I meet up with the guys by the stairs no one ever uses cause it's irrelevant to use it to get to class. "Are you guys excited as I am?" I say gleefully and Eli faces me and it doesn't look good but whatever it is won't ruin my mood "Veronica... people were searching the training spot Nessa took us behind Joseph's house yesterday" he says and normally I would freak out but I was more expecting something related to Laurel so it dials back.

"Oh well if they haven't connected anything yet then we have nothing to worry about and today I am only focusing on my mom so you boys can go deal with that while I'm with my mom," I say and quickly turn around and head to class.

To pass time quickly I talk with my other friends in class about all sorts, gossip, teachers, college, boys, and now that I think about it I have a new start in a relationship since I'm no longer with Eli and it'll be good for the both of us to start fresh in that department.

As time flies by, in my fifth-period class my teacher gets a call about me and tells me that I am leaving early today, right on the dot, I get up and head outside and walk to the hospital.

Entering the hospital I meet the doctor taking care of my mom and she tells me that getting home my mom can get off the wheelchair and that the pharmacy in the little shop's district has ibuprofen in case mom's in any pain. I nod to show I understand walk with mom to the house.

The entire walk back all my mom can talk about is how she's grateful to still be here with me and I avoid listening to that kind of talk since it's kinda my fault she got hurt in the first place.

On the front door, mom is able to get up and walk-in. I tell her that she should just rest and I'll go get food so she can wash all that hospital food taste buds.

I left her on the couch and head straight to roses where I placed my to-go order. Grabbing the order Rose tells me that she's glad my mom is okay and I thank her and head back.

It's already sunset so I better hurry home. My mom is in the kitchen and is happy to eat something other than hospital food, which consists of milkshakes, two burgers one with bacon and the other with double patties, and large fries. I put on our favorite movie and it's not long until someone knocks on our door and when I go on and open it it's Eli and he hands me a basket and says "we all put something together for you and your mom, even Nessa helped" and walked off, I'm glad they're my friends now even if it was just by horrible situations.

My mom asked who was at the door and I respond "Eli and my friends made a care package for us" I can tell the face on my mom makes her happy knowing I have great people in my life and with that we start the movie and eat all the food.

After we finished the movie mom fell asleep and thanks to super strength I was able to carry her to her bed and place her comfortably to sleep, maybe turning into a vampire has its perks.

I stay up for a few more hours, reading books of true crime and sneaking a few fiction mystery books thanks to vampire speed I can read two times as fast then I regularly do.

I surf the posts of my friends on social media and exchange a few texts and TikToks with the group and even Nessa got a phone so I tried to help her figure it out.

I knew today was going to be a good day and it was, I hope it stays like this a little while longer. I turn off the lights in the house and call it a night.

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