Chapter 7: Veronica Thompson

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The three of us stayed the night at Joseph's house since he passed out in the middle of our conversation.

Before heading up to check on him I look out the window and I forgot that all my senses have heightened, I feel stronger, I can hear things, I'm just trying to get this under control.

Heading to Joseph's room I opened the door to find that he's exactly how we left him. Doesn't move much in his sleep I guess.

I can hear his heartbeat from the foot of his door, it's normal at least. I walk over to wake him up and he slowly opens his eyes before asking what had happened.

I simply explained that he over-exhausted himself with his magic and that he'll begin training with us later.

He groans before heading to the bathroom to freshen up signaling me to leave. Going downstairs I can smell eggs and bacon from the kitchen where Eli and Nessa are cooking.

Before helping them the doorbell rings and Daniel is there when I open it, letting him in I direct him to the table and help Eli pass plates of food.

When we all sit down at the table Joseph finally arrives downstairs taking a seat at the table with us.

Before eating Joseph clears his throat "sorry about not listening yesterday, I guess we're all still weirded out but I'll get the hang of it" he says looking at Nessa and she accepts his "apology" and we eat what she cooked.

I offer to help clean the dishes and Joseph offers to help me as well. After cleaning up Nessa prepares another pet talk. "Last night we've all seen the potential you can reach and it can have consequences when not practiced," she says looking over at Joseph.

Judging by his facial expressions it seems he's had this type of talk before many times.

"Since none of you have anything to do, I've checked, we will begin preparing to hone in your abilities" she finishes as she leads us to the woods behind Joseph's house.

I also didn't realize how close he lives to Eli.

I get that the three of us have to be here but Daniel doesn't even possess any supernatural abilities, why is he here? "Sorry, but why is Daniel here? Not anything mean just confused." I ask and Nessa turns around to respond.

"because sense he volunteered to help us it's also important that he can defend himself, that is what we're all doing today" she sets down all her stuff before saying "self-defense training!" Oh wow, not what I expected.

Joseph seems to be skeptical about it while Eli just goes along with it, I suppose I'm down with it as well. Nessa signals us to grab a partner, Joseph's with Daniel and me with Eli.

At first, we all try to avoid hurting each other too much but with hours of practicing of throwing each other over our shoulders and blocking punches Nessa asked that we fight each other full-on, this can go wrong in so many ways.

Daniel and Joseph go first. "By the way, I'm not gonna hold back so no complaints," Joseph says before Daniel throws the first punch, well none of them are playing around.

It takes a while for them to actually start sparing but when they do Daniel starts throwing a punch that Joseph goes around grabbing and locking his hand.

Soon after Daniel is able to turn him over and pinning him down "I thought you weren't holding back" he says and soon after saying that Joseph grabs Daniels hands crossing them as well as crossing his legs with Daniels turning him over and being the one pinning him down "I wasn't" he says as Nessa ends the sparing.

With the two of them not having super strength they did well, now it's me and Eli which should be interesting.

"Like Joseph said don't hold back," I say before I swing first that missed, good first try.

I can tell that Eli is hesitant to fight me but a few seconds after I think he got over it because he gets closer to swing at me that I of course can counter but he grabs both my hands and hour of instinct I kick him which was a mistake seeing how it sent him flying to hit a tree behind him.

"I'm so sorry," I say but he's laughing, I look over to see Nessa stopping our sparing and Joseph trying not to laugh. I hold out my hand and Eli takes it getting up "I think that's enough for one day, but on weekends we will continue practicing combat, gotta be ready for anything" Nessa says clapping before heading inside, I actually enjoyed this besides being able to send Eli flying.

I grab a water bottle before saying "I have to head home since I wasn't all day or yesterday" and Eli says the same thing, Daniel follows behind us and Joseph says "well I'll see you all tomorrow and I'll search for the grimoire. Wait Nessa where are you staying?"

She responds that she has an apartment. I get the feeling that she's been watching us since day one.

"Well good night everyone," I say and head my way home.

Walking all the way home I think of excuses as to why I wasn't home and why I spent the night at a friend's house again. I think a school project is a good one.

Before opening the door I prepare myself for the worst and head in.

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