Chapter 20: Veronica Thompson

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I haven't been able to sleep due to my excitement about the fact that me and my friends will be graduating today, finally, my life at high school will come to an end although I have good memories from school that I'll keep.

I had my alarm set early but like I said I couldn't sleep so I got up earlier to get ready.

I straighten my hair and applied natural colored makeup. Putting on my cap and gown, my mom knocks on my door and she gets all teary-eyed but doesn't let one fall.

"I got you something to keep with you, I guess it's like a graduation gift," she says smiling as she hands me a box, and inside is a locket with a picture of me and her when I was young on the left and us now on the right.

I would've said thank you but I thought it was best just to hug, I remembered that I put her in danger and I won't let that happen again, getting al teary my mom dabs the tears away so they won't ruin my makeup and we get in the car to go to the community center where the graduation ceremony is being held.

I separated from my mom to meet with my friends before sitting down. Everyone looks so happy, Joseph, Daniel, Eli, and Natalie are all together and give me a hug when I arrive.

"You look beautiful" Eli says and I smile and we all talk for a little before we are assigned in groups to sit.

"I'm so glad I don't have to repeat a year," Eli says and Joseph reply's "actually you had nothing to worry about, you're just as smart as any one of us, you just never came to school but everyone knew of your situation so it's understandable" I can tell Eli needed some comfort because after Joseph finished speaking he hugged him, never thought they would get close like that.

"Didn't know you liked hugs" Natalie says with a tone of sarcasm, "I don't but I'm a changed man" says Joseph as he laughs. "Attention graduates, get in lines alphabetically and sit in your appropriate seats" well it's almost time, just a few more minutes.

After waiting excitedly, we were finally getting up to get our diplomas, first was Eli, then Joseph, third was Daniel, fourth was Natalie, and then me. Walking up I felt accomplished, finally having my diploma in hand I just felt like I was opened up to so much more.

After everyone got their diplomas, we stood standing until it was time to throw our caps in the air and we were finally out of high school.

Before we left we all made sure we were meeting at Joseph's house before heading to the dance and then we went home.

I have been waiting for this moment since I was a freshman, I fantasized about coming in with a long sparkly dress, in a limo, with a man by my side but none of that will be happening and I'm settling for what I have now.

I had asked if Natalie wanted to be my friend date to the formal and asked if she would get ready with me to which she replied yes to both.

When she arrived we both shared our products from makeup to hair.

Asking each other which colors fit best, time flew by quickly and we were finishing our looks.

Natalie is wearing a black dress with her curled hair down and two strands down each side of her face. Only apply some blush to brighten her cheeks.

I decided to go with a midnight-colored dress with complete curls. My makeup matched a bit of my dress.

After getting set we made our way to Joseph's house because that's where we all decided to meet up before heading to the dance.

Everyone looks so good, the boys with their suits and Nessa with her own dress. We take pictures before heading to the school.

We actually made a detour to roses because we didn't want to starve the entire time so we grabbed some food and then made our way to the school.

When we got there the DJ was just playing some Doja cat and bad bunny and other artists I can't remember.

We picked one of the few standing tables to stay at until one or some of us wanted to dance.

Like any dance there are rarely some songs that were decent enough to dance to until "catch a vibe" by Diarra Sylla started playing and I dragged Natalie to the dance floor which she pulled Joseph who then pulled Daniel and we were just dancing until the song was over, occasionally singing along.

After the song was over, Joseph realized that Eli wasn't with us and started looking around the room until he spotted him with a shocked expression and I was shocked too.

Eli was sitting at a table with Isabelle and Tristan, all three of them looked like they were having a good time so we didn't disturb them and went back to our table, waiting for the next song to dance to.

Joseph and Daniel went out to get some drinks while me and Natalie stayed talking to each other.

"So what do you plan on doing now?" Natalie asked but I couldn't tell her the truth so I said "I don't know, I plan on taking time helping my mom until I know for sure" she agrees but she was planning on taking a gap year regardless cause becoming a cardio surgeon is gonna take a toll, "I'm sure you'll do great I believe in you" I say and she laughs and thanks me for that.

When the boys got back Joseph left again to go the bathroom and now I finally have a chance to talk to Daniel.

"How are you doing?" I ask and he responds "good, a bit sad that my family isn't here but at least I got you guys" he smiles and invites him to dance which conveniently enough was a slow song "Remember" by Lauren Daigle.

Swaying from side to side, we both smile and laugh, on our right Natalie is dancing with someone who she said was her biggest crush and he is tall has hell, like a tree almost, no wonder he's on the basketball team and I think his name was mason, no maybe it was- oh wait it was Max.

On our left Eli is dancing with Isabelle, they seem happy and then another couple blocks our view from them, and they're gone.

When the song finished we went back to the table for refreshments. I just now noticed how long Joseph's been gone, as Natalie introduces her new boyfriend to me and Daniel, I sneak away to look for Joseph.

Checking the nearest bathroom I found him staring out the window in the hallway. "Joseph, you okay?" I ask and he slowly turns his head "she's heading this way" he said and I know exactly who he's talking about.

I convince him to focus on having fun because this will probably be the last time we ever do have fun.

When we go back to everyone he says "Eli won't be with us when we head home" I'm confused and asked why and he pulls up three fingers and realized that Eli had already left to have a damn three-way.

Daniel drove us all home, first was Natalie, and we all plan to meet at Joseph's house tomorrow in the afternoon to talk about how we plan on handling Laurel.

just like that our night as high schoolers was no more, now instead of college we have to endure and survive what Laurel had planned when she gets here.

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