Chapter 1: Joseph Flores

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God, I can't wait for the school year to end, this hell hole can just F off.

There's nothing wrong with the school it's just how it is and I don't really like anyone here, that and my best friend Natalie who makes life bearable but still I can't wait to leave this place.

I plan to wait till midnight to turn eighteen and leave my parent's home, then I would graduate and get the hell out of here.

"Hey, Joseph!" I can tell by the voice that it's Natalie "hey um why are you out of breath" I say but she never runs so what the hell "I just wanted to tell you that I hate you and if you wanted to head to roses after school?" she breathes while catching her breath.

I respond "sure you're paying though" she rolls her eyes and the final bell rings and we both make our way to roses diner.

Roses diner is pretty much the only place I hang out at, it's chill, comfy, and a well-known place so it's perfect for a little escape.

"Are you excited, you turn eighteen tonight and graduation isn't that far away either like we have eleven days left" Natalie says with enthusiasm "I guess, it isn't a big deal anyway" I respond.

It would be different if my birthday was actually celebrated but my family is full of pricks.

Before beginning to speak again a family walks into the diner, a tourist probably because I haven't seen them around but the boy with them is kinda cute.

As I stare at the newcomers until I remember what today was and I turn to face Natalie "hey I have to go I'll call you later" I say while walking out and out of the corner of my eye I can see the boy looking at me.

Heading towards the cemetery I look for my Abuelitas grave, god I wish you were here.

"Hey" I jump a little and I turn around and it's that boy from the diner, "uh hi," I say confused, and turn back to the grave.

He stands next to me and says "if you don't mind how did she die" hesitant I respond "I don't know but the police say she died protecting her home from burglars"

I try holding back my tears and add " uh by the way my name is Joseph" he smiles and places a flower down "sorry for your loss and I'm Daniel" he says and he walks away smiling again and so do I.

Did I seriously flirt with a guy on my abuelas grave, Jesus.

Walking back to my house I begin to develop a headache but it doesn't feel like just any headache, voices begin to appear and they keep growing louder and louder until I reach my house and turn around but it isn't the same.

Everything is foggy, there wasn't any fog, but in the center, at the cemetery, there is a tree and a woman appears "Joseph" she says and everything snaps back, what the fuck just happened.

Entering my house I say "I'm home" greeting my parents but of course, they don't respond because they never cared about me either, it started happening after I came out to them but oh well at least I have freedom.

Heading to my room and changing into more comfortable clothes, I lay on my bed till I heard my mom yell my name and respond with "what" no response and again "what" I swear to god with these people.

I head downstairs but I hear more than my parent's voices, you've got to be kidding me, it's that boy again Daniel and his family what are they doing here.

"Joseph finally, meet the Mavericks, they're moving into town," my mom says and I am just lost. My mom continues "I'm making dinner please join us" and the Mavericks agree and we all sit at the table.

This is truly the most embarrassing moment of my life I am sitting in my pajamas in front of a cute boy, god if your listening please kill me now.

"So are your kids planning on finishing the end of the year here?" My mom asked and Mrs. Maverick responds "yes, Daniel here will graduate in two months with Joseph and Edith still have two more years left"

So not only is he moving here but is in the same year as me, way to make a good first impression Joseph, "so tell me Daniel what are you into?"

Daniel responds with "I'm into all sorts but right now I'm just experimenting with music and science"

My mom turns her head to me "see why can't you be more like him huh" I look at her with confusion written all over my face "I literally get straight A's I don't see what the problem is" I sighed and she pushes the chair out "don't talk to me in that tone and all I ever wanted was a normal son" she yells and the room goes quiet.

"A normal son huh well sorry that your religion stops you from loving who I am and I'm tired of this constant fighting and dad not even trying, I'm leaving," I yell back as I get up and head towards my room ignoring all the faces staring.

I can't stay here anymore. I begin to pack my things and doing so I found a note by my Abuela to me, it reads "Joseph if your reading this then happy eighteenth birthday and I have a surprise please come to my house you know where the key is" well it's worth a shot to see what it is.

Heading out my mom yells at me one more time "now where do you think you're going, you selfish ungrateful—" I turn around and she begins to stop breathing but I don't move and all I can think about is how I want her to stop talking but I look at Daniel and I begin to calm down and my mom takes another breath but I couldn't stay and I run out the door towards my Abuelita's house.

Running and running, tears rolling down my cheeks, I catch my breath at the doorstep of Abuelita's home. "You know where the key is," I say to myself and remember that under the stairs is where we hid the key, grabbing it and unlocking the door I step into a home that I haven't been to for a year.

Everything is still here like I remember it I turn on the lights and set down my bag and look around the house for this surprise.

I have looked everywhere except her room, I stand in front of the door and take in a deep breath and walk in, the master bedroom is big and in the middle of the floor is an uneven wood bored and in it is a box that says "Joseph" and opening it there is a will that states that all property and money of Evelyn Flores goes to her grandson Joseph Flores.

Holding the will I see that there is another paper of her finance and she has over a million dollars in her account, damn Abuela what have you been doing, and how did you even get this and it's all to me? Oh, I'm going to have a long talk with an attorney.

She really did care for me when my parents never could. I get settled and take the master bedroom and when heading downstairs I hear glass break. I checked all the windows nothings broken and then I get hit in the back of my head.

When I finally wake up I'm in this cave with two other people and a third figure appears and says "are you already" what even is this. Shit, am I going to die?

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