Chapter 5: Eli Bennet

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After what felt like a painful dream I wake up to see that I'm in Joseph's house and Veronica is here, as well as that woman, Nessa, my body is in so much pain.

"So we're just going to act as if nothing happened?" I say trying to regain my strength and on Veronica's face is an expression of worry but on Joseph's is like he's unbothered, typical.

I look at the time and it's almost time for school, "shouldn't we get going?"

I ask but Nessa intervenes by saying "before you all go I still have a few more things to say" great of course there's more but we all hear her out "no one must know about you or me we don't know what could happen and we'll start training your abilities after school" she adds and the three of us set off to school.

Am I really a werewolf now? "do you guys feel any different?" I ask but they look confused "well nothing happened to me and that's it," Joseph says and Veronica follows with "I feel thirsty but not for water and the sun is much hotter but Nessa gave me this ring so I'm fine, what about you?"

I don't know how I feel, I feel fine but also I feel pain "I'm in a bit of pain but I'll survive," I say and we split to our classes, let's just get this over with.

As always I don't really focus in class but I can't get the thought of being a part of something bigger out of my head but it feels good.

Moving to my fourth class I see Joseph talking to a new kid and I get closer to hear their conversation but all I can hear is that new kid's name is Daniel and asked Joseph if he wanted to go out with him, of course, Joseph would get asked out. I walk to my fourth class.

I know that being mad at Joseph is a stupid thing but I can't help it, I just want this feeling to just go away.

Before I knew it class ended and it was lunchtime, I meet Joseph and Veronica at the cafeteria where they said they would be.

"So Joseph I heard you got asked out by that cute new kid huh?" Veronica says and he responds "it isn't anything big" last I heard that Joseph's and Veronica's friendship ended just like that it's almost nice seeing them getting along.

"So are we really doing this?" I ask and they both nod "yeah just meet me at my house after school" Joseph says but before taking a bite of his food he adds "we're also being hunted by Nessa's sister so be aware of that" and the faces on me and Veronicas face is like saying what the fuck.

Lunch ended and I try to find more ways to pass the time for school to end and I don't know why I never notice this but both Joseph and Veronica as well as the new kid is in my last class, history. Huh really is a small world.

During the lesson, Mr.Fritz wanted to share folklore about the three protectors of the world. The same folklore Mr.Fritz shares are the same story of the first supernaturals Nessa told us, looks like we aren't the only ones who know about this.

At the end of the class we group up to walk to Joseph's house but he is stopped by Daniel and tells him that their date will be at the diner at seven and I've never seen Joseph smile before but we head off once they stopped talking.

When we got to his home Nessa is waiting for us outside and we tell her about the folklore shared with us today, she responds "there are many different versions of this story but all are fake" and as she said that I remember I have to let my family know that I won't be home again until later.

Nessa adds on "before we can start training your abilities you must know that you guys are and only will be the supernaturals in your lifetime, the vampire can't make any more Vampires, the witch can't create a coven, and the werewolf can't reproduce werewolf's, got that?" We all nod but when she said all that it feels like it's also a curse.

"Now that we got out of the way I will help you gain a better understanding of your newfound powers and lives, I will try my best as the peacemaker to help you," she says and I couldn't help but laugh at the fact that she said peacemaker.

"I'm sorry peacemaker?" Asked Veronica and Nessa explains once more "yes the magic I gained allows me to use vast reaches of power"

Joseph intervenes by saying "so you're like the avatar?" With the annoyed look on Nessa's face is an answer enough "no I'm not like the avatar and you should start reading this basic magic book or look for your grandmother's grimoire" she says back grinning her teeth at Joseph, he gets up while saying "we'll I'll look for that later, you guys have fun but I have a date so I'll do all this later" and before Nessa can stop him he's gone.

Nessa begins to explain the abilities and effects of being a vampire and werewolf and I have to admit it's a lot to take in but it's now my life so I've got to get used to this.

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